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Master Your Dream Experiences With Lucid Dreaming

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Sometimes we experience dreams so graphically that they blur the line between fantasy and reality. We’ve all had those amazingly vivid dreams of winning the lottery, flying over a city, or meeting a beloved celebrity, only to wake up and wonder for a moment, “Did it really happen?

These dreams leave us longing to relive them, to feel the thrill of those amazing moments again. The good news is, it is possible! We can control our dreams, shape the narrative, and bend reality as we sleep through lucid dreaming-a practice that allows you to shape and control your dreams.

By practicing lucid dreaming, you unlock and enjoy a whole new dimension of your subconscious mind and the astral realm.

Lucid dreaming occurs when you become consciously aware that you’re dreaming while still in the dream. This awareness opens up a potential playground where the usual laws of physics are suspended, allowing you to create, manipulate, and explore any dream scenario you desire. Unlike typical dreams, where events unfold outside of your control, lucid dreaming puts the dreamer in the driver’s seat.

Lucid dreaming techniques tap into your brain’s natural creative processes, allowing you to influence the storyline, environment, and even the people in your dream world. Scientific studies have shown that lucid dreaming is a real phenomenon and not just an abstract concept or superstition. Research has also demonstrated that lucid dreaming can be cultivated through various techniques, and it has been studied extensively in the fields of psychology and neuroscience.

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Move Forward With Faith, Not Fear!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!“Should I be wary or worried about anything in my future?” is a question I often get when I do psychic readings.

This question reflects a pervasive sense of anxiety that seems to be spreading in recent years, driven not only by personal concerns in a fast-paced world, but also by our constant exposure to negativity in the media and on social platforms. We are inundated these days with information that promotes a fearful outlook on life.

Another source of anxiety I have found with some of my first-time clients over the years is the disturbing “readings” they have had with unethical charlatans. These clients then call me and my colleagues at carrying the weight of dire warnings or ominous predictions they have received elsewhere.

Some of these people really struggle to find hope or peace. They often need reassurance that their lives are not destined for suffering or disaster, and many of them also don’t realize that they have the personal power to choose their path with their intentions, beliefs and actions.

I recall a particularly extreme case of a young woman and her mother who contacted me for a reading shortly after suffering a tragic loss. Their loved one, the young woman’s father, had ended his own life just two weeks earlier. Their healing journey was complicated by a disturbing message they had received from a “spirit medium” who claimed to have communicated with the deceased.

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How Pluto in Aquarius Will Shape Our Future

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Today marks a momentous occasion in astrology, as the planet Pluto makes its long-awaited entry into the constellation of Aquarius. This powerful transit marks one of the most significant astrological events of our lifetime – a transformative two-decade journey that will last until 2044, setting the stage for profound changes in both our personal and collective lives.

Along with Uranus and Neptune, Pluto has a longer orbit and is therefore able to significantly affect the lives of entire generations. In fact, Pluto makes only a few major transits in the average person’s lifetime due to its very slow orbit around the Sun. It takes the planet about 248 years to complete a single orbit, so it passes through only a few signs in the course of a human lifetime.

Known as the planet of transformation, power and the subconscious, Pluto deeply influences social structures, collective beliefs and hidden desires. It is one of the most influential generational planets in the zodiac.

Pluto’s entry into Aquarius promises a period of profound evolution, reform, and rethinking of societal norms. This shift from the structured and hierarchical influence of Capricorn to the forward-thinking and humanitarian energy of Aquarius ushers in a new era in which old systems give way to more inclusive, progressive and visionary approaches.

Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Historically this was a period of significant social and technological change, including the American and French Revolutions and the early stages of the Industrial Revolution. The last time Pluto transited Aquarius, it sparked major shifts in power structures, political ideologies, and a focus on individual rights and collective freedoms – themes that are likely to resurface with Pluto re-entering Aquarius today.

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Always Choose Your Gut Over Your Heart And Mind

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We all have a higher purpose in this lifetime, and yet many never awaken to it, much less achieve it, because their ego has become more prominent in their lives than their higher self.

How do you know if what you are doing is for your highest good? How do you make sure you are aligned with your soul purpose? How do you know if what you want out of life is based on your worldly desires instead of your spiritual mission in this lifetime?

