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There Are Silver Linings In These Difficult Times

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI remember my mom used to say that nothing good can ever come from something bad. While I fully understand her rationale, today I respectfully beg to differ. Even the darkest clouds can have the brightest silver linings!

Like most people, you are probably also sick and tired by now of reading, hearing and talking about Covid-19. However, this pandemic is a perfect example of how we can derive something good from something that has proven to be so incredibly challenging.

Of course, these benefits do come at an extremely high cost and we would all have preferred not to have this calamity happen in the first place. Even so, there are also blessings in every curse. The coronavirus pandemic appears to have at least had the following beneficial effects on making our world a better place.


During lockdown, nitrogen levels is said to have dropped significantly and experts say this may have resulted in a healthier planet, although the long-term effect remains to be seen. Nitrogen pollution is believed to be detrimental to our water quality, the quality of the air we breathe, the health of ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Apparently, for the first time in years, clean water ran through the Venetian canals, Delhi enjoyed blue skies, and the air quality in China improved considerably. Not only that, reports suggest that the quality of air around the globe has also improved and in some places wild animals were roaming wildly and freely in their natural habitat.


Covid-19 has also revolutionized how many of us work and will continue to work in the future. Many working people have experienced the benefits of working from home. For one, there is less commuter stress, less money spent on fuel and other expenses, and more time for family and home life. Estimates suggest that people working from home will be financially better off by doing so. In addition, many of us can now enjoy an enhanced work-life balance by being more in control of our working hours.

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Astrological Forecast January 25 – 31, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury will be turning retrograde on Saturday, but we will start to see the effects of it as early as today. If you haven’t done so already, back up your phone, computer and electronic devices, just to be safe!

Mercury’s semi-sextile with Venus this week reminds us to realign our heart and mind, instead of just following one or the other. It is also a great time to read beautifully written words, or listen to well-spoken words, so read or listen that novel you have been putting off for so long, or start writing you own!

We may lean toward more spiritual and emotional stances with the Moon traveling through Cancer today until Wednesday, so don’t worry if you can’t seem to get much done. Just go with the flow and stay alert to any intuitive messages that come your way.

Our energy will spark up again on Thursday as the Moon waxes full in fiery Leo. This is also known as the Wolf Moon, so if you feel like getting out there and howling at the Moon, now you know why!

This Moon sets off a two week period of release, allowing us to let go of any old mindsets or imagined restrictions that are holding us back. With the Sun traveling through Aquarius now, that means thinking outside the box, changing your regular routine, and embracing innovative ways to get to your dreams and goals.

We’ll spend the weekend under a Virgo Moon, and with Mercury going retrograde on Saturday, it’s best to lay low, try not to overthink things, and keep your opinions to yourself!

The Secret Power of Enlightened Beings

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEnlightened beings feel powerful because they are allowing and connecting to an unlimited source of energy. Divine Energy is eternal, unlimited and available to all who seek it. It is continuously pouring forth. Just like the Sun, it has never stopped shining since the beginning of time.

Accessing more of the Divine Source is a choice we make every day and only possible if we are truly in alignment with spirit. Enlightened beings use all of the energy available to them to manifest the truth. ­The enlightened and spiritually awakened do not drag the veils of illusion into their daily reality.

Each and every time we make a healing change in our everyday reality, we free up energy that can be applied to seeking our spiritual truth instead. Imagine how powerful and limitless you can be if you choose to do this in your own life. This is  true, ageless power, not the illusory power bought with money, status, petty human obsessions or material possessions. And that is what we should all be going after.

The central perception of enlightened humans is that they are never alone. If you live with the limiting belief that life is experienced with only the five physical senses and consists only of that which can be observed and measured in the material world, you will surely miss out on the miracles, blessings and divine guidance that is so freely available to each and every one of us.

Receiving an intuitive forewarning that prevents us from entering a dangerous situation is an example of divine guidance. These messages are from our spiritual essence and our inner guidance system to help us along our path in life.

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Work Through The Fear, Obligation And Guilt (FOG)

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comReflecting on my life I have found how many of my early life experiences have subconsciously influenced me, mostly due to a lack of awareness that allowed fear, a sense of obligation and guilt to remain hidden.

These hidden influences mostly come from my formative years and became obstacles I had to repeatedly struggle with in my adult life with regards relationships, career, finances, family and community.

Once I discovered these non-empowering beliefs, it was time for me to get out of the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt). In hindsight, several things I was unaware of in my family’s dynamics, were actually ‘seeds’ hidden beneath the surface that in time sprouted into personal challenges and self-sabotage.


