Shifting Into A Creative Vibrational Frequency
You are more powerful than you may be consciously aware of. You have access to more creative power than you think, and if you want to raise your vibration in the quickest way possible, you need to integrate your physical body with the light of the spirit of your higher self.
When your vibrational frequency shifts into a creative state, you will experience a shift in your health, relationships, income, and your entire life. It is very crucial for you to imagine yourself in the future.
To jump start this process you need to write an outline script for your future life. Find a peaceful, quiet place where you feel comfortable and then start scripting life the way you want it to be in a few year’s time. Write every detail about it, every little detail, whether it seems important or not.
Be true to your own wishes and desires. This outline is not something that you need to show to anyone else. This is for you and you alone. It is your life, you design it. Write in words what you want and how you want it to be. It will start to happen the way you want it to be. Believe!
You need to be in the right state of mind to get down to every detail that you need to write, otherwise it will not be as effective or successful as it can be. If you don’t seem to find the right mind frame to think properly about what you really want, you should invoke the angels and get their help, guidance, and assistance.
Spirit Courage, Body Bravery
We all know someone who clearly walks to the beat of their own drum. These people typically have a robust inner strength, and refuse to accept at will any pertinent information handed to them by anyone in a position of authority. The one such character that stands out in my life is my maternal grandfather.
We came from a small town of 8,000 souls. Although our neighbors enjoyed the comforts of electricity, running water and all the modern conveniences of that time, my grandfather instead chose a code of living that suited him best.
The farmers in the area also had the use of tractors and other types of modern farming equipment that enabled them to work in a more worldly fashion, but my grandfather stubbornly refused to adhere to these modern trends. He had reliable horses to pull his plow and haul the hay, used kerosene lanterns when electric lighting was easily available to him, and firmly kept to his agenda with a tedious water pump that was needed for the normal household chores.
He was a very dedicated and diligent employee, working in the shipyard. He helped to load cargo ships from all corners of the globe, which came for the mighty salmon our region was extremely well-known for. Papa, as he was known to one and all, married at a very young age, which was a normal occurrence in those days, and managed to sire 15 children. He was also very well-versed and totally immersed in politics. The entire neighborhood would first ask his advice before casting their ballot, or not, for any politician brave enough to run for local office.
How To Boost Your Confidence
Sometimes I wish that confidence was for sale! Feeling confident can make all the difference, for example, when you are anxious about accepting a social invitation, without the need for spending hours of internal dialogue trying to convince yourself it will be okay for you to attend. Confidence also means being able to easily decide what to wear for the big night out, and so on.
Indeed, I have marveled at other people’s ability to do such things with ease. However, these very same people are no different than you or me. It is just that they have mastered their mindset with regards being confident, and so can you! Here’s how:
Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Have you noticed certain people in your life encroaching on your space and time? If so, it may be time to implement some polite, yet firm boundaries. By doing so, you should find that this really builds your confidence in both professional and personal relationships, and you no longer feel drained or undermined by specific individuals you have to share some of your time and space with.
Practice Self-Awareness
We hear a lot these days about being more self-aware, but just what is meant by this? Well, it simply means having the ability to recognize when you are falling into a pattern of self-sabotage. Let’s say, for example, you are due to meet a person who continually makes significant demands on you, but you find great difficulty in saying no to them. By learning the art of becoming more self-aware, you can plan, in advance, how to remain strong and firm with this particular individual, so that your relationship with them becomes far healthier.
Tapping Into Higher Spiritual Consciousness
To experience the spiritual love you are surrounded with, you need to let your heart be open and let it expand freely. It is the same as the spiritual awakening process you undergo by tapping into your higher self, thus easier tapping into the spiritual realm.
The acceleration of energy you feel while this happens, is a result of the change that is taking place inside you and within your surrounding environment. The angel of power is with you throughout this whole process, whether you know that in your conscious mind, or not.
What you need to know is that in the higher realms, the energy is moving much faster than the energy in the lower realms. There is a whole process for you to experience this accelerated energy, so that you can fully tune into the accelerated energy changes that are taking place.
Tapping into the spiritual realm is known to have caused complications and confusion amongst many people, as it is not aligned with the intentions of the highest order of good. But, at the time of awakening, it is like a new beginning that accelerates your energy, which makes you aware of the spirit in the physical form. All at the same time you gain higher awareness in the higher order of the realms.
Easy Manifesting Ritual For Today’s New Moon
Today’s New Moon offers a great opportunity to invite new growth and fresh opportunity into your life. The New Moon is a time of rising power and an ideal time for new beginnings and manifesting your desires. This is the perfect moment to set your intention for a new love, a new job, a new home, or any new project you may have been planning.
The phases of the Moon do not imply that the Moon changes in any way. It is the relative position of the Earth and the Moon that changes, creating a variety of angles in which we receive the sunlight reflected off the surface of the moon.
A full lunar cycle is approximately 29 days. The moon ‘grows’ from New Moon and gets ‘bigger,’ until it reaches a Full Moon, after which it recedes again. The eight Moon Phases in order are New moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and finally Waxing Crescent.
The lunar cycle does not fully coincide with a calendar month. Some months may have two New Moons, while others only one. When there are two New Moons in the same months, the second one is called a Black Moon and it occur about every 32 months. The New Moon is considered, in most spiritual traditions, the start of the lunar cycle.
The Miracle Power Of Music
Last night, my friends and I went out to see a performance by the blues artist, Shemeka Copeland. What a great show that lady put on! The music made the audience feel the love and joy, young and old alike, happily singing along and feeling the vibes.
Looking around me, I saw many people with smiling faces moving to the beat, doing the chair dance, clapping hands and happy feet. People of all walks of life came together as a community, any and all differences forgotten, because of a shared love of the music. The miracle of music!
All living things respond to sound. It’s the vibes that just touch us, because music is after all nothing more than vibration. Music has been known to inspire, soothe, calm and heal. I have heard, for example, of a group of harpists who play at hospitals for the benefit of patients.
When my daughter was young she said to me, “Momma, if the teachers only had music playing in class, all the kids would pay attention and understand what they were teaching.” On the flip side my parents always said, “Turn that music off!” How can you study, learn and remember what you are reading with that music on, they asked.
Reclaiming Your Power When A Relationship Ends
One of the main reasons it is so painful to release someone when a relationship ends, is because we have usually invested so much of our time and energy in our connection with that person. In essence, what we are truly missing when we mourn a relationship are parts of our self that we have given away. What we are mourning is the loss of our hopes and dreams, not merely the presence of the person who is no longer in our life.
If this is something you are currently struggling with, I recommend the following ritual designed to help you reclaim your power after a relationship break-up, so that you can restore your inner wholeness and resume your search for true and enduring love.
- 3 votive candles: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
- 1 aqua marine or clear quartz crystal
- rain or sage incense wand
- small mirror
- 3 copper pennies
- 2 tbsp of fresh or dried mint in a small bowl
- 2 tbsp sea salt