Karma And The Law Of Attraction
It is quite common to hear of the ‘Law of Attraction’ these days. However, although the concept has become popularized in mainstream culture, it is actually an ancient spiritual concept. In metaphysics, it is one of the primary Universal Laws.
However, what is less commonly known is that the concept of Karma is secondary or sub-law to the Law of Attraction. The principle of Karma or Karmic Law is found in various religions and wisdom traditions, particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It prevails over multiple lifetimes and is associated with our soul evolution and rebirth.
To understand Karma, it is usually helpful to consider what it is not. Karma is not a punitive concept of punishment for the bad, and rewards for the good. Karma does not ‘come for us’ when we do bad or evil things. In fact, we can potentially resolve karmic patterns within a single lifetime, even before they manifest into actual events and experiences.
Karma is created through core belief patterns we have about ourselves, about life, and the world around us. These beliefs, mindsets and paradigms are often accumulated through many experiences over several lifetimes. And ‘negative karma’ is created when we consistently believe, for example, in things like fear, lack or limitation.
A good example is the Great Depression of the 1930s. During that time, many people focused on lack or limitation. There was a fear of poverty and hardship. These beliefs created many cultural challenges. For example, many parents abandoned their children and families.
This created a karmic paradigm for them, and if that paradigm was not cleared out in their lifetime, it will be repeated in future lifetimes, until it is cleared out. They will reincarnate in the next lifetime with this core belief still attached to their subconscious mind. In their next life they will likely experience abandonment themselves. Their abandonment is not the karma, their abandonment is the result of the actions that were taken as a result of their fear or false beliefs.
Unlock The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
We are problem-solving beings, which is why we have thrived on this planet for so long. Where do the ideas for solutions come from?
Well, our conscious mind can come up with a lot of simple solutions to everyday problems. However, when it comes to more significant issues, it is our subconscious that saves the day.
As incredible as it may seem, experts claim that only 10% of our mind power can be attributed to the conscious mind, whilst a whopping 90% can be credited to the subconscious!
The subconscious mind is a mysterious, powerful phenomenon. I call it the ‘genie within.’ It is our gateway to universal intelligence and infinite wisdom. It is our pathway to higher consciousness. It is also a powerful aspect of our ability to create and manifest through the Universal Law of Attraction.
For example, when my son was small, my husband and I bought a beautiful yellow car. The car was indeed a pleasure to drive. However, my husband used to tease me and say things like, “You have a posh car – I wish I had a car like that! He would say it time and time again, but with no malice intended.
The problem was not so much what said, but rather how my subconscious interpreted his words. Inside I felt unworthy of such a car and guilty for having one far better than my spouse.
Unfortunately, within less than a year of owning my beautiful new vehicle, it was hit by a massive truck and smashed to smithereens. No longer did I have a ‘posh car.’ While I felt terribly sad about this and incredibly out of pocket at the same time, I did feel more at peace.
Astrological Forecast February 8 – 14, 2021
Happy Chinese New Year! The year 2021 is the Year of the Ox that now heralds in a more stable energy, as we leave behind the Year of the Rat and all the troubles it brought our way. Staying grounded, being proactive, and recreating our lives from the ground up will be the theme this year.
In 2020, many of us discovered we had built our ‘homes’ out of straw, which upended our lives during last year’s pandemic. So, we’re now ready to buckle down and create a more solid foundation. As we start laying the bricks for our future, we’ll discover new ways to improve our health, our finances, and our environment.
The Chinese New Year is officially celebrated on Thursday, so in combination with the New Moon, this week should have us ready to recommit to our resolutions and start anew into 2021
If there’s anything you simply have to get done this week, move on it Monday and Tuesday, when the Moon is in no-nonsense Capricorn. Once Wednesday hits we’ll be under the influence of the unpredictable Aquarius Moon, and when it culminates in an Aquarius new Moon on Wednesday, we’ll be off and running in all directions!
We can take a breather Friday and Saturday as the Moon drifts through spiritual Pisces, regrouping and relaxing after a fairly demanding week. Sunday’s Aries Moon will put us in the mood to play, so grab your favorite person and get out and have some fun!
Astrological Forecast February 1 – 7, 2021
The fixed air sign energy of Aquarius will be intensely felt this month with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, as well as asteroid Pallas, all gathering to create a great stellium in the sign of Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets cluster together in a single zodiac sign to create an unusual energy blend. To further fan the flames, Mercury if currently also in retrograde.
It remains to be seen exactly how this major stellium will affect both global events and our personal lives, but whatever the impact…it will be profound, progressive, even groundbreaking. Wherever this stellium lands in your chart this month, it will invite deep thought, inspired new ideas and the urge to innovate and be experimental in those aspects of your life. However, be careful not to let the stubborn, obsessive side of Aquarius rule your mental state. If you were born under one of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, you can expect to be especially impacted by this seven planet cluster. So, fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be an interesting month!
To make things even more demanding, this week starts off with the planets taking sides, as the free-wheeling Aquarius Sun squares off with staid and steady Mars in Taurus. Avoiding the urge to stand your ground, and deciding who’s right and who’s wrong, will be essential this week, as the lines get blurred and realities shift. There’s an old saying that if you can’t beat them, join them, but before you take sides one way or the other, ask yourself this: would you rather be right, or happy?
Venus will arrive on the doorstep of Aquarius today, another no-holds-bar placement that will require us to stay patient, alert, and open to the possibilities of finding a middle ground. With all this in mind, at least lean into the calm and harmonious Libra Moon that sails through the heavens Monday and Tuesday.
With a Scorpio Moon overhead on Wednesday and Thursday, the answer to any conflicts we encounter may be to go within, turn toward spiritual guidance and allow the Universe to take the reins. Things will settle down over the weekend for a moment of respite, as the Moon skips through light-hearted Sagittarius on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
The Spirits Of The Mountains Are My Soulmates
There are times in our lives when we know that our inspirations are coming from something beyond the personality. These visions come from a land beyond the physical, even beyond words. They are concepts we have no words for, we have only our inner knowing. The personality moves over and we find ourselves relying upon something beyond the five senses, or sheer logic.
Perhaps that sixth sense is the emerging force, which is the next step in the evolution of the human race. A developing being knows it is no longer appropriate to depend only upon the physical world. This being will develop the skills it needs to see and feel and work within the unseen territory of the soul.
Once we acknowledge the soul’s existence and approach it with respect and sacredness, the personality becomes aligned with the soul. With this alignment comes respect for all life, and many difficulties usually experienced with the unconscious personality can be avoided.
When our soul becomes mindful and directly involved with the physical world, we greet each day with the deepest part of ourselves, and all activities become gratifying and purposeful. It is the gratitude that we give each day that gets us off the karmic wheel of debt, because we now see the sacredness of all life. W
I have much to be grateful for. The desert’s barrenness, along with the mountains’ majesty, stripped me of my ego long enough to allow the healing forces of the sagebrush to greet my soul. Sage has healed my physical body during illness, my emotional and mental bodies during depressions and confusion, and it has healed my soul of desolation.