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Mystic Shelley

Mystic Shelley is a five-star psychic, Reiki healer, clairvoyant and empathic reader. She offers her clients honest answers about past, present and future events with the help of her trusted guides. She reads in the area of love, relationships, career, money and all matters of life. Mystic Shelley was born with talents that would later mark her as a gifted psychic, but she chose not to embrace them early on. In her 30’s, a not-so-chance meeting with a celebrated psychic set her on a course that awakened her gifts. Born with the gifts of clairvoyance and empathy, her psychic mentor helped her to expand those abilities, taking her talents to the next level. With experience came proficiency and today she has a growing list of devoted clients who sing her praises. In addition, she’s also actively assisted other psychics to open up to their abilities. If you are looking for direct and honest answers get a reading with Mystic Shelley now at

Spirit Messages Of The Red Cardinal

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you live in North America, you’re probably familiar with the northern cardinal bird, also known as the redbird or red cardinal, commonly found across the continent. These bright red songbirds traditionally feature in the folklore, legends, and spiritual beliefs of various cultures.

The blood red coloring of this little bird’s plumage fascinated our ancestors and it is considered to be symbolic of life and vitality. Interestingly, in the Christian tradition the blood of Christ is a central religious symbol and the red-robed senior clergy of the Catholic Church are also knows as Cardinals.

In indigenous cultures, the cardinal traditionally also represents ongoing life, as well as a strong, lasting relationship because cardinals are a monogamous bird species. The appearance of a red cardinal in your life may indicate a need to start something new or examine existing loyalties and obligations.

Their red feathers certainly stand out amid the more common brown and green found in most of nature. The female cardinal is a lighter shade of pink than the bright red male, which is less easy to see. When you do notice her on your path, she is reminding you to look closer – chances are positive developments are on the horizon.

In native lore they are also associated with the direction of true North, symbolizing the guiding, unchanging Spirit. Folk tradition tells us that to see a cardinal means a departed loved one’s spirit is near, or an angelic guide is trying to send an important message.

Cardinals are also associated with the number 12, representing the annual cycle of months, as red cardinals are a year-round species. In addition, red is the color of the root (first) chakra in Eastern wisdom tradition, and also the Astrological sign of Aries, first in the Zodiac.

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The Meaning Of Psychic Dreams

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is a universal human experience, although we do not fully understand how or why we dream. In a spiritual sense, a dream is our soul interacting with the boundless, greater Universe where things may not always make sense as they do when we’re awake, and where this time-space reality does not exist.

Whether we consciously remember our dreams or not, dreams can add profound depth to our everyday spiritual practice. A clairvoyant dream or precognitive dream, for example, can predict events in the future or make us aware of upcoming life challenges. One might dream of the arrival of a long-lost friend, a financial windfall, or meeting a new romantic partner.

Clairvoyant dreams can sometimes be distressing, especially since these dreams sometimes precede a tragedy. Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln, had such dreams before the famous U.S. president’s assassination. Many people also reported clairvoyant dreams of contemporary events like 9/11 and the Challenger disaster.

But don’t think these dreams are all doom and gloom. If you are given such insight in a dream, see if there is any way that you can make use of it for the greater good.

No doubt many of our dreams can be truly intriguing. However, popular culture and movies often create unrealistic expectations of psychic phenomena and the nature of dreams.

The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to precognitive phenomena is timing. What you’ve foreseen in a dream may not necessarily come to pass any time soon, or when you’re expecting it – perhaps not even in this lifetime! The Universe always has perfect timing.

When it comes to psychic phenomena and metaphysics, it is important to keep an open mind. Always be on the lookout for daily clues. Spirit is subtle and it easy to overlook something in plain sight. That ‘Mr. Right’ you foresaw in your dream might just run into you when you least expect it!

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The Mystical Cycle Of The Moon

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTraditionally many cultures worldwide centered their spiritual practices around the Moon and the phases it cycles through once approximately every 29 days. These phases reflect the Moon’s journey around the Earth, revealing a little more or a little less of this mysterious satellite.

Much like the cyclic seasons of the year, the Moon’s phases represent different aspects of personal contemplation for the spiritual practitioners and metaphysicians. The Moon represents our intuitions, hidden aspects of self, and the nurturing empathy a mother would show a child.

The New Moon begins and ends each lunar cycle. As a ‘blank canvas’ it suggests new beginnings, or the completion of a full circle. This is the starting point for working with the Moon’s phases. Time your lunar calendar each month around the New Moon. Note, it will not be visible, but instead a dark circle. Use a white candle or another source of light to represent the fully illuminated Moon that is to come and start new ideas or projects.

As the Moon grows in size it goes into its ‘waxing’ phase. It will first become a crescent shape a quarter of the way in its orbit around the Earth, and later a wedge shape called gibbous. As it grows, so too will you and your ideas. Each day, ask yourself what is going right. Ask the Universe for guidance and inspiration, and remember that it’s all right to change plans or make revisions.

