How To Deal With Toxic People
At times most of us have to deal with toxic people. It seems these days they are popping up everywhere in some way, shape or form. We do our best to understand them. And often we make excuses for why we continue to tolerate them. Year after year.
Fact is, some folks just aren’t going to change. No matter how much patience we give them. We may make up excuses for why we continue to share and hold space for them. But it is in vain.
Sometimes it takes a wake-up call from a doctor who tells us we suffer from stress-related illness, such as high blood pressure or anxiety, to make us realize that dis-ease does in fact cause disease.
I have done readings for several women who have told me they have serious health issues and they believe it is caused from the stress they have to endure from co-workers, or the people they have to live with, or those whom they are married to.
I have given lots of helpful advice to my clients in these matters, but I decided to step it up a notch and spend a month connecting with spirit and asking for a good list of items I can share in this blog that could maybe help you too.
Releasing A Toxic Relationship
Many of us have held onto a toxic relationship (which includes friendships) because of our mind trying to convince us that it will change. It will get better. I can fix this other person. I will wait for this other person to realize what they have in me. This person is my soulmate, I know it. This person is the only one, there will never be another.
So many excuses, so little truth.
It will not change. If a relationship or a friendship is toxic today, yes, it will change and become more toxic as the days, weeks and months pass.
It will not get better. You are trying to convince yourself it will get better with time with someone, when they finally start to realize that you are there no matter what. This is a huge misconception. Toxic relationships cannot change and the loss will be harder the longer you hold onto this person.
You cannot ‘fix’ your partner. No one can fix another person. No one can change another person. Each individual has to do their own work to clear the toxic or damaged parts of themselves. They have to do it for themselves, or it will never last.
The Spirit Of Trees
As I remember it, the house that I lived in for the first five years of my life was huge. Just a few weeks ago, I took a little trip the that very home. When I drove by, I saw it was for sale. I decided to park in the drive and walk around.
As I made my way to the backyard it was just the same as I remembered it – only much smaller! The trees in the back, dividing the neighbors yard and ours, are still there, as well as the porch that was built off the back of the house. The huge birch tree is also still out front and still alive and well. I looked in the windows and it all seemed pretty much as I remembered it. I have wonderful memories of that home.
I remember growing up around lot of trees and thinking how they were my friends. Trees are indeed our friends. They are a wonderful gift to this planet. Sometimes we sit under them and read a book, take a nap, climb them. And we cut them down and make paper and all kind of things with them, homes, and so forth.
How To Send Spiritual Protection To A Loved One
When you are separated from loved ones due to distance or circumstance, you can use a simple ritual to send them light, protection and love. Intention and focus gives this ritual it’s wings, as you request protection from Spirit on behalf of another. It ensures that you enlist help for them in the most powerful way possible!
This ritual is especially useful for distant loved ones who may be facing health problems, who are traveling, or those in the midst of dangerous or emotionally traumatic situations.
Wear yellow when performing this ritual. Play music that reminds you of the person you are requesting protection for. This ritual can be performed whenever the need arises, and continued on a nightly basis if need be. Continue reading
How To Connect With Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael can bring love, light and protection into your life. One of his many roles is to help release worry and fear so that you can fully embrace all of the light and love that the angelic realm has to offer you!
Fortunately, Archangel Michael is very easy for us to communicate with, as it is his job to aid humanity directly. He also connect with us via the energy of the Sun and he is one of the Archangels that is positioned closest to our physical reality. Michael is also the overseer of clairaudience, as well as the governor of all the guardian angels.
Should you be seeking a more exciting life, full of passion and fun, then you certainly need to call upon Archangel Michael. By connecting with him you will become the beneficiary of his loving support and guidance throughout your earthly experience!