energy flow
Dealing With Complex Energies In One Reading
When psychic does a reading we often pick up on more than one energy, because our spirit guides work in many directions at the same time. Sometimes all these energies can sometimes make a psychic reading very complex.
For example, in a reading I may pick up on the energy of three people at the same time – all of them associated with the situation in a different way. The first person may be a female who is very shy. She has a crush on someone and she is very nervous around this person. She is scared and nervous about talking to this man. She had been on dates before in the past and she had been hurt a lot, so it is hard for her to start a conversation.
When I shift to the man’s energy I might sense that his energy level is very calm and he had a good day, and he was relaxing. So, now I am dealing with two types of energy levels – one at peace and the other very nervous. Continue reading
The Psychic Well
The Psychic Well is where I go, or where I am sent to, every time I do a reading. I also go there when I do Reiki, when I write an article, or when I write a poem. The Psychic Well runs deeper than you may ever believe, and I include myself in that concept, because of what happens each time I go there.
As a Tarot card reader using Numerology, Astrology, auras and deep intuition, there are always days you don’t think you have any wisdom left to share. You feel as if you have no more empathy with which to feel another’s pain, because just as with any profession, you can suffer burnout.
Psychic burnout can be crippling for a healer, psychic reader or spiritualist medium. You can become almost paralyzed by it. You want to work, because it’s what you are meant to do. You want to write, because that’s all you know how to do. But you are unable to do either. The Psychic Well beckons you, but you have no energy to make it there. Continue reading
Psychic Connections
Some days, as a psychic reader, I want to just curl up in a ball and hide from the world. These are the days when nobody sees me and I stay in bed watching Charmed all day long. Sometimes for days on end. It helps me believe in magic again and helps me to recharge my psychic batteries. Other days I am on top of the world and psychically ready to take on anything!
It comes down to filters, really, and how much the professional psychic takes in every day. When I was a young reader, just starting out, I took everything to heart. So many times I would go outside, after a particularly difficult reading, and just cry my eyes out. One such time, an older reader came up to me and said, “you have to learn to let this all go through you, or you won’t last very long in.” And she had been reading at that time for 25 years, whereas I was just starting out. Continue reading
My Method Of Healing Balance
We all have the ability to help and to heal others, but for some of us it’s a calling we are drawn to in this lifetime.
I have studied and applied various healing techniques during my working career as a healer. I have always felt that no matter which technique we use, be it hands on healing, massage, or Reiki, healing actually comes ‘through’ us. When we open ourselves up as channels our spirit helpers can send healing energy through us that frequently creates powerful shifts within the patient. Often it is also to the disbelief of some medical practitioners.
I’ve created my own healing ‘blend’ from the various modalities I have studied, and I like to call this Healing Balance. Healing Balance works with particular access points into the body – the 7 major chakras and the minor chakras located mainly at the joints. These chakras or energy vortex centers are our connection with universal energy through which we access deep levels of healing. Continue reading
Spiritual Spring Clean
To bring about a fresh start, or to end a chapter in your life, a spiritual spring clean will assist in putting a spring in your step towards getting ahead.
Firstly, you may wish to begin with a little de-cluttering. If you are accustomed to being surrounded by loads of personal belongings, it may take a little while adjusting to having more open space, but you will enjoy the openness as you allow new material things and experiences to fill, what you temporarily feel is a bit of a void.
Do follow your heart though should you like your environment to be filled with objects, but make sure those treasured items have good memories attached to them and that they are functional – a broken clock would be non-functional. Continue reading
Do You Know Your Life Purpose?
We have all experienced times in our lives when we are unsure about our life path. Do you know what your life purpose is? To be blessed, to recognize your purpose, and to live it actively and consciously is one of life’s truly highest gifts.
My personal definition of my life’s purpose is the exploration of the spiritual and unseen realms in order to perpetuate my own immortal infinite journey.
My goal is to use that knowledge to enlighten others in order to reduce universal chaos and assist in restoration of balance. In short, to be a Source of Light and Illumination for everything in the Universe, to have the honor and pleasure to pass this knowledge on to others that want to receive it. Continue reading
Psychic Vampires and Energy Thieves
Many empaths and highly sensitive people believe that some of the individuals they deal with daily are psychic vampires or energy thieves.
I believe this is a myth and a misconception. Yes, I admit, I have felt this way myself on many occasions in the past, until I discovered some truths about the matter. Once the facts were revealed to me, it changed my outlook radically.
It is simply impossible for anyone to drain or ‘steal’ your energy. Believing this to be possible implies that there is a limited source of energy available, which we have to share and compete over. This reeks of lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, the very things that cause so much conflict, rivalry, antagonism, struggle and suffering in the world. Continue reading