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Once In A Blue Moon

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe metaphysics for this month is subject to an astrological rarity. October 2020 features what is known as a Blue Moon, or a second Full Moon in the same calendar month. This month’s second Full Moon will take place next week, on October 31st, and is traditionally known as the Hunter’s Moon. It follows the Harvest Full Moon that took place on October 1st.

As you may have guessed, the phenomenon of the Blue Moon gave rise to the popular saying ‘once in a blue moon.’ It is used to refer to something that is unusual or special, or a rare event that seldom happens.

The origin of the term itself is unclear, but it has nothing to do with the actual color of the Moon. The earliest written record of the term ‘blue moon’ has been found in an 1528 pamphlet composed by two friars, William Roy and Jerome Barlow, in which they state, “Oh church men are wily foxes… If they say the moon is blue, we must believe that it is true.” It has since become part of pop culture and modern folklore, including being the namesake of popular songs and movies.

Astrologically speaking, two full moons in a month only takes place about seven times every nineteen years, due to the way the Moon’s orbital cycle does not line up exactly with calendars on Earth. It’s a rarity, for sure.

So, what can we expect during such a rare event?

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Halloween Is A Good Time To Ponder The Afterlife

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAll of us have lost, or will in time lose someone very dear to us. Like it or not, all of us also have to ponder the concept of life after death at some point in our life. Some of us have very strong beliefs on the subject, one way or the other. We either believe in the afterlife, or we do not.

For me the answer is simple and easy. I strongly believe, because of both my personal and professional experiences. For example, I have been visited many times by my grandparents, and I have communicated with many loved ones in spirit in my daily work, when I do readings for my clients.

My grandma often communicates with me in the dream state. She tends to show up when I least expect it, usually to give me a guiding message or to warn me about something. She always has been a worrier, in this life and the next! Right up to the very day she departed this life, she was telling us what to do to keep safe, and she was always giving us good advice. She is very wise.

I was asking her just the other day to give me a sign that she was around, and sure enough, she did. But this time she did not show up in a dream. She spoke to me…through a teddy bear! Yes, indeed.

It is one of those plush toys that makes a cute kissing sound and says, “I love you very much,” when you squeeze it. I was in the tub and this little teddy bear was right next to me, on top of a shelf. After drawing the bath, I was leaning back in the soothing, warm water, letting out a sigh of relief that a long day was over. Next thing you know, this teddy bear goes off on its own, making the kissing sounds and saying I love you, over and over. I knew right away that it was grandma making contact.

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Our Healing Circle Of Cats

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI belong to a healing meditation group for women. We gather in a circle and discuss the past week’s goings on, and also direct healing energy to anyone who needs it. Many of the members in the group are lightworkers. Some of them may not have been aware of the true extent of their spiritual abilities, when they first joined the group, but as they continued attending they learned many things to open up, expand, and develop their spiritual gifts and talents.

Our most recent gathering was especially interesting to me. As usual, we were passing the ‘talking stick’ around. This custom comes from an ancient Native-American tradition of tribal democracy. The talking stick is passed around in the group, enabling the group members to speak in turn.

The first lady to share was a very wise women, and of the kindest people I have ever met. She talked about rude one of her family members were to her recently, for no reason at all. She also shared how she “about had it” with her brother. He is constantly criticizing her, and looking down his nose at her. Apparently, he feels she doesn’t live a ‘normal life’ and he does not appreciate, among other things, her work as a Reiki practitioner and an energy healer.

A few other women then also shared stories of their unfortunate dealings with family and friends, who were very judgmental and condescending about their spiritual interests and practices.

When it came to be my turn to share, I was very open about how I had decided I was not going to attend an upcoming family wedding, because the father of the relative getting married is a very bigoted and unpleasant man,. He is racist, has no respect for anyone, and is very controlling. Simply put – he is a hater.

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The Magical Energy Of The Moon

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon has a powerful influence on our lives. Not only does it determine the tides of the ocean and how plants grow, but you may have noticed it also affects our mood! Connecting to the powerful phases of the Moon can bring enlightenment to your life by way of the moon’s cycles and movement. It can shape our lives and the choices we make. Being in tune with the Moon’s powerful energy can bring you greater awareness of body, mind and soul.

