Reading The Human Aura
Reading a person’s aura is one of the simplest psychic reading techniques to identify the immediate health and wellness needs of a person.
As a clairvoyant, I started seeing people’s auras when I was about five years old. At the time I thought everyone saw it. I did not understand what it was, or what it meant.
I believe anyone can learn to read auras, but it does take practice and trusting your intuition. The easiest way to practice seeing someone’s aura is to place them against a white wall and look for the hue around their body. You have to look beyond the person, not directly at them, in order to see it. Don’t rush. Take your time and let it happen.
If you look carefully, you will see a thin layer of what looks like ‘heat’ emanating from their body in different colors. Each layer of the human aura has its own energy frequency and color that constantly changes, depending on our emotions and mental state.
When I read auras, I see specific colors, sometimes bright lights. When I first started seeing auras they looked kind of fuzzy with a white light, and then as I got older I was able to see the most beautiful vibrant colors. Sometimes the aura can seem a bit dull and the colors muddled, especially when the person is under a great deal of stress or suffering from depression.
There is also technology available these days for taking aura photos using a special camera. It is done by placing your hands on the camera’s sensors for it to pick up your energy. These aura photos typically show an array of colors.
The human eye cannot see auras without training. This is why we have to retrain the way we look at things to allow ourselves to see our own outer light ~ Lisa Stardust
Poor lifestyle choices, such as a lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition, substance abuse and addiction, as well as undue stress, all tend to show up in what I call a ‘weak aura.’ Improving your lifestyle habits, as well as spending more time in nature, is the best medicine to strengthen your aura in my opinion. This is why I prefer to do my meditation outside.
It is important to regularly cleanse your aura or ‘energy field,’ to keep it balanced and clear of negative energies. I usually cleanse my aura twice a week using white sage. It smells so nice too! I pick up all kinds of energies very quickly by doing the work I do, so I need to maintain my personal energy field more frequently than most people might.
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