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law of allowing

The Importance Of Remaining Focused

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFrom the very start of working in the psychic field, my spirit guides taught me that if we are positive, proactive and focused, the Universe will deliver! As true as I have found this to be, it can, I have to admit, be somewhat easier said than done.

We are now well into 2018 and how many of us, including myself, have stuck to those New Year’s resolutions – whatever they may have been? Did the kids catch a cold and need additional care as a result, or maybe the car broke down or the demands of work get in the way of things? Yes, life certainly happens, and when it does, it is so easy to become unfocused.

However, if what we focus on is what we get, how do we remain focused when the demands of life get in the way of things? Consider the following: Continue reading

A Restlessness Of Spirit

Click photo for a free psychic reading at“You really don’t seem to live in one place for more than five minutes,” said my cousin in her strong Liverpool accent. These words still echo in my mind from decades ago, when my parents and I spent a couple of years in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Soon after we were moving again! I have continued this way of life in my adulthood, moving to several different countries, and even other continents.

Perhaps I get my restless spirit from my father, typical Sagittarius that he was, just like I inherited his tendency toward alcohol addiction. A lot of moving around is not meant to be harmonious for a Cancerian female, like myself, but I recall a friend of mine compiling my Astrological chart a long time ago, saying that a strong Gemini influence in my chart was the cause of this. I am no specialist in Astrology, but find it fascinating nonetheless. Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance On Organized Religion

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting at a local café, drinking my smoothie, I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation behind me. They were talking loudly and were not really going out of their way to be discreet by any means. The one girl was talking about how her mother had passed. She spoke of chemotherapy and did not want the same ordeal for her friend, who is obviously going through something similar.

She then shared a story of how her aunt called her a few weeks ago and told her about a dream she had. In this dream the aunt was visited by the girl’s departed mother, who told her that if she could do it all over again, she would do two things  differently when she was alive. She would not have taken the chemotherapy and she would not have spent so much time in church. Continue reading

My Life Would Be Great If Only…

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My life would be great if only… I had more money… he would come back to me.. I can find a better job… I can reach my goal weight. How many times have you heard such statements? How many times have you told yourself something like this? Is it truly the answer to lasting happiness? What if there was a way to train your brain to accept life and live your best in the meantime?

As a hypnotherapist, my experience has been that when any suggestion is put into the mind, the subconscious will accept the information, whether it is true or false. Whatever a person chooses to tell themselves enough times becomes their truth. The information becomes a habit to believe the suggestion. Some habits are good and some not so good. A bad habit needs to be replaced with a good one. Continue reading

Wisdom From The Garden

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs living beings having a human and earthly experience, we are bound by natural law.  Natural law is simply the order of things and one of the primary natural laws is that things unfold over time.  This law represents the seasonal dynamic of life.

Many times, people will have a desire, something that they would like to experience in relationships or within their career.  I am confident that our desires are meant to be fulfilled, but it is important to understand that the fulfillment of our desires unfolds over time.

Just like a garden, it is crucial for us to recognize the process by which things come into being.  I want tomatoes in my garden.  So, I started some tomato plants from seed.  When I planted the seeds, I trusted that they were growing.  This is often the first step to manifesting.  We must trust that the natural order is working in our favor. Continue reading

We Are Not All Raised The Same Way

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen dealing with those who don’t show kindness, or people who are not civil towards others, it’s important to remember that everyone is not raised the same way.

I speak to several clients every day. Being an empathic, intuitive person, I can tell when someone has not been told that they are loved. Some folks never enjoyed special family time growing up, and some never even connected with at least one parent. It is really sad.

This is when I give self-care advice, which my clients love. The great feedback I get from my clients about this is that self-care empowers them to become less critical and judgmental of themselves and others. They just feel more free to be themselves, and allow others to be who they are. They learn to accept those who see things differently from themselves. Continue reading

Abundance – A Channeled Message

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the past couple of weeks, I had to deal with major financial expenses related to our property. We have to move across the country, and we are having issues with the house. Then there were also the added costs of a vehicle that needed urgent repairs. This was not a lot of money, but it came up at the same time as the property issue, and the costs of our move.

To add insult to injury, my beautiful little kitty knocked over a cup of water onto my computer yesterday… and fried my motherboard! I found out later that my extended warrantee had just expired, and the repair costs were not really worth it, considering that the technology was a few years old. So, I had to purchase a new computer for work. Continue reading

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