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Clairvoyance Is Spirit Speaking In Symbols

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI divide psychic ability into three categories of experiences, namely clairvoyance or ‘soul-seeing’, clairaudience or ‘soul-hearing’ and clairsentience or ‘soul-sensing’. All three come under the heading of mental mediumship.

There are few psychics that possess all three these abilities and they are indeed fortunate when they are equally able to see, hear and sense the spirit people.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see the faces and forms of the spirit people, and to see names, dates and other information ‘written out’ in the ether, and also to see mental visions and symbols which may be woven into a spirit message. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines it as the ability to see things beyond the normal range of sight, such as distant or hidden objects or events in the past or future.

As one develops clairvoyantly, you usually find that your guides use symbols to mean certain things, sort of like a ‘spiritual shorthand.’ As a rule, these pictures or symbols are just meant for the medium and not to be given out.

The psychic having learned the meaning from the guide is ready to symbolize the picture and give its meaning in her message.  For instance, a psychic medium sees a beautiful field of green grass with the sun shining through it. To her it usually symbolizes ‘success’. Instead of giving a long, drawn out description of the scene, she would then simply say, “I see success in regard to your present problem.”

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My Near-Death Experience

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAbout 12 years ago, right before Christmas, I had a lot going on in my life. I was taking care of my two kids and my brother. My cousin had a three-month-old baby, whose mother was in the hospital with complications due to diabetes. He brought me his new baby and asked if they could stay with us, and if I could care for his son while he worked. He was working the night shift, from around 7pm till 4am. Of course, I said I would help in any way I could.

Between my kids’ and my brother’s schedules, and now this new baby who was colicy, I was exhausted at the end of the second week. Somehow, I also got food poisoning. Never having had food poisoning before, I didn’t know the symptoms and thought I had a touch of stomach flu. Being so tired, I hadn’t realized how sick I actually was. After about 18 hours of fluid loss, I become so dehydrated that I had a seizure. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I fell down. Apparently, I was clinically dead for around 1½ minutes.

I did not experience all of the typical near-death phenomena. There was not any floating over my body; there was no white light, no tunnel. I was simply here and then I was there. The first thing I remember is walking along a sort of grassy path. I don’t remember turning around to look behind me, but, I just knew that there was a darkness from which I came, back there.

There were two people there to greet me. A woman and a man, the woman spoke to me first, and the man was a little ways behind her. Today, I could not tell you who these people were. But, when I was there, I was so glad to see them. It was like when I had sent my kids to summer camp, and they were gone for all those summer months, and I missed them terribly. It was the same feeling I got when seeing my children for the first time returning home. I had a deep love and bond with these two people.

The next thing I remember is that I was taken to the top of a mountain. There was no journey to get there, I was just there. The only way to describe the mountain is that it was like standing on top of Pikes Peak and looking out. I was so high up that the only thing I could see was blue sky.

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Losing Touch With Our Departed Loved Ones

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSome people have at least one long-standing friendship from their early childhood years. During your elementary years, the friendship grew to a soft and accepting duality that you easily embraced.

As the time progressed, the ‘best buddies’ syndrome only became stronger, as you melded into the somewhat trying years of early adolescence and puberty. It created an easy belief that this camaraderie would last for the entire duration of your earthly existence. You believed that you would be in each other’s lives forever!

These friendships lend itself to a sense of comfort that helps us deal with the trials and tribulations that young lives normally must endure.

The next thing you know, as you both matured and progressed further in life, your best friend found herself a wonderful life partner, they moved away from your area. But you both vowed to stay in touch and keep the friendship intact, just as it was when you were in your formative years.

At first all was well. You wrote, emailed, texted, phoned, sent the birthday and holiday gifts. You did whatever had to be done to keep those lines of communication open. If all went well, you both did your fair share.

In time, the calls became less frequent, the disconnect between you began to widen, as life took on a unique format for each of you. It is not that you feel less love and affection for each other, it is only that life has a way of moving forward into new and challenging directions. You will always be dear and cherished friends to each other, you will always care about the needs and concerns in each other’s lives, but life moves on.

This narrative is no different if your adored friend and confidant has since left this earthy existence and moved on the other side. We can have clear and constant communication from a loved one that has passed on. Their spirit still has great attachment to those they left behind.

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Let’s Make The Most Of This Gift Of Time

Click Here right now for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is a cheesy saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It may be somewhat cheesy, but it is a brilliant metaphor. You still have those lemons. They are still terribly sour and inedible. But now you’ve added your own sweetness to them.

