Astrology Forecast September 18 – 24, 2023
We start the week under a Scorpio Moon today and tomorrow, which will either have us exploring the mystical and metaphysical, or throwing all our focus into an intense project. Either way, we will be intent on finding out about and mastering something new.
The Sagittarius Moon will introduce a more light-hearted energy on Wednesday and Thursday, so we may be more inclined to goof off or daydream than get any actual work done.
Thursday a Sagittarius Moon sextile with Mars in Libra in the late afternoon, followed by a trine with Venus in Leo in the early evening, creates a unique opportunity for successful business networking over drinks or the ideal time to meet up for a romantic dinner date.
Friday afternoon a Sagittarius Half Moon might cause some trouble at work or disagreements with the family. Avoid the temptation of getting caught up in other people’s drama and take a few deep breaths before you react.
We’ll close the week out under a Capricorn Moon, choosing to focus on our physical surroundings and activities that improve our health or security. Capricorn also has its fun-loving side, so don’t forget to put aside a few hours for some socializing or relaxing.
The astrological highlight this week is the Sun’s entry into Libra on Saturday, which will mark the start of a new season. Libra is famous for creating loving relationships, restoring balance and expanding our perception to see beyond the obvious to the hidden aspects of any situation.
Keep Seeking The Light Beyond The Darkness
I do a trivia quiz almost every day to keep my mind stimulated and strong. This morning the question was: What is achluophobia? Well, it is the fear of the dark, which is a somewhat reasonable phobia since we instinctively want to be able to see what is going on around us in order to survive. However, as I thought about it more, I realized that we also have the same need to ‘see the light’ on a spiritual level.
The darkness of evil, hatred and despair is always out there, lurking in the background, trying to sneak into our hearts and minds and take over. There is a spiritual war going on in our hearts and minds every day.
As we are increasingly drawn into the darkness, we are also increasingly hit with setbacks, hurdles, heartaches, and hardships. Then, in our entitlement and arrogance, we wonder why God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, is not doing anything to help us? Why have we been abandoned? Is there even a higher, divine power that can come to our aid?
It is amazing how many people at one time or another indulge in the thought, the notion that the very God, Source, Spirit, Divine, Universe that guides, protects and provides for us, actually takes the time to also hate, punish or destroy us.
All we have to do is observe the miracle of nature to know that this is not true. Every little miracle of nature, every tree and plant, every stone, every living being has a reason and a purpose to exist in the wonderful mechanics of our planet.
Rebuild Your Trust In A Benevolent Universe
Have you ever watched a child learn to ride a bicycle? There is a certain excitement associated with this rite of passage as youngsters wholeheartedly embrace the possibility of being able to soon ride down the street without help.
The first time they get on a bike, they have no prior knowledge or experience to compare it to. Nevertheless, it is usually easy for most children to accept that they will be able to accomplish this task.
Most kids, in their innocence, focus on the joy, freedom and fulfillment of riding a bike rather than worrying about not being able to do it, let alone falling and getting hurt. They also don’t think in terms of good or bad ‘luck’ determining their ultimate success, nor do they imagine that riding a bike is a special gift, talent or privilege reserved only for certain people.
Perhaps this self-belief stems in part from an encouraging parent who has confidently assured the young person that they will indeed be able to achieve this skill. Perhaps the child has seen other children learn to do it and therefore trusts that they can do it, too.
The thing about children is not so much that they blindly or foolishly trust, but simply that, unlike most adults, they have not yet learned to distrust. Being able to trust as an adult is therefore not so much a matter of learning to trust, but of regaining the ability to trust that we once had, until we lost some or all of it through trauma, disappointment, betrayal, or hardship.
Astrology Forecast September 11 – 17, 2023
There’s lots of positive cosmic energy this week, starting with a bold Leo Moon today and tomorrow that will have us feeling confident, generous and self-expressive. We will also be more likely to seek pleasure and enjoyment in our personal life, instead of focusing on work and everyday responsibilities. This morning the Leo Moon sextile Mars in Libra will fortunately inspire positive social interaction at work, so make the most of this aspect to network and build rapport with coworkers.
We can get more work done on Wednesday under the Virgo Moon, which casts some extra energy our way to get paperwork and detailed projects cleared away once and for all. And once we do, the Virgo New Moon on Thursday will pave the way to inspired new projects or goals we are ready to pursue.
