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Let Your Spiritual Gifts Flow Naturally

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all metaphysical beings born with a variety of spiritual gifts. Some of us intuitively know how to use our special gifts early in our life, while others may have difficulty embracing them.

Expressing our natural spiritual gifts takes a certain mindset. The key is to not try too hard. That’s right! No blood, sweat or tears are necessary. Just relax, surround yourself with calm and positivity, and clear your mind. Our metaphysical gifts and psychic talents flow naturally when we don’t try to force it.

We experience intuitions, signs and synchronicities every day, but often we do not pay enough attention. You may have felt someone was coming to visit today, or a vision of that person flashed through your mind, and then you bump into them later.

Maybe you smelled a sweet scent that reminded you of someone, or you knew the phone was going to ring, and it just did. We may have a feeling not to drive a certain way home today, and later discover that we missed a major traffic jam. We all have an inner voice that talks to us when we have important choices or decisions to make.

Some people have won the lottery, after the numbers just ‘popped into their mind.’ We all have dreams that reveal important information to us about the past, present or future.  Some of us feel sadness or despair when we walk by strangers. We feel soul connections with some people we meet for the first time.

So, you see, we are all gifted, but we just need practice learning how to not try so hard, and instead just get comfortable and attuned with our spiritual self.

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The ‘Big Chill’ Moment Of A Soulmate Reunion

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI started my first full-time job at age 17 working in the Conservation Corps. I grew up in a rural community and the local Conservation Corps was engaged in environmental stewardship, such as clearing debris and fallen trees from streams to prevent floods and fire hazards. As a teenager, I had many small jobs babysitting, gardening, and so on, but this was my first serious employment after graduating high school.

On my first day of work, I sat on a fence waiting for the bus that would drive us into the woods, when another bus full of ‘city kids’ arrived. The first guy that emerged from the city bus looked directly into my eyes and I remember having a million thoughts all at once!

His eyes were green, like mine. I believe that was a memory trigger. A memory trigger is a soul recognition clue that we program into the psyche before we come into this life. Its purpose is to remind us subconsciously of a soul contract. Soul contracts are agreements between ourselves and others to work out karma in this lifetime.

Mr. Memory Trigger Eyes looked down almost immediately once he saw me, bashfully, with a blushing face. Looking into his eyes felt like a lightning bolt hit my body. I felt a ‘big chill’ at the same time. The hair on my arms stood up. It was electric and exciting! There was an instant familiarity between us.

Although I had never met him before, I somehow felt I knew him. His face seemed familiar, which I ascribe to the built-in memory triggers. The ‘big chill’ is spirit stirring your psychic memory. I instantly knew I recognize his energy signature from past lives and the spirit realm. I even heard my higher self whisper, “He’s the one.” And he did turn out to be my first love in this lifetime.

During the three months we worked together, he flirted shyly with me, stared at me from afar. I knew we would eventually be in a relationship. There was never any doubt in my mind. I just knew it. But what was taking him so long?

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Once, Twice, Three Times A Synchronicity!

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSynchronicities seem to be coming fast and furious these days! These magical ‘coincidences’ in our everyday world open us up to the Divine Flow, making us feel like we have the key to the ‘Matrix.’ Is it because our spiritual DNA is changing, or is it simply that our focus is now where it had not been before?

The more we become aware of something, the more it enters your daily experience. But it’s also like a boiling pot of water and constantly looking for synchronicities can begin to feel like a guilty obsession.

Of course, many of us are going somewhat ‘nuts’ these days during the pandemic, and we’re searching for deeper meaning while waiting out the crisis. When synchronicities occur these days, they indeed feel like gifts from the gods, and one should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

But that’s precisely what I did about three weeks ago.

My daughter is a young and gifted writer and actress. She recently graduated from a prestigious performing arts school, and her first novel was published this year. She also began working as a theater critic just before the pandemic hit and Broadway went dark, stalling career before it could even properly launch!

I urged her to return home for the lockdown and stay with me, while we waited out the pandemic together. She used this time to write articles for online publications and even landed an acting gig on Zoom. She also successfully pitched a project to a female producer in Hollywood, who graciously took her under her wing, slowly mentoring her with a promising script.

All of this was great, but she feared her trail-blazing would soon grow cold again, and she was hoping to find additional opportunities or prospects.

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Miracles Happen Every Day

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comA miracle is described in the dictionary as “an event attributed to divine intervention”, and also referred to as “a phenomenon that defies the laws of nature”. The online Encyclopedia Britannica defines a miracle as “an extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or divine power”. In certain translations of the Bible the terms “wonder,” “mighty work” and “sign” are also used to describe miracles.

Most people would say that a miracle has occurred when the medical profession says there is no hope for a particular patient, and then, miraculously, the patient recovers fully, and without the complications which would have been expected connected to their condition.

