Feng Shui Your Life
If you’ve been feeling stuck, depressed, or just in need of change, tap into the power of Feng Shui. This ancient Chinese art, of arranging the home for maximum energetic potential, is easier than you think to apply in your everyday life.
The best way to start is to create routines and rituals for yourself. Everything in the natural world exists according to a series of daily patterns or routines, and we are no different! Take time each day to meditate, incorporate gentle physical activity such as a walk or yoga, sit down and eat mindfully at each meal. It’s also crucial to create a sacred space to escape from the stresses and sensory input of the modern world.
Are you the kind of person who finds it difficult to start things? Make a dream board filled with visual representations of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, then place it where you can see it multiple times a day. Continue reading
The African River Man
During the time of my ukuthwasa (period of initiation to become a traditional healer or sangoma) some decades ago in Southern Africa, my mentor and some other village elders would join our group of ithwasa (sangoma trainees) by the campfire and discuss other spirits. That is, others in addition to those of our ancestors.
We heard many tales of other spirits who control the rivers, oceans and lakes, as well as those who live in the sky and control the rain. There were also stories told of sacred places where spirits inhabited mountains, trees and rocks. I loved hearing those stories from various individuals whom have had unique experiences and felt they had seen and communicated with those various spirits. Continue reading
How To Be Mindful On The Go!
To some individuals, being mindful while on the go might seem a contradiction in itself. However, the truth of the matter is that there are a plethora of ways to cultivate the art of mindfulness that do not involve simply sitting still.
People turn to mindfulness for many reasons. For example, they may have a medical condition that needs managing, work issues that require resolving, or just simply want to feel more present in their everyday lives. With the pace of modern life, it is clear to see why people become easily distracted and lead somewhat complicated lives as a result – all of which can be both emotionally and physically draining.
Whatever the reasons may be as to why a person turns to mindfulness, it should, indeed, help them to create a more balanced lifestyle. That said, mindfulness should not be seen as a magical cure-all, but more an efficient way of relating to personal issues differently. Continue reading
Wisdom From The Garden
As living beings having a human and earthly experience, we are bound by natural law. Natural law is simply the order of things and one of the primary natural laws is that things unfold over time. This law represents the seasonal dynamic of life.
Many times, people will have a desire, something that they would like to experience in relationships or within their career. I am confident that our desires are meant to be fulfilled, but it is important to understand that the fulfillment of our desires unfolds over time.
Just like a garden, it is crucial for us to recognize the process by which things come into being. I want tomatoes in my garden. So, I started some tomato plants from seed. When I planted the seeds, I trusted that they were growing. This is often the first step to manifesting. We must trust that the natural order is working in our favor. Continue reading
What Brings True Happiness?
Sitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.
This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading
Spring Blessings Of Change
We have officially entered Springtime and the winds of change are blowing in. Along with change comes new beginnings, and with new beginnings comes excitement, trepidation, and often times fear. We may be thinking about the many potential opportunities a new beginning brings, but, also may worry about any challenges or obstacles the future may hold.
During the winter months you spent time going within, both physically from the colder weather, and spiritually, to connect with your soul. Without even knowing, you instinctively entered the cave of your inner guru to get quiet so that you could nurture and cultivate something very precious inside of you that is about to be birthed this Spring. Continue reading