What Brings True Happiness?
Sitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.
This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading
Soul Scribes – Writing As Soul Craft
Out of all the creative activities we perform, perhaps none is more of a channel into our inner workings and those of the Universe, than writing. You may be saying that you’re not much of a writer? False! Everyone is a ‘soul scribe’ and everyone has a story to tell.
The real purpose of soul writing or soul journaling is not necessarily to tell a story with a beginning and end at all. It’s about the journey, and not the destination. When we write, particularly by hand, we are tapping our subconscious. The more we incorporate it into our daily routine, the more we start to see patterns and symbols emerge.
If you’re just beginning, remember that it takes at least thirty days to build a new habit. Don’t be concerned with correctness, spelling, grammar, or neatness. When you write, put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you. It you feel so inclined, add doodles or flourishes to your work. Remember, you’re putting a part of yourself down on paper. Continue reading
Third Eye Awakening
The third eye is the chakra or energy center that is associated with clear thought. Many equate this to intuition, but it really goes beyond that. It empowers us to gain spiritual ‘sight’ related to all circumstances of life.
When the third eye is ‘closed,’ it is difficult for us to recognize the purpose of what we are experiencing and it also inhibits us from having an unclouded vision of the present. Our egotistic perceptions can then get in the way and we are unable to shift our situation into a more positive experience.
If you feel as though this energy center is blocked, there are simple steps to unclog your spiritual sight and awaken your third eye.
Visioning or Visualization
Visioning and visualization are tools that you can use to mentally envision a future that you desire. This can be as simple as envisioning a positive day at work or school, to envisioning a major goal that you want to accomplish as you move forward in life. Continue reading
Lunar Energy Can Enhance Your Life
The moon may have a somewhat modest appearance, but it has a strong influence, both physically and mentally, on us human beings. When the Moon is full, some people tend to experience poor sleep, for example, and children may be noisier than usual.
The Moon is a feminine energy and therefore she hides, shines, waxes and wanes, and we all sense her influence, be that on a conscious or an unconscious level. But one can dance to the tune of the Moon and so experience all the energy and harmony it can bring.
So, how exactly does the Moon have the effect that it does? Continue reading
Healing With Music And Sound
“Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak,” wrote William Congreve in his classic poem, The Mourning Bride. He seems to have understood that music can soothe anyone who might be be stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious or depressed.
Studies indicate that music and sound heal us in a multitude of way, perhaps even at the cellular level. Long-term patients, nursing home residents, and chronically depressed people have been found to experience healing through sound.
Ancient cultures from Egypt to Japan to Australia used the secrets of healing sound. What these long-ago people instinctively knew, we now attribute to the effect of certain wavelengths upon our brains to calm, relax, and heal. As with acupuncture, these sounds may be able to reset our internal balances and remove negative energies. Continue reading
The Spiritual Symbolism Of Labyrinths And Mazes
As a child I always enjoyed visiting the English Tudor homes open to the public, particularly Hampton Court, which had a maze to run into, hide in the hedgerow, get to the centre and then find my way back out. Hearing the cackle and playful squealing of other children, even bumping into others as I turned a corner, and encountering many dead ends en-route to the centre, made for a thrilling experience.
I also remember at the circus being in a maze of the hall of mirrors and trying to find my way through so many weird reflections of myself. Frustration would rise up inside of me as joy turned to brief concern or panic. Later I moved to solving mazes in the puzzle books.
There is a distinct difference between a maze and a labyrinth. Mazes are often thought to have, in earnest been established circa 13th century, with one of the most famous being Hampton Court in England. Yet, in fact, maze-like structures were found under buildings from the Roman Empire days, and even used around castles in Medieval Europe to confuse the enemy. So, mazes demonstrated or represented a challenge, it creates the potential for confusion through its many changes in direction and dead ends, forcing one to retrace ones steps. Continue reading