Staying Connected To Your Soul Self
Every day, when I wake up, I tell myself, today I will remain positive! I will strive to stay in the light. I will be kind and understanding, and I will endeavor to be non-judgmental and compassionate. Great attitude, good system, excellent way to begin each day. Wouldn’t you agree?
Well, here’s the rub. This ‘system’ might be ideal for us if we did not experience so many negative outside influences! Newspapers, television shows, noisy neighbors, constant traffic, and even loved ones that we share our daily existence, all contribute to challenging our godly cause of keeping our soul connection intact.
I am not an avid TV fan, however, there are some shows that I do enjoy watching. My firm belief is that inspiration can arrive from any imaginable source. For example, I recently happened to catch an episode of a talent show featuring a young man in his early thirties, who is a violin virtuoso. His playing is absolute magic and even if one does not particularly enjoy classical music, you would still have to agree he is simply a genius in his own realm.
Aftermath Of A Six Planet Retrograde
We recently came out of a six planet retrograde. So, if you feel like you have been enduring a very challenging time… a time warp, a bad movie or a nightmare… you are not alone! We are still coming out of the affects form this whirlwind, dizzying dance of the planets.
You may have felt sluggishness, at the very least. You may have felt an inability to get traction. All of your technology may have gone haywire, way more than it has with just Mercury in retrograde.
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto were all in retrograde from June 26, 2018 and July 10th, 2018. Jupiter turned direct July 10th, leaving four planets retrograde. On July 26, 2018, Mercury reversed and we were back to five planets retrograde. August 7, 2018, Uranus turned retrograde and at that point we had six planets in retrograde, seven if you want to count, Chiron. The planets started turning direct again with Mercury, on August 19th.
How To Deal With Toxic People
At times most of us have to deal with toxic people. It seems these days they are popping up everywhere in some way, shape or form. We do our best to understand them. And often we make excuses for why we continue to tolerate them. Year after year.
Fact is, some folks just aren’t going to change. No matter how much patience we give them. We may make up excuses for why we continue to share and hold space for them. But it is in vain.
Sometimes it takes a wake-up call from a doctor who tells us we suffer from stress-related illness, such as high blood pressure or anxiety, to make us realize that dis-ease does in fact cause disease.
I have done readings for several women who have told me they have serious health issues and they believe it is caused from the stress they have to endure from co-workers, or the people they have to live with, or those whom they are married to.
I have given lots of helpful advice to my clients in these matters, but I decided to step it up a notch and spend a month connecting with spirit and asking for a good list of items I can share in this blog that could maybe help you too.
Releasing A Toxic Relationship
Many of us have held onto a toxic relationship (which includes friendships) because of our mind trying to convince us that it will change. It will get better. I can fix this other person. I will wait for this other person to realize what they have in me. This person is my soulmate, I know it. This person is the only one, there will never be another.
So many excuses, so little truth.
It will not change. If a relationship or a friendship is toxic today, yes, it will change and become more toxic as the days, weeks and months pass.
It will not get better. You are trying to convince yourself it will get better with time with someone, when they finally start to realize that you are there no matter what. This is a huge misconception. Toxic relationships cannot change and the loss will be harder the longer you hold onto this person.
You cannot ‘fix’ your partner. No one can fix another person. No one can change another person. Each individual has to do their own work to clear the toxic or damaged parts of themselves. They have to do it for themselves, or it will never last.
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover
Many people like the idea of being psychic, but sadly do not have the gift. I know this because I have a friend who is a great astrologer, but she herself is not psychic. I know this because she has confided in me. She does not have any psychic ability; she does readings by looking up people’s birthday information in astrology books. She doesn’t pick up on other people’s emotions when around them. This was confirmed when she was invited to join me and a friend, who had just recently lost her mother and was deeply saddened, she couldn’t feel what this women was going through and didn’t pick up on her feelings.
But my astrologer friend does look like someone who could be psychic. Is there a psychic look? Do psychics look differently than people who don’t have the psychic gift? I don’t think so. I have learned over the years that you can never tell who is psychic, or who is not. I think we tend to judge people based on their appearances way to much.