Promise Of The Stones
Those of us who find ourselves drawn to stones or minerals are called to be servants of the soul of the world. Our teachers, showing us the way to do this, are the stones, and what they have to teach is far, far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. The stones are spirit beings who through millions of years of development are embodied with great healing and wisdom.
Rocks, minerals, crystals and gemstones are known in traditional shamanism as “the stone people.” They are the original beings of who came long before the plant people, standing people (trees), animal people and the human people. Philosopher Alan Watts said in one of his talks, “Rocks are not dead…minerals are a rudimentary form of consciousness.”
For this reason, they are much older and wiser than us humans and we can learn much from them, especially when it comes to energy work and healing.
The spiritual-metaphysical properties of stones are the promise, as spoken by the stones, of what could happen if we approach them as living beings. It is their promise and has to be heard and felt on their terms, not in the terms of our personality needs.
For example, if a stone promises prosperity, to take that offering literally is to abuse the meaning of the stone, for ‘prosperity’ spoken in an intimate relationship cannot possibly mean “you are going to make me materially rich.” If I say to a dear friend, lovingly, with all my heart, “I wish you prosperity,” I am not saying, “You will become materially wealthy because we are related!” What I am saying is that because of our intimacy, your soul will prosper and the world will shine brighter.
The Angelic Astrology Of Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton is no doubt a national treasure and international superstar, always in our hearts, and lately also in the news headlines – and this inquisitive astrologer wanted to know why.
So, I took the liberty of looking into Ms Parton’s Profection Year – an astrology technique I like to use for a voyeuristic peek into what’s going on in the stars of our favorite stars.
To get started, I investigated her natal chart, which is basically the user manual or blueprint each of us is given at birth. Dolly was born with, as one might expect, some highly fortunate planetary positions in her chart.
She has her Venus and Moon in exalted signs, and her Jupiter – that larger-than-life reward-giver – in a very dignified position too!
Her birth chart predicts that she was going to go far in life. And quite easily, too. It even suggests that she might be put up on a pedestal of admiration by many. Hindsight certainly is 2020.
According to her chart, however, Dolly has earned every ounce of adulation she’s received. Her Sun in Capricorn, and her Virgo Rising, make her a hard worker who’s climbed her way to the top. She has an unstoppable genius, due to her Mercury in Aquarius, and a Mercury chart ruler that is planted firmly in her 6th house of tough grind and perseverance.
It’s really no surprise that Mercury – a versatile, peculiar planet – is ruling her artistry and song writing prowess. And her unique voice (Mercury) is unlike any other (Aquarius).
Choose Kindness – A Message From My Guides
In these times of uncertainty, worry and fear, we urge you to step back and let kindness prevail. It is more important than ever to take a breath before reacting to what might normally seem to be an insensitive comment, or blatant oversight.
Even people who are usually even-tempered and relaxed can currently be on edge after months of sheltering in place, and it is impossible to understand what every individual may be going through right now, or how difficult their circumstances might be day-to-day. This does not condone their negative behavior, but it does give you an opportunity to rise above the fray, before responding in kind.
Keep in mind that, although everyone is currently in the same boat, each situation is entirely different. One person might have very limited finances, and truly worry about putting food on the table. Another might be a single parent, with children to home school, in spite of having to leave their home every day to also work as a first responder or an essential service worker. No two sets of circumstances are alike, and to each individual their personal challenges will be of paramount importance.
Listen before reacting. Pause. Try to empathize with the other person’s point-of-view, instead of the way it is being presented. Try to see past a short-tempered response, or erratic explanation. A smile and a patient ear will often diffuse a tense situation.
The good news is that the circumstances in your world are gradually improving, and there are many positive occurrences on the horizon. The Sun continues to rise every day, while thousands of scientists and medical experts are working around the world to bring about vaccines and treatments to fight this latest suffering. Millions more have ramped up their service in offering medical, emotional and financial support to those in need. Each day, there is another glimmer of hope in many different parts of the world.
Tomorrow Will Worry About Itself
Scrolling through my Facebook feed today, I noticed a link to an article titled, “Hell Is Coming.” It featured a graph for the stock market plummeting deeply into the red. Obviously, I did not read the article – the picture and title said enough!
I am sure you have also been noticing an increase in negative messages on social media platforms and in the mainstream news. As a spiritually aware person, I don’t see any intrinsic value in this kind of negative speculation.
Yes, we all must deal with the circumstances that we are currently facing in our world, and it is important to effectively process our feelings along the way. However, when it comes to speculation, there is no difference between a positive speculation and a negative speculation. They are both fantasies conjured in the minds of others, spreading through our adoption of it.
According to some self-proclaimed ‘experts’ the sky is currently falling! Fortunately, I have never taken much stock in conspiracy theories and doomsday soothsayers.
It is true that we are going through a time of unprecedented change, and we are facing challenges that we have never faced before. But, that dramatic article could have easily read, “A Cure For Covid-19 Is Coming” or “This Is A Great Time To Invest In Affordable Stocks.” Why is it that we don’t see many opinions about best-case-scenarios out there?
The Power Of Your Totems
Those of us who are metaphysically inclined often believe in the power of carrying a sacred object, symbolic item, or ‘totem.’ The totem is worn or kept on one’s person for various purposes, including healing, protection, guidance, or support.
This spiritual practice is known as Totemism. It is a system of belief in which humans are said to have a mystical relationship or kinship with a spirit-being, such as an animal, plant or symbolic object.
Believing in the power of a ‘totem helper’ gives one the kind of spiritual self-confidence that can make the difference between success and failure. Actually, I wear on my person a medicine bag in the Native American tradition, which contains various totems or ‘alliances’ I have found in nature.
Some of them were gifted to me, because they resonated with my energetic frequency and “wanted to be with me,” as friends and fellow metaphysicians have stated through the years. It is our custom to save special things of this nature for gifting to each other, especially at sacred times of the year, such as when we celebrate the solstices.
Right now, I am surrounded by all of these charming personal offerings. There are the great horned owl feathers that were gifted to me, for example. I used it to make a prayer stick, that I now make use of during meditation, and sometimes also as an altar piece. In the tradition of Totemism, I consider it to be part of a living being, which is the altar. Indeed, every altar has its own ‘being-ness,’ the same as any other sacred deity.