But miracles are not necessarily always larger than life or dramatic. Miracles can happen for anyone at any time. And don’t expect an earthly explanation, or even to be taken seriously by everyone when the miracle has happened to you.

People have often told me of little miracles that have happened to them. For example, they don’t know how their bills will be paid, and out of the blue they receive a check in the post, or money is given to them, or they would win the exact amount needed to lift them out of their financial dilemma. Although I can’t prove it scientifically, I also know for sure that miracles have happened to me.

Two separate miracles I recall very vividly are both connected to my pets. A dog, and a cat named Miracle!

When my 5 year old Rottweiler, Sophia, was rushed to the vet with what we thought was an upset stomach, a burst duodenal ulcer and peritonitis were diagnosed instead. The vets had little hope, because even for strong humans this ailment can be life threatening.

Following the diagnosis, the vet phoned me and said they had to operate immediately. I asked if I could phone my husband and get back to them. I was informed with a sense of urgency that there was no time to do that, and even if they did operate on Sophia immediately there was very little hope.

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Divine Timing And Psychic Predictions

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring a psychic reading it is not unusual for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” The human mind is naturally geared towards anticipating, planning, strategizing and looking for patterns and solutions.  Asking ‘when’ supports our goal to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.

The desire to know or estimate when something will occur can be traced as far back as ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, stockpiling food, and so on.

In the physical world we have schedules to adhere to these days, and our time is dictated every day by clocks, watches and time zones. However, in the spirit realm there is no such thing as ‘time’ as we know it.

What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it is?  Some metaphysicians and spiritualists believe that humanity invented what we know as ‘time’ and ‘dates’ as a means to measure the progress of our species.

Psychics can see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the spirit realm.

There is however one problem with that. Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as chronological time. So, when a psychic sees a particular future event during a reading, a number of factors may still determine or change the timing of when it might occur.  This is also known as ‘divine timing.’

The main factor usually influencing the ‘when’ of an outcome is our own free will. The choices and decisions we make every day can either speed up, slow down or even prevents outcomes from manifesting. The second factor is what is known as ‘divine timing.’ Spirit may hold off on a certain outcome, for example, until the circumstances are ideal and we are ready for it to come to pass.

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Cleansing Your Crystals

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you regularly use crystals in your spiritual practice, it is vital to have a regular cleansing routine for them to work at optimal levels.

Crystal energy work uses the subtle energy vibration emitted by a crystal, for example to rebalance the human aura or energy field for mind-body-soul health and wellness.

Crystals have a vibrational frequency based on its geometric structure giving each crystal a unique default wavelength known as its oscillatory frequency or its ‘energy signature.’ It is a stable energy emission that is applied to rebalance and heal our own energies.

The human body also has its own oscillatory rate or energy frequency, but our vibration is constantly shifting and changing due to various internal and external factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, mood states, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, relationships and our environment.

The difference between the energy frequency of humans and crystals is that while ours fluctuates and is constantly changing, the vibration of a crystal in its natural state remains constant, stable and unchanging. It is like the factory settings on a brand new computer.

However, like a computer or the human body, crystals can also become contaminated with negative energies, much like viruses or malware. For our healing crystals to continue working the way nature intended, it is important to cleanse them properly or a regular basis.

Some practitioners cleanse their crystals and stones after each session, and this is not a bad idea, considering we expose them to all kinds of energies, no matter how unintentional, every time we handle them. Think of how many smudges and smears you create on your phone screen or glasses every time you use them and then imagine what the many energy imprints your crystals must endure with regular use.

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Trusting The Truth Beneath The Surface

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comSpring is around the corner where I live, unfolding before my very eyes. But it has long been in the making, beneath the surface of Winter.

Similarly, rebirth or renewal is always on the spiritual horizon of our lives. Transformational energy is evolving and gaining momentum beneath the surface constantly – just waiting for the perfect moment to emerge and burst into bloom.

A psychic reading can see, hear, and feel into that energy to help connect your awareness with it. This is the most valuable way to approach any reading and ensure you receive the most from it.

Faith serves an integral role in mining the value of this energy from within. Our everyday physical senses are not equipped to hold the finer subtle matter, never mind the mystical or transcendental. But these senses are not the be-all and end-all in perceivers of truth.

Common constructs of society in the physical world put the burden of proof upon the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Ancient seers, knowers, and teachers, however, have long understood and communicated that more exists than the imperfect instruments of the senses can measure. They have cited faith as evidence and have highlighted a higher dimensional reality reached by it.

The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu sacred text, is one such recorded source of Divine vision and knowledge of all that is. In this epic verse, Lord Krishna describes a world where the roots are upward and the branches down, like a tree reflected upon a lake.

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