Fear and insecurity are frequent visitors for many of us in all areas of life. I was constantly focused on the negative and worst-case scenarios. This is because our brain is wired this way for the purpose of survival. Much of it also depends on our upbringing. So, we must recognize this and catch ourselves early on, in order to shift our thoughts and emotions in a positive direction.

We must be cognitive of our behaviors and explore where in our life we have learned these negative, fear-based responses. Fear is a natural part of life, but can easily become a ‘whack-a-mole’ of frustration, anxiety, uncertainty and indecision, always showing up at the most inconvenient times.

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Truths In Your Astrological Chart

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAn astrological chart can be a wonderful tool – a marvelous means of gaining insight into who we are as a person. Reading your astrological chart and having it interpreted correctly is the only way to be able to use this tool effectively.

Many people think that their Sun Sign is the only important aspect to know, and little do they realize that it is a mere piece of the astrological puzzle.

We are complex beings, made up of a variety of astrological aspects. It is important to combine all these elements and influences, in order to truly function at the level of which we are capable. The world around us needs a combination of things to ensure the continuation of life and we are exactly the same.

If you over water a plant you can kill it. Too much, or too little, fresh air and sunlight may or may not damage a plant. We are just another expression of nature, except that we have arms and legs.

For example, a young lady has her Sun in Taurus, her Moon and her Venus in Aries and her Ascendant (or rising sign) in Libra. Let’s go one further, and say that all these planets fall into her Seventh House. Can you determine what this young lady’s Achilles heel might be? In other words, what might her downfall or her soft spot be?

The answer is love. The reason for this is that her Moon (who she is on the inside, her deepest darkest self) is in Aries – a fiery passionate sign, prone to impulse. Her Venus is also in Aries, and her rising sign Libra (the ultimate lover). They are all in or near enough to the seventh house, which rules love and partners, to just about control every aspect of her being, until she has been properly ‘broken in’, just like you would a wild horse.

She has great, harsh lessons to learn in her life about love. She will, no doubt, while she is younger and more resilient (at least in her mind) fall in love many times a day, and for each moment give it her absolute all.

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Astrological Forecast January 18 – 24, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAn Aries Moon showcases the start of the workweek, inspiring us into action today through Wednesday, which will definitely prove to be our most productive days of the week.

The Sun moves into Aquarius tomorrow, ushering out the diligent vibes of Capricorn and instilling us with expanded vision, innovative ideas, and a longing to make sweeping changes over the next month.

This month the energy of Aquarius will also encourage us to reflect on our relationship to society and the humanitarian causes that inspire us. If you have not already, now is a good time to find your tribe of like-minded people who share your vision for a better world.

Thursday and Friday are ideal for physical activities and projects, financial concerns, and addressing health issues as the Moon marches through grounded Taurus.

When the Moon moves into Gemini on Saturday, the weekend will be all about communication, electronics, updating your social media, and reaching out to people you’ve lost touch with.

Whether you’re surfing the information highway or chatting the hours away on the phone with loved ones, you can be sure that intellectual pursuits and fun will be at the top of your list.

Still Hanging On To The Wrong Person?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you still hanging on to the wrong person? I know you adore him. I know you love her. I understand that you believe you are soulmates and ‘meant to be.’

But be aware that your beloved has free will. If they are not exactly alignment with you, no matter how you strongly feel about them, nothing will come of your ‘situationship.’ They are on their own journey and you cannot will someone to be your lover or life partner. It is nothing more than the beginning of a colossal heartbreak.

I have witnessed many love-struck people hang on for years to someone that has either left them for good, or kept stringing them along. Some of them have even married and had children with someone else, and yet, they still hang on. They often fervently believe their love interest will someday return to them and then they will live happily ever after. Well, the truth of the matter is that they will not. The other person has made their choice and walked away for a reason.

This new year, with all that has been going on in the world, it may be time to take a few deep breaths and have a self-reflective moment. Take a good, hard look at your life choices and your relationships.

If you are making unwise, self-sabotaging choices, consider what it may be that is not feeding your soul? What is it that is really missing in your life? Maybe it is time to release what no longer serves you. Simply let it go. Find your inner peace, and just be happy and content with yourself and who you truly are.

As a psychic advisor, I encounter the good, the bad and the ugly. I have seen much trauma and damage done, sometimes almost irreparable, to people in toxic relationships and love obsessions. Marriages of several years simply falling apart or ‘trusted’ partner walking out with zero notice. I have watched many go through failed relationship after failed relationship, always with the same results. The result is always the same: excruciating heartbreak.

When the victims of these bad relationship choices are encouraged to do some soul-searching, to see what it is inside of them that is compelling them to go back to the same type of person, time and time again, they are offended and become angry.

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