Mercury will resume forward motion on Friday, ending its three week retrograde cycle and those annoying communication and electronic anomalies it’s so notorious for! It could however take a week or two before its effects clear completely, but we’ll notice right away things taking a more positive direction.
The Moon cruises through Libra Friday through Sunday, promising a weekend full of joy, relaxation, and heartfelt interactions with all those around us. Saturday night’s Libra Moon sextile Venus in Leo sets the scene for the perfect romantic date or a lovely evening at home with friends and family over a sumptuous home-cooked meal.
Raising An Old Soul
We have more people on the planet now than ever before. That means we have more old souls, and more new ones. Many parents are raising old souls and are struggling with how different it is from the information in all of the parenting books and blogs out there.
If your child is an old soul, which is one who has lived many past lives, they probably were your parent at one time. On some level they know and remember this and may challenge your authority, and change in roles. Thus, the power struggle so many parents go through.
I have been working with children for decades and have had many of them tell me their past life stories. I’ve heard, “I used to be a princess” and “I used to have a sister” or “My mom says we’re not having another baby, but I know I have a little brother coming!”
I’ve also had children tell me how they died in another life or how their mom isn’t their “real” mom. One boy told me he remembered being born. He remembered leaving the light and coming through a tunnel. It was a difficult decision to come back to Earth.
Another gifted child I worked with was able to find lost items, when his parents asked him where something was that had been misplaced. Just the faith that they had in him and the unquestioning belief that he could find these items helped him open up an invaluable gift that will serve him and others in life. Old souls also tend to have unusual or extraordinary gifts, talents and interests which should be nurtured for the greater good.
The Personal Power Of Your Life Path Number
Numerology is based on the idea that there is a mystical relationship between numbers and destiny. It originated from the ancient practice of assigning numerical values to words and names, and attributing spiritual symbolism to such numbers.
In Ancient Greece, the mystic Pythagoras further developed this concept proposing that numbers are divinely inspired creations that carry sacred codes. This led to a system of divination that is still used today, and Pythagoras is therefore considered the father of modern numerology.
There are different systems of numerology that share some common principles, such as Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalistic and Chinese numerology.
Numerology, however, is not fortune-telling in the traditional sense, as it does not simply attempt to prophecy or predict the future. Instead, numerology aims to reveal information about our personality, talents and gifts, our life path and purpose, as well as our potential and destiny.
In numerology, each of us has a set of unique, individual numbers known as our core numbers. These numbers are calculated from our date of birth, letters of our name, and other personal information. By analyzing the core numbers associated with us, we can gain insight into our personality, talents, challenges, opportunities, and spiritual lessons.
Astrology Forecast September 4 – 10, 2023
Jupiter goes retrograde today in Taurus where it will be the rest of the year. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and risk-taking. It also rules higher truth, law, philosophy, and spiritual wisdom.
When Jupiter goes retrograde, these influences are turned inward and we may find ourselves reflecting more on our personal and spiritual growth, and where we may lack the courage and determination to make necessary changes in our lives.
In Taurus, Jupiter’s retrograde energy will steer our self-reflection over the next few months towards new opportunities for growth and future possibilities for expansion; recognizing where we may have been lazy in our past efforts; the need to improve our financial situation by saving and investing for the future; evaluating where our lives may currently lack security and stability; and revising our goals and plans to include more effort and risk-taking in the future.
A Taurus Moon today and tomorrow makes these first two days the most productive of the week. Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Wednesday, social interaction will take center stage as we enjoy being around people and making new friends.
Our attention will shift to learning new things and sharing our thoughts and ideas with others. This is also a great time to network and build business relationships. But try not to be restless and stay focused to make the most of this transit.
Things will ease up on Friday and Saturday under a nurturing Cancer Moon that turns our attention to the comforts of home and family. If you are empathic or highly sensitive, you may feel a strong desire to care for others over the weekend. It is good to be kind and nurturing, but be careful not to do so at the expense of your own self-care. In order to truly be there for others, we must also care for ourselves.
Fortunately, there will be a great opportunity for some quality ‘me time’ on Sunday, when the Moon moves into Leo, giving you a chance to nurture yourself and indulge in your favorite battery recharging activities.