More Than We Can Imagine
I often set an intention before I got to sleep of what I want to do during my astral travels. This could be to visit another universe, or a deceased loved one, or to spend time in the sanctuary that I created in my mind’s eye for me to rest and recharge. I do this just before I fall asleep and transfer to the spirit realm. I have shared in previous blogs how you can do this yourself.
I enjoy visitations with my Grandpa during these astral dreams. When I want to visit with my Grandpa, I simply imagine myself walking through a well-worn path to a mechanical lift. I step into the lift and rise with it to the top of a very tall hill. Here there is a portal that I enter that leads to my sanctuary or my “happy place.” From here I may continue the journey further, or I will remain there and enjoy astral encounters with others.
Sometimes I will meet with Jesus or other enlightened beings that have come to this earth to teach lessons of love, patience, kindness – all the fruits of the spirit. I have also been shown things that exist on other planets and in other universes. I have even experienced other worlds, and it is so much more than I can possibly explain with mere words.
To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven ~ Karen Sunde
Once when I met with my Grandpa, during one of these astral experiences, I asked him to share with me what it is like in Heaven. He simply told me it is more than you can ever imagine. I asked him again to explain it to me, and he said I need to imagine being in love. “Imagine that feeling of the most intense love you have ever felt in your entire life,” he said. “Then multiply it by infinity – that is what it is like.”
I have had feelings and thoughts, and seen some visions, of what it might be like on the Other Side. But Grandpa corrected me and said, “No it is much more than you can ever imagine and there is no tangible way I can share with you or give you the experience in your current human state. You will have to wait until it is your time. Everyone has to wait until it is there time to experience it.”
Grandpa also made it clear that the only way anyone can be sure to experience the Afterlife is through faith and belief. For only those who believe will enter the gates. On the Other Side the gift is everlasting. I woke up feeling really good; my question about heaven was answered: it is simply more then we can ever imagine with our earthy minds. And for now that is all we need to know.
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