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Letting Go Allows Miracles To Happen

click on photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe tend to hold onto things and people which no longer serve us. Fear keeps us attached, as well as that comfortable feeling of the familiar.

Some people hang onto other people for dear life, even though they treated them badly, because they do not feel they are good enough for anyone else. Some people hang onto material things, because to let it go would diminish their self-worth or comfort zone by some means.

This was a hard lesson that I had to learn and overcome myself.  Three years ago, I had my father’s house up for sale. It had been on the market for over a year and did not even attract one offer. Later, I realized that this had happened because I was not ready to let it go at the time. My energy was preventing anyone, who might have been interested, from going near the house to even look at it, let alone make an offer. Continue reading

The Paranormal Power Of Cats

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCats are often depicted in ancient Egyptian art and artifacts. The Egyptians actually worshiped cats as gods, and believed that they took on a spiritual importance. They were considered to be a sacred animals with magical powers.

Ancient Egypt was said to be one of the most advanced civilizations in human history, capable of architecture, that by today’s standards would be difficult, if not impossible to construct. But, did they also possess otherworldly knowledge that has been forgotten?

Some myths and folklore also claim that cats can walk in and out of the spirit world with great ease and at will. It was also believed that when a house cat would disappear, with no plausible explanation, that it had found a portal to the other worlds and is exploring them and will return just a mysteriously as it had disappeared. Continue reading

Intuition, Psychic Ability And Mediumship

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThroughout time mankind has explored the ability to communicate with the gods, with nature, or with each other on a non-verbal level. It is extremely common for us to use the term intuitive. these days. It is often the explanation given by many an entrepreneur or successful decision-maker: “I just trusted my gut,” or “What I love about Mary is she is just so intuitive and makes the right decisions.”

The term psychic on the other hand, although nowadays often well known within a household, conjures up for so many outside the metaphysical community feelings of distrust, fake, absurd, not possible. Perhaps these attributes are attached because of our personal belief system that does not value or agree with the skill set. This also can impact our personal relationships if we know it is real and others judge us since we may then hide our abilities as being psychic and connected with the unseen realm or worse shut down and not continue developing them. Continue reading

Soulmates, Soul Groups And Soul Contracts

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that many people in the spiritual and metaphysical communities are looking for their ‘soulmate.’ So what is a soulmate? What does this term mean to you?

A soulmate is often defined as the individual that we can completely resonate with, that we can truly love and that they truly love us back unconditionally. In reality, however, due to our humanness, this may not always be possible and then we may become obsessed with the search for a soulmate. In that search sadly we often miss truly wondrous opportunities to connect with love in the most unusual or unexpected places. Continue reading

Context, Context, Context

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the sales and marketing field they often talk of ‘location, location, location’ (no matter how good your product or service is, how successful you are often comes down to location). Perhaps in our communication with others we should think of context, context, and context?

We have entered a period of time in the world that communication is misconstrued, even fake and has more opportunities to be interpreted as confrontational, biased, and not politically correct. On top of that put an individual’s personal style of communication – introvert, extrovert, analytical, emotional subjective and all the other styles, and the matter becomes more thorny.

Then, add even another layer, such as email and social media, which does not involve the other person being face-to-face. Now communication becomes even more complex, because body language and the human expression energetically is not a resource available to us to can pick up on the subtle options for interpretation. We will initially respond to the email from our frame of reference, and our reference alone, which is biased by our experiences. Continue reading

Keep Your Money Karma Clean

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been receiving many calls from clients who are struggling with finances and employment. They get something then lose it, or they have others sabotaging their jobs or reputation. If this is a re-occurring problem in your life, it is a good idea to look at your money karma.

Not all people who go through this have ‘bad’ money karma, but some do. We are on this planet with others and our world and karma gets entangled with others. Many people have issues with money, and their abuse and view of money easily bleeds over into our lives. Continue reading

Clearing Toxic Energy From Your Home

Get a free reading at Click Here!When I read for a client, I am not just reading their energy, but I am also reading the energy of their loved ones, co-workers, friends, their home environment, as well as their work environment and community. During a psychic reading in can become evident, for example, that the home environment is toxic, stagnant, or energetically polluted, which has a negative effect on my client.

This pollution is not always metaphysical in origin. Sometimes it is caused by a physical contaminant. For example, it can be a mildew issue, which will make me smell mold and sense moisture, like a smothering humid feeling, or see black mildew spots on a psychic level. The toxicity can also be due to a leak of actual chemicals, bugs or something else that has become a threat to the client’s health. Continue reading

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