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Be The Star Of Your Inspirational Story This Year!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we enter a brand new year, it is essential that we optimistically turn a page in our book of life today to embrace an entirely new chapter! The past three years have been challenging for all of us in many different ways – all the more reason to dream bigger and reach higher in 2023.

Some of us are very determined to make up for lost time and have already made clear resolutions and set bold intentions for the coming year, while others may not yet know for sure what should be next to unfold in their life journey. Staring at the blank first page of a supposedly ‘new chapter in your life’ can be daunting, especially when true inspiration seems untenable.

Yes, thinking more positively about our life goals and dreams can at times be very difficult, especially when things have been tough for a long time or you have been stuck in a rut.

Emotional challenges like anxiety, grief and depression can cloud our ability to envision a better life, and the notion of dreaming about a better life can feel like a frivolous luxury or a pointless waste of time. It becomes challenging to clearly identify your goals and explore new dreams when you can no longer remember the last time good fortune smiled at you, or when last your own needs took center stage in your life, before that of others.

Whatever the cause, the struggle to move beyond such an impasse will always become very real when our pause buttons eventually light up. As creative spiritual beings in physical form we will eventually always want to break free from whatever rut or comfort zone we may find ourselves in.

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How To Face Your Fears In Challenging Times

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I had to take my elderly brother to the hospital twice due to a recurring health problem. Truth be told, I intensly feared for his safety and well-being.

In fact, I feared it so much that I almost did not want him to seek medical advice, for fear we may be told something we did not want to know. Yes, as a spiritually aware person I have heard it all before. We must embrace our fears. Life begins outside our comfort zone. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.

Yes, I know, but it is still difficult and traumatic. It’s hard!

However, despite my fear, my brother’s safety and future well-being motivated me to take prompt action and see to it that he received medical help sooner, rather than later.

Fear can indeed be a motivating factor sometimes, but often it can also be immobilizing and prevent us from taking action when necessary.  In fact, I feel that more often than not fear tends to be an enemy, rather than a friend. The problem is, by overly focusing on our fears, we not only feel worse but, in extreme circumstances, we eventually begin to attract even more of what we fear and do not want. We must turn this downward energy spiral around by focusing on the desired outcome or end result, and not the fear itself.

So,  how can we effectively deal with such paralyzing fear and not allow it to spiral out of control and needlessly affect our lives in a negative way. I asked Spirit for guidance on how to overcome our fears, and these are the insights I received:

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Psychic Predictions Are Like Weather Forecasts

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comShort-term psychic predictions are like weather forecasts. If spirit offers you, for example, a forecast for the next couple of months regarding your current romantic relationship, you can become empowered to make more clear and informed decisions. You can then take full advantage of what is potentially in store for you and your beloved in the short-term future.

For example, spirit might predict sunny, pleasant weather with a few slight breezes for you and your partner in the short-term, but in the medium-term there appears to be a possibility of more hot and humid weather with stronger gusts of wind.

In other words, the situation between you and your beloved will most likely continue mostly with positivity and ease, but you are also being forewarned that things may soon begin to heat up and potentially become quite uncomfortable.

Another forecast may indicate a lot of wet and rainy conditions in the next few weeks. You can likely expect some tears and sadness are on the horizon. Depending on the dynamics of your partnership, you know now that wet, rainy days and even some storms may be heading your way. Fortunately, you are now in a position of making wise choices and decisions.

If one can prepare your house for an approaching thunder shower or cloudburst, its impact can be reduced, or even avoided. Some rain can also be very beneficial, as it is cleansing, healing, and provides moisture essential for all growth.

If we do not like the weather forecast for the next few weeks, there are also various things we can do to change how it will affect us in the short-term, as well as take long-term steps to ensure better future outcomes. We could, for example, change what we will wear, where will go, and what we will do for the next few days. Additionally, we may also decide for the long-term to better fortify our house, buy a different car, get an indoor job, or even migrate somewhere else where the weather is better, and so on.

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Are You A Victim, Observer, Or Empowered Creator?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for many years now, and I learn something new almost every day. Many of the personal and spiritual insights I have attained in my sessions with clients, have been very beneficial to me in both my professional and personal life.

