Psychometry – The Psychic Art Of Object Reading
We imprint a great deal of energy information onto items we own and handle. This personal energy information that we leave on items is known as our energy signature. The psychic ability to read these energy imprints is known as clairtangency, meaning ‘clear touch,’ while psychometry is the practice of reading and interpreting these energies.
The magnetic energy fields given off by our bodies can be likened to recording onto a CD or cassette tape, but in the case of psychometry we are recording our energetic blueprint onto an object. When these imprints are picked up by the subconscious mind of the psychic it transfers to the conscious mind for interpretation.
Naturally, if an object has been handed down from person to person over the years, it will likely hold a great deal of history and several energy signatures and imprints. The clairtangent psychic is able to read and decipher this information left behind by its various owners along the way. Information about the owner as well as, for example, a deceased relative who handed the item down to the owner can be retrieved.
The item can often also help a medium to connect with a loved one on the other side. For example, handling jewelry of the person we are reading for helps us to tune in better, particularly if the object is touched frequently by the owner.
Some psychics prefer metal objects, but clothing or other belongings can also work well. Touching walls and artifacts in an old building is another simple way to try and ‘feel’ the history of that place and people that went before us there.
I often work with a photograph to help me connect with the person or pet that is deceased, or missing. Sometimes intense emotions are picked up when handling the item and a psychic may find themselves feeling as if they are connected to another time and place in the world.
How To Get More From Your Psychic Reading
I can’t count the number of times I have been consulting with someone who says, “I’m so confused, I’m hearing so many different answers from different psychics, I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
First and foremost, remember that different psychics have different methods of reading. Depending upon the psychic and the reading method used, different aspects of the situation will be revealed. You can clarify the information that is coming forth very simply by asking a direct, specific question. After all, it is your time and your money.
When you ask a specific question it allows the psychics to focus on that particular energy. If you are not clear about your goals for the psychic reading, then all the significant energy affecting your life at that moment comes to the surface. The question that is most important may just get lost and go unanswered among all the other information comes through.
You shouldn’t have to go into great detail with the psychic. Asking a clear question is very different from feeding your psychic information. If the reading is on track the psychic will be able to pick up on details or aspects that will verify for you that the right person, place or situation is being brought forward. If this isn’t happening, or your instincts tell you the connection is not good, then stop the reading. Psychics are either linked in and on target, or we are not.
Having said that, remember that most of us have had more than one relationship in our lives and for many, more than one significant relationship. The heart remembers them all and holds them for us to remember, learn and grow from. Sometimes in a reading a past relationship will come up, because it has great bearing on the current relationship. If there is still resentment, fear, or hurt, or we haven’t completely let go of the past, this energy tends to come up in the reading.
It is important that relevant information come forward pertaining to your question, so that you can see how your past is affecting your present. This is true of business relationships, career, finances, family and romance.
Setting Intentions Successfully
I have discovered at different times in my life how powerful intention, when guided from the heart, can be. Again, more recently, I experienced this when it was important for me to manifest some prosperity for my family and get my own health issues back on track.
I was specific in setting my intention regarding the amount of money I needed to manifest in order to meet my family’s needs. I also set the intention to attract to me the information which would help me heal and return my sense of well-being.
Intention is a motivational force of energy and it’s a force to be reckoned with when our intention is for the highest good of all individuals involved. When we set our intention, we are focusing on positive visualizations and affirmations to help steer our lives in a desired direction.
I see intention as a process of becoming, a desire, or a longing to achieve a specific result. When you wish to help bring about better circumstances for others, and your intention of wanting the best things to happen for them, it works like mass prayer.
Every morning, before I begin work with clients, I stand in one corner of my work room and set the intention for the day by asking my spirit helpers to assist me in helping others on their pathway through life, and to help me to help customers find clarity and direction with their pressing concerns. Doing readings and healing with good intention works wonders, because one has the best interest of the client at heart, as opposed to working purely to make money.
Actually writing down your goals make them feel more real. In other words, ‘if you see it, you will believe it’. It is more than likely your goals will change in time, and as you surpass them you will be making new and higher goals. There are plenty of negative people (often relatives), who say this is not the time to dream, including the media who say it’s time to be realistic. Granted, we have to be sensible and make reasonable arrangements to meet our worldly commitments, but the greatest challenge is our ‘attitude’ about reality.