Life Design
Releasing A Toxic Relationship
Many of us have held onto a toxic relationship (which includes friendships) because of our mind trying to convince us that it will change. It will get better. I can fix this other person. I will wait for this other person to realize what they have in me. This person is my soulmate, I know it. This person is the only one, there will never be another.
So many excuses, so little truth.
It will not change. If a relationship or a friendship is toxic today, yes, it will change and become more toxic as the days, weeks and months pass.
It will not get better. You are trying to convince yourself it will get better with time with someone, when they finally start to realize that you are there no matter what. This is a huge misconception. Toxic relationships cannot change and the loss will be harder the longer you hold onto this person.
You cannot ‘fix’ your partner. No one can fix another person. No one can change another person. Each individual has to do their own work to clear the toxic or damaged parts of themselves. They have to do it for themselves, or it will never last.
The Moon’s Phases Of Love
Followers of Astrology accept that the planets affect the cycles in our lives, including our love lives. But did you know the Moon’s phases, which span roughly 29 days, are each a reflection of a different stage in a relationship?
The New Moon is a broader symbol of new beginnings and is the perfect time to begin something brand new. Try inviting a new love interest into your life, if you are unattached, or if you have a partner, try to take it to another level!
When the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase (growing from new), put in some extra work in your love life and build on momentum. It’s also a perfect time for self-reflection and troubleshooting.
At First Quarter it’s time to stop, take a few steps back, and look objectively at your relationship. Do you need to make adjustments? Is this a relationship you really want to pursue?
A Sense of Purpose – A Message From My Guides
We are aware that sometimes life on the Earth plane seems overly difficult, or perhaps even futile at times. Depending on where you are in life, what you have achieved and how satisfied you are with the outcomes, these thoughts can be dreary indeed.
Take heart. There is no magic timeline within which you must accomplish great and wonderful things to impress others. You are at liberty to structure your life in a myriad of ways, in the time frame that suits you best.
Take the opportunity to reframe your criteria for success. There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to realizing your ultimate purpose in life. Each person is unique. No two paths are the same. Your journeys, therefore, will not be identical.
How To Connect With Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael can bring love, light and protection into your life. One of his many roles is to help release worry and fear so that you can fully embrace all of the light and love that the angelic realm has to offer you!
Fortunately, Archangel Michael is very easy for us to communicate with, as it is his job to aid humanity directly. He also connect with us via the energy of the Sun and he is one of the Archangels that is positioned closest to our physical reality. Michael is also the overseer of clairaudience, as well as the governor of all the guardian angels.
Should you be seeking a more exciting life, full of passion and fun, then you certainly need to call upon Archangel Michael. By connecting with him you will become the beneficiary of his loving support and guidance throughout your earthly experience!
A Sense Of Curiosity – A Message From My Guides
It is customary these days to get information instantly by using various methods of modern technology. Knowledge of all kinds is at your fingertips whenever you need it. Although some research is mandated for school or work projects, while other inquiries are conducted to satisfy a general need to know, we challenge you to look at your world from a different viewpoint and conduct a different kind of search.
Allow time to stand still every now and then. Extend your curiosity internally. Take some time to reflect on your past decisions, current situations and potential future.
The past can be a delightful place to visit in order to reminisce about wonderful experiences, evaluate decisions or learn from events, however, we do not suggest that you ‘live’ there permanently. When you consider some of the questionable choices you might have made, be kind to yourself as you ponder what was decided and why. Remember that your younger self will not have had the benefit of the great experience, wisdom and insight from which you can learn now.