One of these spiritual messages revealed to me a powerful concept regarding the mindset we choose as our overriding outlook on life and the impact it has on our joy, happiness and fulfillment. How we view the world and interact with others depends on whether we choose to go through life as a Victim, Observer, or a Creator.

Most people shift between these three mindsets at different times and in different areas of their life, but we tend to revert to one of these positions as our predominant outlook on life. Spirit has shown me that the ideal for all spiritually conscious people must be to empower ourselves in such a way as to achieve the Creator level in all areas of our life. This has become my hope and aim for all of my clients.

Consider which of these three mindsets tends to define your outlook on life most of the time:

Victim – A victim allows the external to influence the internal and experience things such as constant financial hardship and debt, chronic discontent in relationships, co-dependency in relationships, boredom and frustration, chronic exhaustion, fear and confusion, and dissatisfaction in career and business. The victim‘s emotions are dictated by the ebb and flow of life and allows external events and other people to determine their daily state of mind.

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Creating A Brand New Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany teachers, philosophers and authors have said the same thing in different ways. We create our own reality; we are the masters of our own destiny.

Some of my favorite books with this message include James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh; Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich; Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization; Mike Dooley’s Manifesting Change; Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich; Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret; and Bud LaBranche’s audio recording What You Believe, You Become.

The average person has had access to this information for generations. For example, James Allen’s book was first published in 1903. If the universal Law of Attraction was indeed ever ‘a secret,’ it has not been so for at least a century. So, why don’t more of us apply it in our lives? Why don’t more of us take more control of our destiny and create the life we desire?

I think the first reason is that many people do not even think it possible. They choose to believe that life happens to them, instead of for them, and that they are merely meant to react to whatever comes their way in the best way humanly possible.

Others are so buried in the day-to-day chaos of their lives that they don’t have the time, nor the inclination to sit down and learn about a different way of living.

Then there are also those who believe that their life is simply pre-ordained, and they have minimal choice in the matter. For them there is no point in trying to get out of the rut in which they find themselves.

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The True Power Of Words

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat if a change as simple as the words you use could vastly improve your relationships with loved ones? And not just your choice of words, but also the tone and delivery. Healthy, successful relationships require constructive communication and often our relationships fail on our words alone.

Many people fall in love over time purely through conversations they have with each other. Relationships are usually ended with words alone, especially these days when getting unceremoniously dumped via text message is becoming increasingly common. Our choice of words and how we communicate them can evoke waves of joy and happiness, or they can cut like a knife.

We tend to take for granted the people in our lives. We become lazy and complacent and forget to express our gratitude and appreciation for the relationships we have with loved ones. It is vitally important that we adopt better, more spiritual ways to communicate with people who matter to us.

Have you ever stopped to think about the words you use with your loved ones? You most likely speak somewhat differently to total strangers. Or your choice of words is no longer what they used to when you were in love and the relationship was brand new. And how about the words we use when we talk to our children; are we uplifting and encouraging them, or causing them lifelong trauma?

Too often we say things we later wish we can take back. But if we always aim to think before we speak, and seek to choose the very best words, tone, and delivery, then we are much more likely to build the kind of relationships we desire and deserve.

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Your Outer Life Reflects Your Inner Being

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLiving a fulfilling, abundant life can be one of the most difficult things to do for people who do not understand that they are the masters of their own destiny. We have much more control to design our future and shape our fate than many people realize.

Whatever we can think about, imagine, visualize, pray for, and believe is what we can make manifest in our lives. But I am not talking about passive daydreaming, wishful thinking, spending our days in laziness, and half-heartedly hoping for a better future, without taking any action.

To achieve what we want, we must not only dream it, we must also take action steps every day that will increasingly shift us towards our desired future.

Here are some practical guidelines you can follow to better master your life and destiny.


Gratitude is the main key to all manifestation. When we are grateful for what we have, we attract more of what we want. We can also not attract more of what we want, while we focus on, complain, and worry about what we do not want and do not have. Simple, right? Yet, we so often forget to be grateful for the small, yet important things we already have in our life, such as our health, waking up for one more day, and so on. Continue reading

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