As the Moon is in its growing phase, each day a little more of its surface is cast in light. The Moon also rises an hour later each day in the cycle. Its many craters are a reminder that despite perceived flaws, something can be wonderful when illuminated.

We are all awed by the sight of the Full Moon glowing in the sky. This is the time in the cycle when we can enjoy the fruits of our efforts, and also examine what worked or did not work in practice. This is also the time in the lunar cycle when emotions run at their highest, so be careful of acting too impulsively. Be sure to also show gratitude and humility for what you’ve accomplished so far.

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The Burning Love Of Twin Flames

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Many of us hope to find a ‘soulmate,’ a person who was meant for us, but the Universe may have something else in store for some of us. A twin flame is someone who plays a different role in our lives than a soulmate, but has a similar, deep spiritual connection.

However, you may have a hard time finding a twin flame until you have encountered a soulmate. A soulmate highlights our individual soul purpose, while a twin flame helps us express our deeper karmic purpose.

A twin flame may or may not be a romantic connection. Even if they are not, you will always feel like you’ve known the person forever. You can easily talk with them about anything, especially if you shared one or more past life together.

A twin flame is a mirror to your deeper self, the authentic part of you. This person will challenge you, inspire you to engage in serious soul-searching, and ask the difficult questions.

It’s even possible you might intensely dislike them at times, but you’ll also find yourself drawn back to their aura. Having an open mind and spirit is key to not only meeting your twin flame, but also to successfully walking your path together.

Why do twin flames come into our lives? It’s all about timing. If you are stuck in a rut, not sure what your next step should be, often you’ll encounter one of these special soul connections. And you are just as important to their spiritual growth and soul evolution as they are to yours.

A twin flame meeting may seem coincidental or random, but it is definitely not. You are meant to learn and grow together on a spiritual, psychic level, and accomplish something together for the greater good.

This is the main difference between a soulmate and a twin flame. If you do meet your soulmate, it will be a personal connection, while a twin flame provides a universal bond.

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Cleansing Your Crystals

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you regularly use crystals in your spiritual practice, it is vital to have a regular cleansing routine for them to work at optimal levels.

Crystal energy work uses the subtle energy vibration emitted by a crystal, for example to rebalance the human aura or energy field for mind-body-soul health and wellness.

Crystals have a vibrational frequency based on its geometric structure giving each crystal a unique default wavelength known as its oscillatory frequency or its ‘energy signature.’ It is a stable energy emission that is applied to rebalance and heal our own energies.

The human body also has its own oscillatory rate or energy frequency, but our vibration is constantly shifting and changing due to various internal and external factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, mood states, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, relationships and our environment.

The difference between the energy frequency of humans and crystals is that while ours fluctuates and is constantly changing, the vibration of a crystal in its natural state remains constant, stable and unchanging. It is like the factory settings on a brand new computer.

However, like a computer or the human body, crystals can also become contaminated with negative energies, much like viruses or malware. For our healing crystals to continue working the way nature intended, it is important to cleanse them properly or a regular basis.

Some practitioners cleanse their crystals and stones after each session, and this is not a bad idea, considering we expose them to all kinds of energies, no matter how unintentional, every time we handle them. Think of how many smudges and smears you create on your phone screen or glasses every time you use them and then imagine what the many energy imprints your crystals must endure with regular use.

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The Pagan Origins Of Valentine’s Day

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know that the Valentine’s Day that many people all over the world will be celebrating today, has its origins in pagan rituals of the past? This is in fact true of many of our modern holidays. But how did we get our modern day cards, cupids, and hearts?

In ancient Rome, the Festival of Lupercalia was annually celebrated on February 15th. As with similar Roman holidays, such as Ostara (Easter), this was a time to celebrate fertility and love. The deities honored were Lupercus, Patron of Shepherds; Juno, Goddess of Marriage; as well as Pan, a pastoral god who came to be regarded in Roman times as the representative of paganism and the personification of all nature.

In a festival custom that survives to this day in the form of valentine’s cards, young men would randomly draw the names of eligible women from a jar or urn.  In the Middle Ages, Emperor Claudius II believed single men made better soldiers so he declared marriage illegal. As a concession, he encouraged temporary romances.

Drawing the name of a lady during the festival determined who a soldier’s partner would be for that coming year. He would then wear her name on his sleeve for the rest of the festival. This gave rise to the saying “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” Whether or not they also exchanged flowers, candy or gifts is uncertain.

It is also interesting to note that Cupid, the son of the love goddess Venus, was not originally linked specifically with this festival, even though he is associated with it today.Venus, it turns out, was particularly fond of red roses and this custom still survives after 2,000 years. As for the symbolism of the heart, this is also an ancient image found across many cultures, including Greco-Roman, Indian, and Meso-American. Instead of romantic love, it was often used to represent rebirth, purity, and spiritual love.

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Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.

So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.

The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.

It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.

Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.

For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.

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