In recent months we have all suddenly been presented with a sometimes overwhelming new paradigm. Many of us are spending more time at home. Before the pandemic, many of us often wondered where our time went? If we only had more time!

This is especially true for those of us with young children. I have often said I feel like I only have 10-hour-days to fit everything into, including sleep, since my children were born.

It’s interesting to talk to my clients who are currently still going in to work, and often stressed for time, as compared to those clients who are fortunate to work from home, or have a reduced work schedule, or are currently unemployed. They are like parallel universes.

If you currently have the gift of time on your hands, make good use of it. It will lessen your depression and anxiety, and it will help you to think of this unusual time in our lives, which is only temporary, with more fondness and sentimentality. With the internet, so many options are open to us, and the possibilities are endless. Before all of this, I even learned how to crochet and knit online! I am now a very proud intermediate crocheter… and novice knitter.

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Soulmate Love Requires Patience, Hope and Perseverance

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comShould I wait for him? This is a question I have been asked many times in my work. Especially when there is a deep, strong soul-to-soul love, with a sense of eternity and meaning to it, this question naturally arises when such partners are parted.

The answer, I find, is within. It is not a matter of should or shouldn’t, good or bad, right or wrong, nor even a matter of the outcome. It is a matter of heart. And it is a very individual choice.

An intuitive reading can support, but not substitute the process of discovering such a personal choice. As an empathic intuitive, for example, I can offer you a description of the energy I feel around your relationship situation, to provide you with information that may help you discern. I can also support you in trusting your own heart, and then in moving forward accordingly.

But the ultimate answer always lays within your own love and desires. From my experience of love in separation, I have learned that the path of patience, if chosen, will call for a profound degree of it, along with several stepping stones of spiritual qualities and concepts to uphold it.

Love between souls is a spiritual exchange. It steps back and views the beloved through the lens of eternity. It sees the individual spirit soul – the birthless, deathless being within – who is on an evolutionary journey, passing through human experience in this world.

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The Truth About Life’s Choices

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are certain cards in the Tarot that are more commonly associated with our life choices. The Two of Swords, Two of Wands, Two of Pentacles, and Justice, to name just a few. Many other cards also indicate choices we have to make, and where these cards fall in a layout will often influence the direction of the Tarot reading itself.

Choices and decisions are present in almost every good psychic reading. When we are faced with challenges or opportunities in life, it almost always presents itself in the form of a choice. But there is a lot more that goes into making wise choices, other than simply weighing out the ‘pros and cons.’

During a psychic reading, your advisor can usually see what is at the root of the situation, including your own intentions and the motivations of others. Your reader can also verify what decision will support you on a soul level, as well as in your best interest and for your highest good.

Often, what feels right to your mind, is wrong for your heart. A great example of this is when you are considering taking a job offer that has a high pay scale, but is not a good fit for your skill set, or what we really enjoy doing.

Making the right choices in life is actually what prompts most people to call for a psychic reading. We all want to know if we are seeing our current scenario through a clear lens, as well as get a glimpse into the future, to see which choices will lead to the best outcomes. These types of choices are typically clear-cut, and they have to be made, such as deciding about a new job, choosing a place to live, or taking things to the next level in a romantic relationship.

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Simple Ways To Reduce Your Stress Levels

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all feel the effects of stress in our lives at the moment. This is an especially difficult time in the world, and it is challenging us in ways that we did not expect.

Stress is a feeling of being under way too much pressure. This pressure can come from different aspects of your daily life, such as career challenges, life transitions, relationship conflict, health problems, family issues and financial worries. Whatever the stressors in your life are, they can affect your well-being very negatively.

We all experience stress, but how we handle it affects our lives to various degrees. You might have tried different approaches, but not much has worked. Sometimes the solution is much simpler than one might realize. Here are some positive lifestyle tips to manage your stress levels. Even if you just apply a couple a day, these basic strategies can make a real difference in cultivating a calmer state and greater peace of mind.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is so important in so many ways, and so often neglected in our busy lives. Adequate sleep helps us to stay focused, heal is from within, and manage our days so much better.

If you are not sleeping well, or not getting enough sleep, make every effort to resolve this. It is probably the most important thing you can do to reduce your stress levels. I find meditation music or white noise very helpful, and taking short naps during the day are an excellent means to get extra rest.

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