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Living With Lady Luck!

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you closely acquainted with Lady Luck, or is she a stranger to your life? To be lucky or not depends on your personal view on luck. If you see luck as being pure chance and something you have absolutely no control over, then this will become your reality experience. Should you, on the other hand, see luck as that moment when opportunity and careful preparation finally come together, then this should have a massive impact on how much good luck you receive in your life!

Search your memory for the last time you bought a lottery ticket and what went through your mind when you did? Did you just put it away, not think about it and tell yourself that you never win anyway? Were your thoughts on something else, or did you conjure up some images as to how great it would be when you take your prize home? Hardly surprising what the outcome was, is it? Continue reading

Diving Deep Into The Spiritual Waters

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA good psychic reading helps bring a sense of clarity and peace of mind, but should also help you to grow spiritually. When you get a psychic reading, you join together on a soul level with your psychic and, in a way, enter into a partnership. It can even feel like you’ve actually entered another dimension. This is because you are both raising your vibration and accessing a higher state of consciousness.

How this all works is really quite profound. Spirit leads you to a particular psychic, you feel drawn to call them and aren’t even sure why. The compelling feeling that comes over you to connect with that psychic is the first step to following your natural, internal guidance system. The topic of greatest importance to you, the one that you think about day and night, is actually what unlocks a portal that holds the key to a hidden treasure. This treasure being the golden nugget, or spiritual lesson available to you at that time. Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance On Organized Religion

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting at a local café, drinking my smoothie, I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation behind me. They were talking loudly and were not really going out of their way to be discreet by any means. The one girl was talking about how her mother had passed. She spoke of chemotherapy and did not want the same ordeal for her friend, who is obviously going through something similar.

She then shared a story of how her aunt called her a few weeks ago and told her about a dream she had. In this dream the aunt was visited by the girl’s departed mother, who told her that if she could do it all over again, she would do two things  differently when she was alive. She would not have taken the chemotherapy and she would not have spent so much time in church. Continue reading

Be Honest With Yourself

Click the picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a professional psychic, I often come across clients who are stuck in a relationship or career that doesn’t seem to bring them fulfillment or happiness. Overall it seems our society has been conditioned to settle for less than we are worth, and the majority of us have been raised to escape from our problems, instead of acknowledging them head on.

If you are at a crossroads, or questioning why you find yourself in a toxic situation, then it may be time to get brutally honest about who you are and what you really want. Refuse to make any further excuses and take responsibility for what you can change. Denial or lack of self-love will often times hold us back, but the truth will always set one free into greener pastures. Ask yourself the vital questions. Continue reading

Wisdom From The Garden

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs living beings having a human and earthly experience, we are bound by natural law.  Natural law is simply the order of things and one of the primary natural laws is that things unfold over time.  This law represents the seasonal dynamic of life.

Many times, people will have a desire, something that they would like to experience in relationships or within their career.  I am confident that our desires are meant to be fulfilled, but it is important to understand that the fulfillment of our desires unfolds over time.

Just like a garden, it is crucial for us to recognize the process by which things come into being.  I want tomatoes in my garden.  So, I started some tomato plants from seed.  When I planted the seeds, I trusted that they were growing.  This is often the first step to manifesting.  We must trust that the natural order is working in our favor. Continue reading

Lunar Energy Can Enhance Your Life

click on photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe moon may have a somewhat modest appearance, but it has a strong influence, both physically and mentally, on us human beings. When the Moon is full, some people tend to experience poor sleep, for example, and children may be noisier than usual.

The Moon is a feminine energy and therefore she hides, shines, waxes and wanes, and we all sense her influence, be that on a conscious or an unconscious level. But one can dance to the tune of the Moon and so experience all the energy and harmony it can bring.

So, how exactly does the Moon have the effect that it does? Continue reading

Overcoming Feeling Rejected

click on photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen a customer asks for a reading about future love prospects, they will often ask how they could possibly meet this person. “How can this possibly happen”, they ask, when they really don’t go anywhere, not to mention that their internet dating attempts have been futile.

I don’t feel that there are coincidences in the way in which people meet. Our frequencies attract to us the ‘other’ who will bring us our next life lesson. At least this is my overall feeling.

This force of nature holds a magnetism unlike any other feeling, and it can throw any logical perception of another person (who is the attention of our desires) right out of the window. It’s a real pity how a toxic relationship can divert someone off course from their true spiritual purpose, which, for many of us is, to find the love of self. Continue reading

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