Well, you listen to your inner guidance. You trust your intuition. You follow your gut.

When you were born, a deep-seated dream was placed within you. As children we are often more in touch with our true calling or purpose, but many of us lose that awareness as we grow older. Unfortunately, it has been buried by the expectations of society and the many distractions of the material world.

Often our parents, peers, teachers, and mentors play a significant role in this process of shutting down our spiritual awareness. Has anyone ever laughed at you when you told them what you wanted to do or be? Did someone say, “Go back and think about that because it will never happen”? Each of us has a different story as to why we do or don’t achieve our dreams in life.

Today is the day to decide, “I will achieve my dreams as long as they come from the spirit and are for my highest good.” It is time to look at your dreams for your life from a deeper perspective.

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Start Living Your Best Life, Today!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many years ago, my work took me to the lavishly decorated penthouse of a client who was a retired physician. I remember being in awe of the magnificent collection of books that lined the walls of his home.

“Your book collection is truly amazing,” I remember saying as I entered his beautiful home.

“Well, I worked very hard all my life, and one of my little pleasures outside of work was to buy all the books I felt inspired to read. Unfortunately, because I was always so busy and worked very long hours, I had put off reading most of them. But I constantly reminded myself that one day, when I retire, I would read all these wonderful books,” he said. “Unfortunately, it is too late for that now.”

It was too late…because he had tragically gone blind from an illness.

I will never forget that heartbreaking moment, standing in that lovely room lined with some of the most wonderful works of literature ever published. To this day, it reminds me of the importance of doing the things that bring us joy while we can.

The moral of the story is that although the blind doctor did wonderful things for his patients and the medical profession, he didn’t take much time for his own joy and fulfillment in the present moment.

This is why we need to live our lives in the now! Too often we put off our passions because we think there’s always time. But living fully in the present allows us to appreciate each moment, which fuels joy and fulfillment.

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Always Stay True To Your Soul Path And Purpose

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Visiting a nursing home or retirement community and interacting with the residents can be a life-changing experience!

I recently had the opportunity to interact with a group of seniors and one of the things I asked them was, “If you could go back in time and start over, what would you do differently?”

To my surprise, the biggest regret most of them have is that they wish they had been more true to themselves and lived their lives their own way instead of pleasing others. One lady says she realizes she should have followed the original path her soul intended for her, instead of trying to live up to the expectations of others.

Another lady recalls how her life was shattered when a man she loved dearly and had devoted her life to unexpectedly left her to be with someone else. She said that was the day she realized she had wasted so much time putting her own dreams and goals on hold to make someone else the focus of her life. If she could go back in time, she would have handled this relationship very differently. In fact, she would probably never have gotten involved with him in the first place! “Never live for someone else, that is what I have learned,” she said.

Some of the regrets seemed heavy and intense. Some realize that too much time has passed and they cannot undo the choices they have made. There are potential joys and opportunities for personal and spiritual fulfillment that are now forever out of reach. One gentleman added that while there is much wisdom and truth in the saying “it’s never too late,” there are also the practical realities of aging and “missed deadlines” for some things in life.

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The Life Lessons We Learn From Children

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We can learn so much from children if we really pay attention and make the effort to see things from their perspective. Children embody a purity and wisdom that most adults have lost touch with in the complexities of daily life.

Many women in my age group, known as the “baby boomers,” were so busy trying to have a career and a family. We believed we could do it all, but in the process we missed many of the little things our children had to teach us. I was guilty of that.

But now that I have grandchildren in my life and have had the opportunity to take the time to see things differently, I have learned many profound lessons and insights from them over the years.

In their early years, children are still deeply connected to their spiritual origins and carry with them a high level of soul awareness that has not yet been clouded by the demands of physical life and the challenges of human existence.

This active spiritual awareness allows them to move through the world with an openness and purity that adults often struggle to maintain. Unencumbered by societal expectations, ego-driven desires, or fear of judgment, they are able to express love, joy, and creativity in their most authentic form.

Because they haven’t yet been conditioned by the limitations and constraints of the material world, children serve as powerful teachers, offering us glimpses of the spiritual truths that are easily forgotten in the hustle and bustle of adult life. They remind us of the infinite potential of our own souls and inspire us to reconnect with the deeper, more meaningful aspects of our being.

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