The ‘Big Chill’ Moment Of A Soulmate Reunion
I started my first full-time job at age 17 working in the Conservation Corps. I grew up in a rural community and the local Conservation Corps was engaged in environmental stewardship, such as clearing debris and fallen trees from streams to prevent floods and fire hazards. As a teenager, I had many small jobs babysitting, gardening, and so on, but this was my first serious employment after graduating high school.
On my first day of work, I sat on a fence waiting for the bus that would drive us into the woods, when another bus full of ‘city kids’ arrived. The first guy that emerged from the city bus looked directly into my eyes and I remember having a million thoughts all at once!
His eyes were green, like mine. I believe that was a memory trigger. A memory trigger is a soul recognition clue that we program into the psyche before we come into this life. Its purpose is to remind us subconsciously of a soul contract. Soul contracts are agreements between ourselves and others to work out karma in this lifetime.
Mr. Memory Trigger Eyes looked down almost immediately once he saw me, bashfully, with a blushing face. Looking into his eyes felt like a lightning bolt hit my body. I felt a ‘big chill’ at the same time. The hair on my arms stood up. It was electric and exciting! There was an instant familiarity between us.
Although I had never met him before, I somehow felt I knew him. His face seemed familiar, which I ascribe to the built-in memory triggers. The ‘big chill’ is spirit stirring your psychic memory. I instantly knew I recognize his energy signature from past lives and the spirit realm. I even heard my higher self whisper, “He’s the one.” And he did turn out to be my first love in this lifetime.
During the three months we worked together, he flirted shyly with me, stared at me from afar. I knew we would eventually be in a relationship. There was never any doubt in my mind. I just knew it. But what was taking him so long?
Astrology Forecast May 3 – 9, 2021
Mercury moves into its ruling sign of Gemini today, making the start of this week brilliant and insightful! Add an Aquarius Moon today and tomorrow, and we’ll be inspired to share, seek out, and absorb new information, details, and innovative ideas.
Venus will follow Mercury’s example on Sunday, by also moving into the sign of Gemini. These two planets can potentially bookend a week of thoughtful consideration and the ability to embrace new notions and pathways to our goals.
Take care, however, that today’s Mercury-Jupiter square does not cause you to be unnecessarily hasty or careless. Additionally, the Sun-Saturn square can bring our hidden insecurities or lingering self-esteem issues to the forefront. This aspect may also cause us to be more prone to conflict with authority figures or our parents over the next two days.
The Moon will wade through Pisces on Wednesday and Thursday, adding spiritual power to all the new ideas we are considering, as well as cast a deeper insight into why it’s time for a major change.
An Aries Moon will hang overhead Friday through Sunday, encouraging us to be creative in how we approach life, where even taking a different path home from work can revitalize our perception and refresh our view of our day to day lives. We will feel energized, mentally sharp and confident in our abilities. It is a great time to start that new project or tackle difficult things. The theme for this is to ‘think different!’ Doing so might just bring some surprising revelations under the Aries Moon.
Astrology Forecast April 26 – May 2, 2021
Today’s Scorpio Full Moon, also known as the ‘Pink Moon,’ may throw us a bit off-center for a day or two, as its intensity can tend to bring hidden fears to the surface or make us doubt our current course. On the upside we may feel very sensual, adventurous and even courageous to try new things, but we may also be prone to passionate drama, overreaction or conflict. Combined with Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn on Tuesday, the first part of this week therefore is a time for practicing caution and refraining from making any hasty decisions or taking impulsive actions one way or the other!
Things ease up considerably under Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon, when a more lighthearted energy emanates from the heavens. Staying focused in the moment will help bring things to right size again and eradicate a feeling of being overwhelmed.
It’s back to work the remainder of the week, as the Moon travels through responsible Capricorn from Friday through Sunday. Time to tackle the workload and chores that keep our worlds running smoothly as we transition from April into May. All in all, even though things may start out on a somewhat challenging note, we’ll be able to reclaim our balance and equilibrium later in the week and become very productive.
The Capricorn Moon Trine Venus in Taurus on Saturday will have us in a very loving, happy mood with the desire to care for friends and family and have everyone get along in peace and harmony without conflict or arguments. This amicable energy makes the weekend a good time to build family connection, rekindle friendships and cultivate a sense of belonging.
Astrology Forecast April 19 – 25, 2021
Today the Sun moves into Taurus, the sign that will inspire us to manifest our dreams over the next four weeks. Creative ideas will turn into tangible movement and we’ll have the power to reclaim our physical and financial balance.
Later today, Mercury will also join the Sun in Taurus, adding our logical and practical sides to this creative energy for the next couple of weeks. Problem-solving will become child’s play and accessing the information we need will be as easy as typing the issue into a search engine. Today’s Moon-Neptune Trine will further stimulate our creative impulses and imagination!
The Moon will travel through Leo on Tuesday and Wednesday, calling for us to make ourselves the priority. If we’ve been lacking in self-care, now is the time to regroup and put our own needs first. If you are highly sensitive, especially take heed the Leo Moon in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, as it can trigger a low mood, or even sadness, loneliness or depression. If such feelings arise, reach out to someone you trust and remind yourself that you are never alone. There are kind people in this world who care.
