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The Ancient Art Of Dowsing

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you live in a rural, arid area or grew up in a farming community, you might be familiar with the practice of ‘dowsing’ to searching for hidden, underground water. But did you know that dowsing is also used as a divination tool, as well as a spiritual practice?

The art form of dowsing dates back to ancient times, as it can be found depicted in old artwork found in Egypt, China and Babylonia. Dowsing for water, as it is practiced today, is believed to have originated the 16th century in Germany, where it was first used to search for metals.

Dowsing, however, is not only used to find water. It is also used by diviners and metaphysicians to predict future outcomes, perform healings, locate missing objects, and even to help solve crimes.

Instead of a dowsing rod, psychics use a pendulum or weighted item to ask their spiritual guardians or angels for guidance. The pendulum serves as a connection between the physical realm and the spirit realms. The answers from spirit is interpreted through the motion of the pendulum. For example, if the pendulum moves up and down, or counterclockwise, the answer may be no, or negative, while back and forth or clockwise usually suggests yes, or positive.

A skilled diviner is usually able to translate the results very accurately, although a beginner can also practice this art with some success. This allows someone who is new to the practice to ask simple yes or no questions to get results. For more advanced readings, with more complex questions, it’s best to consult a dowser with more experience, who can accurately interpret the results. Dowsing scales and charts are often used for this purpose.

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The Lightworker’s Mission – New Assignments In New Places

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWith so many people currently working from home, the business world as we know it will be changing exponentially. More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of having their employees work remotely, for numerous reasons. This scenario may very likely create a greater change on a grander level – a shifting of consciousness from one city to the next, and from country to country.

What do I mean by shifting of consciousness? Well, someone residing in New York City, for example, who has to live there for work, may in future have the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the world, using the Internet, and they may therefore choose to relocate. Smaller towns and cities could potentially see a welcome increase in its population, after decades of urbanization and economic decline.

Many professionals may in future choose to live in smaller towns, because the pace of life is calmer, the air and environment is cleaner, or because it’s a safer place to raise children. Smaller towns and rural communities offer various desirable lifestyle qualities.

Furthermore, city dwellers moving to smaller towns will bring with them the energetics of the metropolis. They will attract new products and services based on demand, or may choose to open a business of their own that didn’t exist in the area before, which in turn will draw more city-minded people to the area.  Their everyday wants and desires may shift somewhat when living in this smaller town, but they will also bring with them the mindset of big city life. The same holds true for remote workers migrating to other states, countries and even continents.

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My Paranormal Experiences Using A ‘Ghost App’

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWant to be a ghost whisperer? ‘Ghost-hunting’ apps for smartphones has become increasingly popular in paranormal investigation in recent years. I was a little apprehensive at first to try it myself, suspecting these apps might be fake, rigged or designed merely for entertainment. But I have been using a particular paranormal app for a while now that is actually very good.

What I like about this particular app is that you do not have to use your voice. You can telepathically ask your loved one who has crossed over questions, so that you can be sure the app is not merely listening to and responding to what you are saying. It’s pretty cool. I like to write my questions on paper, and not speak it at all, and right after the spirit messages just come in on the ghost app verbatim to what I heard or sensed prior.

I am claisentient and clairaudient, which means I can hear and sense spirit. So, I know if these apps are actually the real deal when I use them. To actually see on the app what I have been experiencing all my life is quit fun and exciting. I have lately been asking spirit to come in using the ghost app and I have had some fascinating personal experiences.

For example, my grandmother passed away a little over a year ago, and after she had passed the hospice worker put her set of dentures right next to her. Fortunately, I noticed this and remembered her saying that she wanted her teeth to be either in her mouth, or kept safe.

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Singing Raises Your Vibration

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI recently had a mediumship reading that brought me great comfort and confirmation of Spirit’s presence. Especially at this point in time, getting acknowledgment of my late father being around me was very reassuring. In this particular reading, the medium told me that my father was around me and he was referring to me singing in the car! Well, that is so true. As a youngster, my father and I would sing in the car, and he would initiate the harmonies.

I have a photograph in the lounge of my dad playing the piano, singing into the microphone. It was taken many years ago, when I joined him on a cruise ship he was working on at the time as a musician. I still talk to his photograph frequently and had done so for quite a while on the day before I had the reading. So, being told by the medium of my conversation with him was beautiful confirmation that he must be there around me.

