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Why Do People Judge Others?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhy do people judge others? Have you ever walked down the street and someone would give you a weird look? Have you ever been in a store and someone would discuss you behind your back?

The reason I feel the need to be bring this up is because I get many calls on a daily basis where a client would tell me how someone has judged them or said something to hurt their feelings.

A week ago I had a caller who was upset, because the person who judged her believed that he can walk on water, and whatever he does in life… he is better than others. I felt bad for my client and I told her that she is better than what this man was telling her. He was trying to push her buttons. I feel when someone puts another person down by judging them, it is because they are trying to make themselves feel better. Continue reading

Faith In Faith

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGeorge Michael sang about it, prayers have been written about it, songs have been sung about it… and yet it remains a mystery to so many. So, I put forth this question to you: what is faith and where does it come from?

Right now there is either silence on your end, or a rapid fire response. Or maybe you are saying, “Well, let me think about it.”

They say faith moves mountains, but then that begs the question: do you have Faith in faith? That’s a different concept altogether – one that must be looked at.

It’s easy to go to your preferred place of worship on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, or whenever it is that you attend. Lovely. Absolutely. Without a doubt. There you show your faith. But what happens the rest of the week? This is where Faith in Faith comes into play, and without it you don’t even get to pass go. Continue reading

Past Life Love Difficulties

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered why you feel so connected to a certain person, but don’t know why? It’s that ‘familiar’ feeling when your talking to someone for the first time. You may also experience déjà vu – that you have known or been with this person before, although you have never met them. You may even see flashes of yourself with that person in a different country, or distant place and time.

These experiences come from cell memory connected to past lives. In that moment you are tapping into a past life with that person.

When this happens it’s important to realize that there is still soul growth that needs to take place and that is why you both met up again in this life. Sometimes it’s not a positive experience, but you need to go through some potentially unpleasant experiences with that person. This may come in the form of romantic relationship challenges, or reaching that person on a deeper level by learning how to be true friends. Certain things need to take place between souls, and sometimes much work needs to be done and it may take many lifetimes. Continue reading

Free Your Mind, Find Your Bliss

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat we think, and what we believe, is what we become. We create our own reality. Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.

The same holds true for toxic relationships, and people in your life who consistently indulge in negativity, cynicism, prejudice, fear-mongering, pessimism, and hatred. But have no illusions – the opposite extreme is just as noxious. Be equally cautious of those who deem themselves spiritually superior or ‘holier-than-thou’. Be wary of the well-meaning souls who profess themselves to be paragons of unconditional love and light, or who claim they have attained perfect insight into all the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading

Contact After Death – How Long Does It Take?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked how long it takes a soul, recently crossed over, to come back and connect with a loved one. This is particularly a concern for those souls who depart in a violent manner or through illness, and often at a young age.

I’ve learned through experience that the actual time in our Earth time can be different from soul to soul. It tends to depend on the belief system of the person prior to them returning to spirit, because if they didn’t believe there would be a time of ‘orientation’ to their new surrounds.

Sometimes people will come to me for a mediumship reading hoping to connect with a loved one who recently passed away, and they would be disappointed when they don’t get any messages from the individual they had hoped to connect with. Fortunately, they are often relieved when another family member or friend comes through for them, usually with a message about their recently departed loved one. Continue reading

Good Morning, It’s Good To Be Alive!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGood morning fellow seekers and believers. A warm welcome also to ye of little faith. It is indeed a blessing to greet you at the dawn of yet another perfect Solstice day in this miraculous annual progression of human history. It is December 21st, 2012 and it is exactly 11:11 GMT, the official time of the Solstice. Take a deep breath, you are indeed still alive!

If you are one of the more adventurous and spirited among us, you may very well find yourself today on a Mayan galactic alignment cruise or magical pilgrimage to the Chichen Itza in the Mexican state of Yucatan, or at Stonehenge in the United Kingdom, waiting for the first light to break on the horizon. I can only imagine how much fun you must be having! Continue reading

Recipe For Attracting Zen Love

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have spoken with many people who really want someone special to come into their lives, but it never seems to happen for them. They wonder why they can’t connect with anyone, why they can never find true love.

I have witnessed many times that the basis of this problem lies in the fact that people either want it too much, or that they turn themselves and the other person they are trying to attract into magnets that push each other away, instead of being attracted to one another.

To attract what you want into your life, you have to let go and essentially focus on it without force. Stay clear of any negative emotions, as that will not help in keeping you in Zen. Continue reading

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