Detailed work is best done on Thursday and Friday under the meticulous Virgo Moon. On Thursday Mars will move into the sign of Cancer, which tends to slow outer movement and direct us to work on our inner selves for the next two months.
Regrouping and restoring balance will be the theme this weekend as the Moon dances through Libra and illuminates where our focus needs to be; mainly on our relationships and personal surroundings.
Cleanse Your Chakras With The Water Wheel
The chakras are the energy centers of the body and they sometimes become imbalanced or blocked due to toxic energy influences and negative emotions like fear, envy, anger or lust. When this blockage occurs we tend to feel ‘bogged down with no energy to get to where we want to be, be it mentally, physically or emotionally. A chakra cleansing helps to open the door for that built up energy in the affected chakra areas to dissipate.
Working with clients who request chakra readings I like to use an energy cleansing technique I invented that I call ‘The Water Wheel.’ Water is a great cleanser. Its fluidity and continuity makes it one of humanity’s most formidable allies or our worst enemy, depending on how Mother Nature chooses to express herself. Our bodies consist of 98% water and similar to the cycle of the ocean’s tides we are subconsciously also very ‘moved’ by the power of water.
The Water Wheel exercise signifies motion. It goes in a circle, but it also goes forward within that circle. The Water Wheel cleanses the chakras with the motion of water and the movement of the wheel. The Water Wheel is a visualization exercise in which you go from one chakra to the next and mentally see the colors of each as colored water. The key is create vivid visualizations and to practice, practice, practice!
The base or root chakra is associated with the color red, the sacral or naval chakra with orange, the solar plexus with yellow, the heart with green, the throat with blue, the third eye or brow chakra with indigo, and the crown chakra with violet. It is these colors one has to focus on during the Water Wheel chakra cleansing.
The colored water that you see at each chakra point should reflect the color that corresponds to that chakra. For example, when you start at the root chakra you would visualize bright red water and as you move to the sacral chakra the water would turn to a brilliant orange.
Cleansing Your Crystals
If you regularly use crystals in your spiritual practice, it is vital to have a regular cleansing routine for them to work at optimal levels.
Crystal energy work uses the subtle energy vibration emitted by a crystal, for example to rebalance the human aura or energy field for mind-body-soul health and wellness.
Crystals have a vibrational frequency based on its geometric structure giving each crystal a unique default wavelength known as its oscillatory frequency or its ‘energy signature.’ It is a stable energy emission that is applied to rebalance and heal our own energies.
The human body also has its own oscillatory rate or energy frequency, but our vibration is constantly shifting and changing due to various internal and external factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, mood states, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, relationships and our environment.
The difference between the energy frequency of humans and crystals is that while ours fluctuates and is constantly changing, the vibration of a crystal in its natural state remains constant, stable and unchanging. It is like the factory settings on a brand new computer.
However, like a computer or the human body, crystals can also become contaminated with negative energies, much like viruses or malware. For our healing crystals to continue working the way nature intended, it is important to cleanse them properly or a regular basis.
Some practitioners cleanse their crystals and stones after each session, and this is not a bad idea, considering we expose them to all kinds of energies, no matter how unintentional, every time we handle them. Think of how many smudges and smears you create on your phone screen or glasses every time you use them and then imagine what the many energy imprints your crystals must endure with regular use.
Astrology Forecast April 12 – 18, 2021
The start of this week is a time to stand your ground and get productive as the first three days unfold under a determined Taurus Moon. As an earth sign, Taurus is brilliant at taking creative ideas and manifesting them in real life.
To add to this constructive Taurus Moon influence,Venus, the planet that rules Taurus, will move into this sign for a three week visit, enabling us to cast off restrictions and follow our heart’s desires. The sextile between the Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday further promises to boost our confidence and energy levels to reach for our goals and be successful.
We’ll also be cruising the information highway Thursday through Saturday as the Moon dances through Gemini. This is the ideal time to research a project, learn a new subject, or start that blogging site you have been procrastinating on. We’ll be processing new information at record speeds later this week, and in the process, could discover the solution to a long-standing health or financial problem. So, pay close attention and keep lots of notes.
On Friday, take heed when the Aries Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect may cause us to be impulsive, bossy or egotistical. Please also drive with caution today, as the risk for traffic accidents and road rage may be heightened. Whatever you do, do not give in to the temptation of misplaced arrogance and avoid unnecessary disagreements and conflict.
This potentially disruptive energy influence may be further aggravated by the Moon conjunction Mars in the early hours of Saturday, which may lead to additional irritability or the potential for emotional outbursts and even violent behavior. So, as the end of the week approaches, aim to stay calm and do what usually work best to calm your nerves. Remain grounded and keep your emotional center.
Sunday’s Cancer Moon will invite us to step back and relax a bit, cuddling up with loved ones or diving into a good book or favorite movie, as we regroup from a mentally and emotionally challenging week.