A Sense of Purpose – A Message From My Guides
We are aware that sometimes life on the Earth plane seems overly difficult, or perhaps even futile at times. Depending on where you are in life, what you have achieved and how satisfied you are with the outcomes, these thoughts can be dreary indeed.
Take heart. There is no magic timeline within which you must accomplish great and wonderful things to impress others. You are at liberty to structure your life in a myriad of ways, in the time frame that suits you best.
Take the opportunity to reframe your criteria for success. There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to realizing your ultimate purpose in life. Each person is unique. No two paths are the same. Your journeys, therefore, will not be identical.
When Will I Find My Soulmate?
The questions I get most often in psychic readings is about finding true love and meeting soulmates. Why am I still single? When will I meet the love of my life? Will I be married? To be honest, I asked myself the same kind of question for decades.
When I got divorced at the age of 28, I had no idea that I would be single until the age of 52. Yes, I had several failed relationships during those years, and even when I connected with someone who I was certain was my life partner, things always seemed to fall apart. However, many years later, when I did meet my soulmate, it was incredible! Truth be told, I would go through it all again to end up in the relationship of my dreams, no matter how long it took.
Create A Vision Board To Manifest Your Soulmate
A spiritual practice I often recommend to my single clients is the creation of a vision board to manifest one’s soulmate. It serves as a tool for visualizing what you desire in a partner, in order to imagine your way to true love.
To perform this ceremony you will need:
- 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 green Candle
- Vanilla incense
- 1 rose quartz stone, or rose quartz beads or jewelry
- A Tarot card deck, or a deck of playing cards
- A new $20 bill (or the foreign equivalent)
- 1 poster board 2’x 3′ or larger (foam core is ideal if you want to pin pictures and objects to it, instead of using glue)
- Glue or pins with which to attach images and objects
- Cord, ribbon or lace to cover outer edges of the board
- A lovely photograph of yourself
- Magazines and collected objects that represent love to you, such as hearts, silk flowers, wedding bells, doves, and so forth
How To Improve Your Money Karma
Karma and money can be a very confusing and complicated spiritual matter. There are lessons in being poor and lessons in being rich. We will be rich in some lifetimes, and poor in others. Most lifetimes we will swing left and right of the middle of wealth.
The universe sometimes uses money as karma, but not always. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is energy. It can be used for good or bad.
The test for poverty is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are poor? The test for wealth is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are rich? Can you find peace no matter how much or how little money is in the bank?
Dealing with Change – Insights From My Garden
Being alive is about experiencing change all the time. The natural order of the world is change and transition. As I was working in the garden this past week, I was observing changes, as well as intentionally creating changes. I had cultivated some seedlings and it was time to transfer them into their new homes.
As I was taking these seedlings and transferring them into the garden, or into larger pots, I observed that they all experienced some sort of shock. Most of them drooped down and looked very sad after their move. Some of them recovered very quickly, within a few hours. Others recovered after a day or so.
How To Manifest Your Twin Flame
I began working with the Law of Attraction back in the early 1980s during the terrible recession Britain was experiencing at the time. I soon came to learn that no matter how unfortunate a person’s circumstances, with the right mindset we can change it for the better – including our love lives!
After securing myself a job, against all the odds I faced at the time, I then decided to turn my attention to the wonderful subject of love and seek out my twin flame. We have now been married for nearly 30 years.
Before looking at how you could attract your own twin flame, it is essential to know exactly what is meant by this. Simply put, it is just another term for your soulmate. Your twin flame represents the mirror reflection of ourselves. Happily, a person’s twin flame meets with them in each lifetime. Meeting them often feels like you have known them for years!
Protect Yourself With A Freezing Ritual
Rituals are a wonderful way to invite Spirit in to help you manifest the highest good in your life. When practiced faithfully, they can create deep transformation within you, strengthen your spiritual being, and manifest a shield of protection and power around you.
The ‘freezing’ ritual is one of my personal favorites in my own spiritual practice. It is powerful ritual for deflecting unreasonable people or situations, and protecting yourself from the negative energy they create.
‘Freezing’ the influence of negative people allows you to keep moving authentically and joyfully through your life, without unnecessary drains on your spirit or emotions. It is also an effective way to rebalance your own emotions and restore clarity. You can freeze energy drains, health problems, financial challenges or any outside conflicts that are keeping you stuck.