divine intervention
Your Angels As Your Co-Creators
When we think of angels, we typically think of spiritual wisdom, guardianship, personal serenity and metaphysical insight. But did you know angels can also aid us in our creative pursuits? Have you ever heard of being inspired by a muse or divine inspiration? That is the sure sign of angels at work.
Two Archangels in particular, Jophiel (Beauty of God) and Uriel (Fire of God) are known for their association with creative inspiration. If you’re a creative person feeling stuck, or at a loss, call upon these angels for their assistance.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a vision board with a series of images and sayings which relate to your personal creative hopes and dreams. You may also include these two angels in your daily meditations or prayers. Or try writing an open letter to them. They are always listening and willing to help, but only if we call upon them for assistance.
Your Intuition Is Always Right
We are often told to follow our instincts, or trust our ‘gut.’ But what does it really mean?
From a psychic perspective, intuition is the sixth sense, the way we are able to perceive things beyond the scope of our five senses. Some people call it the ‘little voice’ within. We all have it, and unless we use it on a regular basis, it may not be as sharp as we need it to be.
If we fail to listen to our intuition, we may find ourselves making poor decisions, which often lead to confusion, misunderstanding, and strife. Then, when it is too late, we often wonder why we didn’t go with our intuition!
It is often said that the first instinct is usually right. That ‘little voice’ we are hearing is actually the voice of the Universe and the Divine speaking directly to us. Whether or not you follow a particular spiritual tradition or religion, cultures around the world have always had an understanding of this phenomenon. It is also the concept behind prayers and mantras being answered directly. When we speak directly to the Divine, it speaks back to us. Its intent is always benevolent, so, even if the answer is no, or isn’t what we’d hoped for, it is in our best interest to take it to heart. Continue reading
Psychic Prediction – Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?
Psychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface they are in fact two very different practices. Psychic reading is a spiritual practice… a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a fallacy and potentially dangerous and destructive.
Yes, fortune-telling is a myth. Nobody can ‘tell your fortune’ for the simple reason that you don’t actually have a ‘fortune.’ Your fortune is something you create every day through your beliefs, thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. You are a spiritual being continuously seeking physical expression in your current incarnation. And therefore you are the creator of your own reality experience, and the designer of your own destiny. Your fate is ultimately in your own hands (albeit with a little help from the Divine). Continue reading
Connecting To Your Internal GPS
This past year has been the best! It is amazing to see what happens when we live with eyes and heart wide open. We experience more synchronicity, calmness, joy, and peace. We go from go, go, go, and do, do, do, to being fully present.
We too often choose to ignore the little voice inside that tells us things like, “Don’t go out, stay in!” or “Don’t do that, do this instead.” That inner voice is what most people call your intuition or inner guidance. I think of it as God within.
When we are clear-headed and keep from chaos and drama, and set healthy boundaries with others, we actually can hear that voice much more clearly. Continue reading