The Reality Of Illusion
Is illusion a reality? What do I even mean by “the reality of illusion?” I am not sure, so this will be a walk of discovery for both of us. Definitions of illusion includes concepts like “deception”, “fantasy”, “not real” or “to convey a false or misleading impression.” Reality on the other hand is defined a “the real thing” or “fact”, “a state or quality of being real” or an “actual thing”.
So the reality of illusion in my mind must mean that behind the smoke and mirrors of illusion there must be a reality base of some sort? Does this further mean that within the illusion of a lie there may be some truth? I think this bears some investigation, some form of discovery, don’t you? Continue reading
Déjà Vu Comes From Alternate Dimensions
Have you ever had the feeling you have been somewhere before, or done something before? We all experience déjà vu from time to time. There are various scientific and spiritual theories for this phenomenon. Personally, I believe the answer can be found in alternate realities.
It is believed by some experts that there are an infinite number of dimensions existing in the same place at the same time. It is further believed that you and I are currently in the third dimension or density. And, it is believed that those other dimensions are on alternate timelines. Some are parallel to our timeline, some are ahead of ours, and some behind us. Some people even believe that for every major decision we make an alternate dimension is created in which we choose differently.
If you are wondering how these dimensions can exist in the same place at the same time, then consider a radio. I can tune in to a 100 different stations on a single radio, by simply changing the channel or frequency. The same holds true for dimensions. They exist on different frequencies. If we raise our frequency enough, we get a glimpse into alternate dimensions. Continue reading
Using Stones To Heal – Agates
Crystals and gemstones have been used by almost every culture for healing and mystical purposes. They amplify the user’s vibration and bring to the healing practice their own energy and symbolism.
I used to live by a beach that was covered in agates. I collected them and revered them, somehow instinctively connecting to their magic at an early age. Years later I began using a large variety of agates in my healing practice.
Black or Banded Agate. This agate helps to center the first chakra. It is a great stone for combating anxiety and to ground the physical body. Use this stone for self control, physical energy, grounding, and resilience. Continue reading
Love Many, Trust Few
There are few people you can trust to tell your innermost secrets. Be careful who you choose as your close companions. I have many clients who have trusted people they thought were able to keep a secret or just be discreet as a friend. When you share your problems and concerns randomly with those that you might deem “confidants”, they sometimes will let down, or give you bad advice.
I have personally learned through experience to not share sensitive personal information with just anyone. Trust me, you will save yourself a bunch of grief in the long run. But that does not mean we should never talk or open up to anyone. Sometimes silence can be our worst enemy. There are times in life when we have to reach out and talk to someone! The key is to choose wisely who you confide in. We must all learn the fine art of loving many, but trusting few. That is the way to go. Continue reading
Invite Healing Into Your Life
Too often, in this modern world of ours, we seem to get sick, or just not feel quite right? It’s not a matter of more germs. Most of us are simply out of balance with our many psychic energies.
When we don’t connect properly to nature, or don’t get the proper amount of sleep, or eat food that doesn’t nourish us, we are inviting sickness. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Just as there are many types of western medicine, many branches of energy and spiritual healing also exist. Which one is right for you? The answer doesn’t have to be just one. Whether you choose to heal with acupressure or chakra medicine, crystals or aromatherapy, there is a solution out there for you. Continue reading
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