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The Nature Of Spirit

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen getting a reading you may hear a psychic use the term “Spirit” during the reading. But what is Spirit? Spirit is another way of saying “God” or “the Divine.”

In my personal experience Spirit is the in-dwelling essence from which all things come. Spirit is the life force that dwells within us and in all living things, and represents each individual’s highest path and potential.

So how do we connect with “Spirit”?  The concept or idea of Spirit is found within many spiritual traditions. It is the reason why individuals to this day practice specific religions in hopes that they too can align themselves with the higher power or Spirit. Continue reading

Connect With Your Passion

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have all read those inspiring quotes about finding your passion, and living your best life doing what you love. It is however sometimes not that easy for all of us to really know what we are meant to do. This is where psychic readings can be useful. An intuitive can often tell right away what a person would be good at or what would make them happy.

Life can become cluttered with negative emotions, such as worry, tension, fear, depression and anxiety. Sometimes it can be chemical, something hormonal, and sometimes it can be because we are going against the grain and stuck in lives we dislike and jobs we don’t enjoy. It creates dis-ease and makes us feel like our life is a cup half – void of joy.

One way to find your passion is to write down the things you enjoy. What makes you happy? What makes you feel like your vibration is heightened? What resonates with you in this world? Really think about what you would love to do to help people, because that could reveal your life meaning, joy, and purpose. Continue reading

Moldavite: A Connection To Higher Realms

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love my crystals. I have many of them. I recently acquired one that I have been wanting for a very long time: Moldavite. I have heard many wonderful things about this crystal and so I just had to try it.

The only thing I didn’t like about shopping for this new crystal was the cost. I went to a rock, gem and mineral show in my area recently and they had Moldavite for sale, but wanted the price of the Moon for it. After lots of meditation and prayer I received a vision during my quiet time and I knew exactly where to go: a metaphysical shop not too far from my home. There I found 6 grams worth of Moldavite for only $65! I feel I got a really good deal, considering most sellers were charging a lot more. Continue reading

The Longing To Connect To Source

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comStress, whether it manifests as physical, emotional or spiritual, is a major factor in the depletion of our energy, resulting in us going out of balance. Meditation is a tried and trusted way of dealing with stress, raising energy and bringing balance. It is also favorable in achieving some other wonderful outcomes, including the direct experience of our connection to the unified field of intelligence, or “the void.”

The past two weeks have been considerably hectic for me, and I’ve missed my daily meditation. Meditation is instrumental in helping me feel aligned in body, mind and spirit for the kind of work I do, not to mention, assisting in dealing with the current chaos in my life! Continue reading

Grief And Spiritual Healing

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery one of us deals with loss at some point in our lives. A family member, a friend, even our beloved pets. We may be angry or depressed long after the loss occurs, and ask ourselves why it happened. As we work through the stages of grief, keeping a sense of spirituality is essential.

It’s natural to ask our higher power for answers. We have to keep the lines of communication open. In doing so, we work through our grief and learn more about ourselves. This is called “soulwork,” or “soul-searching.” It should not be confused with connecting to our loved ones on the other side, though this may be part of the journey. Expressing grief is the most important thing we can do. Continue reading

Walking With Angels

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are an infinite number of angels and guardian spirits in the spirit realms, and all of us have at least one such being whose purpose it is to guide, nurture, and protect us in our daily lives. They are there at our call. So how do we go about contacting them?

Our angels cannot help us unless we ask them. We have to make time to speak to them, and it is best to choose a regular time and method to do this. Some of us may feel more comfortable speaking aloud; others may prefer to journal, or silently meditate. Whatever we choose, our angels will hear us.

As we make this a practice in our lives, we get to know them better, including their name, their appearance, their aura. The better we know a person, the easier it is to speak to them; the same is true of our guardian angels. Don’t be frustrated if you are just beginning this practice. Angels have very highly attuned energies, and it may take a while to adjust your wavelength to theirs. Continue reading

Three Famous Prayers Of Power

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPrayer is the method we can use to petition our Source or Creator for our own highest good.  It is a way for us to communicate what we truly want within our situation, and align ourselves with the highest potential in any given situation.

There are many ways to pray, and one great way to begin a practice of prayer is to use prayers that have already been written down.

The following are three “power prayers” that I use in my own life.  I know that anyone who adopts these three prayers as a method for communicating their innate desires to the Divine will find what they seek. It is my prayer that each person reading this article will find the strategies that work best for his or her own journey on this planet. Continue reading

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