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Prophetic Dreams – A Heads Up From Your Angels

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us experience prophetic or psychic dreams, often without even knowing it. What is a prophetic dream? Well, let me share a few prophetic dreams loved ones have shared with me recently.

I had a dream for example, that a family member would rummage through another family member’s basement, looking for items to take without their permission. In my dream I saw myself receiving repeated text alerts urging me to go over there and see for myself what this person was up to. So, I actually got up and went over there, only to discover that the family member in question was indeed there, busy removing several items from the basement!

I also had a dream that there were thieves coming in through my window, only to wake up and find that my neighbors had in fact been robbed during the night. I also had a package stolen from my porch recently, and a security camera nearby captured the person stealing it.

I dreamt of a my grandmother. I was visiting with her and we were in her bedroom, where we had spent a lot of time having chats throughout my teens. Currently on my music playlist there is a song about how our relatives are still with us in everything we do, and live on in our hearts. Lately, whenever I get to that song, it always freezes right on that song – the phone just pauses on its own!

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My Lives Between Lives

Click Here for a free psychic reading at Psychic Access!Recently, I had the privilege of being a ‘case history’ client for a friend of mine, who had recently returned from completing a past life regression on life-between-lives. I have been fortunate enough to have had wonderful experiences with past life regression in the past, but the ‘in-between lives’ experience was something new for me, and I felt honored that she asked me to partake as one of her case studies for her course assignment.

During our session I was taken back into the past, and received imagery of previous lives. Glimpsing previous lifetimes was to help me see more clearly lessons learned, or not learned. My friend was a wonderful facilitator, as was the help received from my own master spirit guide.

In our session, I learned where my fear of fire originated from. To date, no past life reading I have received has ever touched on the origin of this fear. I have now discovered that my fear of fire relates to a more recent life, in what appeared to be approximately a century ago.

I was a male soldier in the Navy. My uniform was white, and my father, like in so many of my other past life regression experiences, played a significant role in this life also. He was a senior staff member on that ship. I also saw the Star of David during the regression, which suggests I was of Jewish faith in that life.

That particular life experience ended for my father and I when our ship caught fire. My uniform also caught fire! I recalled the flames, and then drowning.

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Connecting With Loved Ones In Spirit

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess!We can connect at any time with our loved ones who are no longer in this world. They are with us always, no matter where we are. Whenever you feel the need, you can communicate with them, be it a grandparent, parent, sibling, best friend, or anyone else who you had a meaningful relationship with while they were alive.

Connecting with our loved ones in spirit is not as complex or difficult as it may seem. You just have to believe you can, and you absolutely will. You can project yourself in your mind to any place you wish. It can also be a time in the past, that you wish to revisit. We have the power of our mind and if we only use it we can go wherever and visit with whomever whenever.

If you have the desire to see them again, you can ask for them to visit you in the dream or in the astral realm, or you can go into a meditation and visualize, and connect that way. Close your eyes. Remember them, as they were in life. Recall the feelings that you experienced when you used to be around them, the love that you shared.

Your heart may start to feel ‘tingly’ and you may start to hear their voice. You may even receive a message from them. They may tell you how much they love you. And they do. Always. It is that very feeling of love, that true, pure emotion, that connects us to those we love on the Other Side. Love is the very energy that created everything.

Do not ever feel hopeless that you are disconnected from or abandoned by your loved ones. They are a part of you forever, and they are right where you are now. They merely exist on a different plane now.

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Why Take A Psychic Development Class?

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am planning to take another psychic development class this May, as well as teach a similar class in the same month. But why would I need to take such a class, while I am already working as a professional psychic medium?

The answer is simple: if I learn one new thing from another spiritual teacher, that can be passed along for the benefit of my clients, it is definitely worth my time and effort. And, of course, some of us simply enjoy being lifelong students!

It doesn’t matter the length of time a person has been a professional. A little tune-up is always a good thing. Taking lots of different classes usually boost a person’s confidence.

Yes, I do believe you can teach ‘old dogs new tricks.’ It is always nice to meet new colleagues in the metaphysical field and have inspiring discussions on ways to improve the standards and professionalism of our work.