Depending how the Sun, Moon and Earth align on a particular day, only a part of the Moon is usually visible to us. The tracking of the Moon’s phases goes back thousands of year in various spiritual traditions and cultural customs. Traditionally, the New Moon is considered to be the start of the month and a good time to start anew. And the Full Moon is seen as a time of celebration, delight, and mystery.

A Full Moon occurs every 29.5 days, when the Earth is situated directly between the Sun and the Moon, making it appear to us on Earth as a complete circle… illuminated and breathtaking! Native Americans relied on the Moon to guide them in daily life. They gave symbolic names for each of the Full Moons, based on the unique events of each particular month of the year.

January – Wolf Moon

The January Moon is thus named due to the cold, snowy winters, when wolves would howl hungrily outside tribal villages, looking for food. January’s Full Moon is also known as ‘Old Moon’ and ‘Ice Moon.’

February – Snow Moon

February’s Full Moon is named for the abundant snow that usually occurs during the month. The snow made it hard to hunt, and food in the winter was scarce. Therefore it is also known as the ‘Hunger Moon.’

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The Mythical Mysteries Of Crows And Ravens

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrows and ravens are common in the superstitions of both the ancient Greeks and Romans. Both cultures considered these mysterious birds highly significant in the practice of augury, an ancient divination practice of interpreting omens or prophecies from the observed flight patterns of birds.

In the Greco-Roman world, the soothsayers, known as augers would predict future events by examining the behavior of birds, which was known as ‘taking the auspices.’ Crows and ravens were considered especially significant, both for their ominous black feathers, as well as their flight patterns and eerie behavior.  It was believed that if a crow or raven flew in from the east or south, for example. It was considered an omen of good, positive fortune.

Ravens and crows mythology is also found in the native cultures of North America. In addition to being portrayed as tricksters, the intelligence of these birds is often a prominent feature in their characterization. In one Native American story, the raven is described as a shapeshifter who stole a box of light owned by the chief of Heaven, and flew away with it. The raven dropped the box, and light broke into many pieces, creating the stars, the Moon, and the Sun.

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My Great Grandmother’s Mysterious ‘Sugar Cookies’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy great grandmother made incredible cookies. She called them “sugar cookies,” but perhaps a more appropriate name for them might have been mysterious mystical magic cookies! Everyone loved them – youngsters like myself, as well as our family’s elders, and every age in-between.

Those cookies still bring back so many wonderful memories. They had a special aroma of freshly-baked delight that wafted all the way outside her kitchen window and down the lane beside her charming little home, where she lived with my great grandfather. As a child I couldn’t wait to get to their house, so that I could partake of those delectable sweet treats.

They were round, but not perfectly round. They had that authentic homemade look, which made them even more exquisite to my childlike enthusiasm. And, there was a rather unique spiciness among the ingredients; it was a spice that I had never tasted before in anything else. Oh, my! I especially loved the barely charred edges they usually had, as a result of leaving them in the oven a bit longer than necessary. Those crisp little edges made them all the tastier to me.

I remember sitting at her kitchen table, watching her scoop up the ingredients, one by one, and adding them to her mixing bowl. I didn’t know how much of each ingredient she was using, because she never used a measuring cup. She just knew how much to add of everything. I believe this style of instinctively cooking from scratch is practically becoming a lost art, with all the digital recipes and modern utensils we use nowadays to cook even the simplest of things. And perhaps some of the true character and originality has also been lost in many of our ancestors’ recipes.

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Our Loved Ones Are Always With Us

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSeveral months ago, I found myself traveling near the city in which my grandparents bodies were laid to rest. I decided to drive the few extra miles out of my way, to visit their gravesite.

Pulling up to the cemetery, I realized I hadn’t been there in so long that I couldn’t remember where the grave was. Finally, I located it. I grabbed a folding chair from the back of my car and sat down under a tree close to their tombstone.

Immediately my awareness was overflowing with the presence of their voices. I could hear both of them talking to me, just like when I would go to visit them during the school holidays. It felt like they were alive again, and right there with me. I was literally hearing grandma talking to me. Just the way she did in life. It as if she was right there! I could hear my grandpa as well. It was very comforting.

They were very pleased that I took the time to come visit them. They are very much together now and happy in their new existence, after they had been separated between this life and the next for well over 15 years.

They are still with us, just in a different dimension. If you listen carefully, you may just hear them talking to you. Our loved ones, who have crossed over, continue to be with us. They love it when we take the time to communicate with them, or honor them time in some way. It shows that we love them, and still value and appreciate them.

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