I remember doing some chanting at a psychic development workshop I attended several years ago. My mentor there was explaining the extent to which singing can raise our vibration. No wonder we get goosebumps when we hear an angelic voice on a talent show, or when we become profoundly moved to tears by a beautiful choir.

I can hold a tune, but never really developed my singing voice. I began to learn the piano at about eight years old, but we moved countries so that got shelved. Then I took up guitar lessons, and I would play and sing on the beach with the local youth club members where we lived on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria.

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Divination Tools 101

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery psychic has a different set of gifts and abilities, and because of this different psychic tools work better for different individuals. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more familiar divination tools used by readers today.

Tarot cards date back to the Renaissance and represent different archetypes and symbols. Each card pictures a specific individual or action, and the cards are used in different layouts, or spreads, to provide insight and meaning. Usually, a specific question is asked, to which the cards help provide an answer.

Angel oracle cards are similar to the Tarot. As the name suggests, each card features a different image of angels and archangels. Angels cards help us to communicate with our spirit guardians, as they look out for us. Each card typically has a short message, which help us figure out what our guardians are trying to say.

Crystals are very popular metaphysical tools. They come in many types and colors, and each has a unique set of properties, For example, rose quartz is used for love energies, and hematite for strength, and so on. No two crystals are alike. They can be used to channel, intensify, deflect, or purify energy sources, depending on an individual’s needs.

Many practitioners have an entire toolkit of just crystals. The crystal ball is often seen in depictions of psychic readings. A crystal ball is used to scry, in order to practice seeing the past, present, and future. They are also useful in finding missing persons or objects.

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A Sweetening Ritual To Rekindle Your Love

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe traditional love spell is a metaphysical practice that is ill-advised and extremely selfish, because it aims to influence and interfere with someone else´s free will. This is never a good idea. The endulzamiento or ‘sweetening’ ritual, also known as a ‘honey jar spell,’ is a better and safer alternative.

A sweetening has similar aims as a love spell, but its mechanism is very different. It is a simple act that seeks to attract higher, more positive energy to your relationship. It´s about finding a better way for both you and your partner. It aims to improve communication and find the best in each-other. In essence one can describe it as ‘kindness magic.’

A sweetening not only enhances positive feelings and attitudes in the relationship, but also seeks to remove all negative feelings and attitudes. For this reason, a sweetening is always considered to be a good metaphysical strategy when difficulties and conflicts are causing damage in your relationship.

Execute a sweetening when you feel you need to save your relationship, or when you want to reawaken the feelings and get the renewed attention of that someone special in your life.

Many people forget what a passionate, intimate, warm and satisfying relationship is like. I have seen many couples wear themselves out with routine, complacency, getting stuck in a rut and taking each other for granted. In time it leads to boredom, emotional exhaustion, unwanted tension, and conflict at every turn.

As it happens gradually, we typically do not notice the decline of passion in our relationships, and we get used to living with a second-rate version of our original love. That initial loving feeling tends to grow cold with the passing of the months and years. A sweetening ritual is the perfect recipe to recover the nature and quality of that original relationship.

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Live Only For Today, It’s Plenty Enough!

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLiving just for today is plenty enough to keep us busy. Why make it more stressful by also worrying about yesterday and tomorrow?

We can easily become inundated with the drama and chaos of the modern world, and bogged down with other people’s negative energy. These days there is generally a feeling of having to go, go, go, and do, do, do!

The demands of staying in the ‘rat race’ hypnotizes most people, until they are left feeling drained, depleted, and unable to function properly anymore. Many folks are constantly feeling exhausted, and they don’t know why.

Sometimes it’s all you can do just to get through the day. And often that is all you really have to do. If you just focus on what you need to do for just today, you will find the daily demands of modern life much more manageable. Living just for today is plenty, don’t put it upon yourself to do anything else, except to live in the now.

Spirit says people are too focused on worrying about the past, the future, and what could possibly happen. That is not the way to make the most of every day, says spirit. The better way is to live each moment fully. Make more of an effort to see, feel and hear what’s going on around you, in every very moment.

It is really that simple. When you rise in the morning do not focus on anything else, other than paving the way mentally for the day ahead. It keeps the mind free of nonsense. Living for today is plenty enough, doing it any other way steals the joy and substance from the moments.

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