Just Imagine The Possibilities
John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people living life in peace”. Now imagine the possibilities if each person learned to express that same peace within themselves. Sooner or later, all people would enjoy true peace. It would spread like wildfire!
Possibilities are something that each being hopes for. Each human, each animal and each tree that is growing. All of living creatures and entities somehow imagine possibilities. But, do they imagine the worst or the best outcome?
Animals expect love. They also crave affection and hope, but always to be loved. Trees hope to grow high, up into the sky, spreading their branches wherever they can, much to the chagrin of some homeowners! But when it comes to humans, it seems we have a different inclination. Do we imagine the best outcome, the best possibility? Or do we tend to envision the worst of the ‘what if’ scenario? Continue reading
Psychic Vampires and Energy Thieves
Many empaths and highly sensitive people believe that some of the individuals they deal with daily are psychic vampires or energy thieves.
I believe this is a myth and a misconception. Yes, I admit, I have felt this way myself on many occasions in the past, until I discovered some truths about the matter. Once the facts were revealed to me, it changed my outlook radically.
It is simply impossible for anyone to drain or ‘steal’ your energy. Believing this to be possible implies that there is a limited source of energy available, which we have to share and compete over. This reeks of lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, the very things that cause so much conflict, rivalry, antagonism, struggle and suffering in the world. Continue reading
Angels and Spirit Guides
I am often asked whether I have spirit guides and angels who support me in my work. I am also asked whether I believe in ghosts and demons. My answers to these questions are both yes, and no.
The existence of non-physical beings has always fascinated mankind. We continue to be intrigued by the presence of spiritual entities from other realms, planes or dimensions.
It is an aspect of our spiritual experience that is often the focal point for much discussion, speculation, debate, and sometimes also controversy and conflict. There are many similarities in the range of experiences and encounters reported. However, there is also much disparity and many contradictions in that which people see and believe.
The most commonly sited encounters include the spirits of family members, who have crossed over, as well as guardian angels, celestial guides, elementals and also extraterrestrial beings. Continue reading