The Divine Timing Of A Soulmate Connection
A dear client I have been reading for many years called me the other day to finally confirm what I always knew was going to happen. As much as I was not shocked or even surprised, this event “blew her mind,” as she bluntly put it.
You see, for years she had sworn up and down that she would “never, ever, ever in a million years” hear from her soulmate again, but now she has!
From my perspective, it was always just a matter of time. For years I told her not to lose faith and to hold on to the mystical love they shared because one day he would come back to her. But she kept shrugging and rolling her eyes and muttering things like “in my dreams” and “when pigs fly.” She just couldn’t accept the fact that he would one day be coming back into her life.
I must confess that while I was not surprised by this long-anticipated outcome, I was a bit intrigued by it for the simple reason that I thought for sure that her constant negative thoughts and feelings about the situation would eventually create so much energetic resistance that it would prevent her from reconnecting with him at all! But not even her constant self-sabotage and negativity could stop the turning of the wheels of destiny and divine timing. If we are meant to connect with someone who is our soulmate, it’s bound to happen one way or another, whether we trust the process or not.
The Magical Gift Of A Spiritual Relationship
One of the greatest privileges and gifts we can experience in this life are the spiritual relationships we have with certain people who come into our lives at just the right time and place.
A spiritual relationship is a deep and profound connection between two people that transcends the physical and emotional and touches the very essence of our being.
It’s characterized by a shared spiritual journey, values and beliefs that foster a sense of unity and purpose. In such relationships, both parties experience a deep sense of understanding, empathy, and support for each other’s spiritual growth and well-being.
Spiritual relationships can take many forms, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.
These connections are not necessarily defined by the conventional markers of relationships, but rather are built on mutual respect, love, and a shared pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.
These relationships are deeply meaningful and often challenge individuals to evolve and expand their understanding of themselves, others, and the universe. You and the other person are on the same spiritual plane and see things in the same way. Secret doors and new pathways open for you. Remarkable things happen that often seem truly magical.
Embracing The Magical Art Of Allowing
There is a magical force in the universe – a profound creative essence that flows through all realms, weaving its way through the fabric of existence. This magic essence is not bound by the limits of our understanding nor the constraints of our control. Rather, it emanates from the depths of surrender and trust. This magical power is the sacred art of allowing.
For much of my life, I found myself grappling with the notion of control. I sought to navigate the complexities of existence with a firm grip, believing that my willpower alone could shape the course of my journey. Yet, time and time again, I was met with the harsh reality of resistance — the relentless struggle against the ebb and flow of life’s currents.
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the profound wisdom of allowing that I began to witness the transformative power of surrender. Allowing is not passive resignation; rather, it is an act of radical acceptance — an invitation to dance with the rhythm of the universe and surrender to the innate flow of existence.
One of the most profound lessons in allowing came to me during a time of immense uncertainty and upheaval in my life. I was at a crossroads, grappling with decisions that made me feel like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. In my desperation to find clarity, I clung to my preconceived notions of how things should unfold, trying to force the puzzle pieces of my life into some semblance of controlled order.
The Power Of Precision In Psychic Reading
As a professional rune reader, I’ve come to appreciate the profound importance of preparation and precision in any psychic reading. The core element is the clarity of the question asked, which is paramount in any reading.
I find that clients who approach a reading with clear questions and sincere intentions usually receive the most transformative insights and accurate answers.
In the runic tradition, the clarity of the question has always been central to the practice. From ancient times to the present, seekers have always understood that the runes respond most powerfully to direct inquiries. I’ve seen firsthand how precise questions can serve as a beacon, directing the energy of the reading to the heart of the matter.
Various runic traditions, including Norse, Germanic, and Anglo-Saxon, have always emphasized the importance of asking clear and specific questions.
Ancient teachings also suggest that when consulting the runes, one should approach the practice with honor and respect. Questions should be asked with a sincere and genuine intent, recognizing the sacred nature of the runic symbols and the guidance they provide.
Understanding Psychic Predictions
There are many misconceptions about psychic predictions. The first misconception is that a psychic prediction is static and unchanging. The second big myth is that psychics are omniscient deities who always see everything exactly as it will happen.
Even if we were able to predict every possible outcome for the rest of your life, many of those predictions will become inaccurate or even a complete failure over time because the future is flexible and fluid.
The future that a psychic foresees in a reading today will look slightly different in a month’s time, and will inevitably look significantly different in a year’s time. This is what distinguishes true psychic reading from fortune-telling.
Our destiny is constantly being shaped and adjusted by the creative capacity that exists within each of us. Each human being is the physical expression of a spirit essence with free will that allows us to create and navigate our reality, and direct our destiny. Our spirit, soul or consciousness shapes our daily reality and determines the course of our life journey. This process of creation is called manifestation.
Manifestation refers to the metaphysical idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions produce tangible results in the external world. Manifestation is, in fact, the foundation of our very existence, for our present life journey as a spirit essence in human form is, in fact, also a manifestation!