Whenever my daily work becomes a little lackluster, I always know it’s time to ‘get out of the water’ and take a class or attend a seminar or workshop. It keeps me excited about the work I do. It is great when you learn a new technique or method that can improve your service to others.

Professional psychic mediums always want to better the level of their work. Yes, no matter how ‘good’ one is, there is always another level to reach. Always looking for a way to validate evidence from spirit and confirm that indeed life goes on after our spirit leaves the physical body.

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Spiritual Courage

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen most of us hear the word courage, certain ideas come to mind of going beyond our normal range of responses to life, or beyond our perceived comfort zone. We may think of courage as standing up to a bully, or taking a risk in life, or leaping forward in blind faith.

Not only are we treading into new territory when we engage courage, but we are leaving behind an old pattern or belief system that has prevented us from stepping beyond what we have feared most. To be courageous and to step beyond our fears, we need to be willing to succeed, or fail.

Failure to most people means not meeting a goal. But what if failure also means to remain stagnant? When we look at courage to help us break free of limiting circumstances or beliefs, it becomes easier to be courageous, because we see that not being courageous has only kept us trapped in repeat cycles. Furthermore, to varying degrees, it often causes unhappiness in an area of our life.

I had a male friend who looked much younger than his age, and always looked happy. When I asked him what his secret was, he simply replied, “Courage.” He said he would do something to scare the pants off himself at least once a month! I laughed, but saw the point he was making.

He loved being in nature. He would ski off huge cliffs, go skydiving, and participated in many other activities that take guts to do. My friend is on the Other Side now, but he visits me often with his message of courage.

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Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach of us has spiritual guides on our side, whether we know it or not. These beings, whether they are angels, spirits of loved ones, or even animal spirits, are there to comfort, guide, nurture, and assist us.

Because we can’t see them, their communication tends to be more subtle, and they are always trying to give us messages in small ways. But we can also connect directly with them. However, because we can’t call them on the phone, or send them a quick text, there are other methods we can use to reach out to them.

The first method I often recommend is to use a set of oracle cards. The Tarot or Angel cards work well for this purpose, although there are many other oracle decks available these days. Choose one that feels right for you.

Ask your spirit guides a question, the more specific the better, and then choose a card randomly from your oracle card deck. This will serve as the answer you seek. Let your intuition guide you when interpreting the card’s message.

You can also do a three-card spread, with one card each to represent the past, present, and future. Learning more about the meanings of your chosen cards will help you better interpret communications from your spirit guides.

Another method you can use to communicate with your guides is to dowse with a pendulum. A pendulum is any solid object connected to a string, chain or cord. As with oracle cards, you will want to find one which you resonate with, and feels in tune with your personal energy frequencies.

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Spiritual Or Religious?

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are those of us who describe ourselves as “spiritual, but not religious.” But what does that really mean? Spirituality can be defined in many different ways, and it is a very personal matter.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what belief system or philosophy resonates most with their heart. In my view, there are many different spiritual paths that all lead to the same destination.

To be spiritual, for me, is to practice being kind to others and myself. It is simply about the ‘golden rule’ of treating others the way you wish to be treated. Truly spiritual people, no matter what their personal beliefs or values may be, are appreciative of life’s blessings and practice gratitude daily.

Spiritually aware people have hope and faith. They look at life challenges as possibilities and opportunities, instead of as limitations and setbacks. They strive to see the glass half full, as opposed to half empty.

Spiritual people also have compassion for others, and all life forms. They are usually concerned about global issues. They respect the natural environment and see the beauty in the world around them. The simple things in life become the extraordinary things bring them joy. Look at trees, mountains, ocean, birds, animals, flowers and plants! That is what I called my church. How can one be out in nature, surrounded by all its beauty, and not believe in something greater than yourself?

Spiritual people are always aiming to become better people. It’s about living your own truth, living with principles and integrity. They realize that money does not necessarily bring happiness and fulfillment, which is not to say that one cannot be wealthy and happy at the same time. I know some very wealthy people that are highly spiritual, happy and grateful, doing good things for the world we live in. Wealth often affords people the ability to contribute to making the world a better place.

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