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Learning To Deal With Toxic Individuals

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If, as many teachings suggest, there is spiritual growth in every experience, and in particular the more difficult times, then being strongly affected by another person’s negative behavior must also be one of life’s lessons.

I have been pondering this because of the increase in psychic reading calls I have been getting related to this very topic. Some of my clients have been profoundly upset lately by the negative outbursts of people in their lives, including family, friends, partners, work colleagues, or even random altercations in public places.

I love these words from the poem Desiderata: “Avoid the loud and the aggressive – they are vexations to the spirit.” How very true. However, more often than not, we are not in the position to avoid those individuals altogether, in order to escape their toxic influence. Even in a friendship turned sour, we often want to give the toxic friend the benefit of the doubt, knowing that they don’t always behave that way. We might even be in love with a negative person, hoping we can change them one day. Continue reading

Release Gets You Everything You Want

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlmost 20 years ago today, I was traveling to Sedona, Arizona, to attend a teacher training program for The Sedona Method program. Little did I know at the time that I was about to discover one of the most important keys to a happy, fulfilling life.

Soon, I found myself in a Sedona conference room filled with psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors from around the world. I was a young mother and novice Tarot reader at the time. I didn’t feel I was at the professional level of the doctors and behavioral health specialists attending. I felt intimidated, uncomfortable, and actually wanted nothing more than to just go home.

During the first week of training, the director of the class asked me to come up to the front of the room and stand facing everyone. Oh no, I thought to myself, why in the world did I even come to this event! He asked that I demonstrate the technique he had just taught us, with a psychiatrist seated in the front row. My knees were shaking and my heart racing. But, there was no escape, so I decided to simply go for it. Although it was a daunting experience at the time, it was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. Continue reading

Daydream Love And Abundance Into Your Life

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you come to a point in your life where you know that you no longer intend to settle for the way things are in your life? Or are you ready to consider that, perhaps, you actually allowed yourself to accept a less than ideal relationship, or situation? Then, as we head towards a new year, maybe it’s high time for ‘out with the old, and in with the new.’

So often my customers say, “It’s just my luck, I should have known I’d be used again.” Or they believe they will always attract the unavailable ones, the cheaters, or those with addiction problems. When a person’s subconscious is being fed statements such as these, they are taken on board as gospel by our subconscious mind. If we have programmed our subconscious to accept such dialogue, it is what it expects, not just now, but in the future too. Continue reading

Forgive Yourself And Be Free!

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-forgiveness is so essential in today’s modern world. With the festive season fast approaching, however, forgiving oneself is more important than ever, so we can enjoy our time to the full and not let guilt, self-punishment and blame get in the way.

As human beings we have all glanced at our calendars and cringed at the fact that we have overlooked a loved one’s birthday, or not spent as much quality time with our family as we intended.  Equally, resentment can kick in when those around us tend to forget our birthdays, or fail to notice our efforts on the professional or home front. Continue reading

Toxic Friends… End It, Or Mend It?

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is a fact that all friendships, just like relationships, will have their ups and downs. Nevertheless, a real buddy would want the very best for you – irrespective. On the other hand, a ‘friends’ who are toxic will only be concerned about themselves. In fact, it would probably not matter one whit to them if your happiness was destroyed in the process of them getting what they want!

So, just how do you recognize an energy vampire to start with?  Look for the signs, says spirit, which could be one or more of the following: Continue reading

The Necessity Of Grief

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs a psychic medium one learns a lot about grief. There are many different kinds of grief, and it’s not all about death and dying. We grieve many different things in life.

I often hear my clients describe their grief as “my heart has a hole in it” or “my heart has been ripped apart.” When we grieve it does feel as if our heart will never heal. It’s like your physical body is having an actual heart attack.

What each grieving individual experiences is different. Grief has so many different forms and it is impossible to know how it will affect each individual person. We each grieve in our own way.

There is also no time-frame on grief. The length of time a person may grieve is very individual some people may start to feel a little better seven to ten weeks. For others it may be years. Continue reading

Guilt As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA recent traumatic incident with my cat had me really thinking about how each upsetting experience in life really helps me to identify all the more with my psychic reading clients. People often consult professional psychics when they are going through an intense emotion, just like the one I have personally experienced recently as one of my spiritual life lessons.

The unfortunate incident with my cat occurred just a couple of weeks ago. After nine years of sticking to a routine of treating first dogs, and then cats, with an anti-tick solution, I did the unthinkable, and treated my young cat Prince first. Without thinking, I applied to his skin a larger vial than usual, suitable for a medium weight dog. Within minutes Prince was angry and in discomfort, and  then I realized what I’d done! Continue reading

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