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The Spiritual Lesson Of Depression

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough I have experienced some depression, as we all do from time to time, I have never experienced the extreme depths of darkness and despair that some people do. I sincerely hope that through my psychic work I am able to alleviate some of that dark cloud of gloom and fear for them. There is usually emphasis in these psychic readings on how, one day, when they look back, they will no longer be able to imagine how awful it felt when they used to be in that black hole of depression.

Such was the situation with one of my clients, who later became a friend. She is a psychic herself, and was being severely judged when she couldn’t keep her appointments or dates with customers and family. Naturally, there were a few understanding individuals, but I felt that most were blatantly judging her as ‘flaky’ and unreliable.

We weren’t in contact every day, but when we were, I was aware of what she was going through, and I could only encourage her with the great things I saw ahead for her in her wonderful work for spirit. The Spirit world were using me as a medium to assure her that they were going to help her heal, and will then encourage her to get back to work. Continue reading

Following What Is True for You

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever noticed that whenever you really enjoy what you’re doing, it’s as though there seems to be an energy flow or undercurrent carrying you? Don’t you wish you could live this way all the time?

Unfortunately, it seems too often we fall prey to worrying about what others might think of us, or we choose the practical path or the road most traveled. We get caught in the trap of following the opinions of others, rather than tuning in and listening to our own inner guidance.

When you follow the flow of what is true for you, it doesn’t mean you are shirking your responsibilities. It also doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It simply means you are choosing moment to moment what feels right. We are influenced every day by society’s standards of what’s right, and we seldom do a self check-in instead. Continue reading

Does Your Life Own You?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAddressing our desires, needs, goals and actions is imperative as we go through life. Ideally this happens on a regular and consistent basis. Yet, life sometimes has the uncanny ability to delay our well-defined plans, or simply start it without us. It can also unexpectedly speed up our plans.

If you reflect on your current life status, are there aspects of it that make you cringe a little? Is your career, financial health, relationship, or family life in a space where you are just ‘getting by.’ Are you living month to month on your paycheck? Stuck in a stagnant relationship? Do you hate your job? Feeling overwhelmed?

If such feelings are prevalent, then it indicates that your life owns you, instead of you owning your life. Your life owns you when your everyday routine consists mostly of elements of necessity, not of desirous choice.

There is no doubt that modern society has burdened us with the pressures to succeed, to pay the bills, to live where we live. Navigating the meandering river of our material needs occupies much space in our mind. My brain hurts! Continue reading

Awareness – The Path To Enlightenment

Click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in a time and community where many speak of enlightenment. This leads to seeking enlightenment or guidance from ‘enlightened masters.’ Yet what does this truly mean?

Enlightened means ‘being in the light.’ It is the space where empaths, lightworkers, intuitives and healers practice and serve, but to become enlightened is something that all can enjoy.

Enlightenment represents attributes of behavior and lifestyle that embodies a high spiritual evolution. Traits of an enlightened person include humility, acceptance, compassion, lack of judgment and selfless service to others. There are so many positive traits in the enlightened individual that we should look up to. Continue reading

Release Control And Live In Joy

Click photo for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comLast month, an old friend reconnected with me on social media. She talked quite a lot about the old days, when we lived and went to school on an island in the Canary Islands. It was fun looking back and reminiscing, as well as sharing all the things we’ve done, and the weird and wonderful places we’ve lived in and traveled to in-between.

I was quite taken back when she made a comment about how controlling my father was back then. In the past, I would have defended him, but she had a valid point. Make no mistake, I adored my father, but as years progressed the controlling behavior actually worsened. Continue reading

Crystals Can Revive Your Spiritual Brilliance!

Click photo for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comLife these days can be very demanding and it is often a challenge to successfully balance all aspects of mind, body and soul. Busy work days, financial responsibilities, and the demands of our social and family life, can make it so easy to allow our spiritual practice to slip. Fortunately, the metaphysical power of crystals can help us keep our spiritual motivation going. Here’s how.

Ask For Support

Should you feel the need for support from a particular crystal, then all you need to do is simply ask for it. For example, do you think you need to increase your self-discipline, or that your resolve should be strengthened? If so, gently hold some malachite in one hand and request that it helps and supports you to this end. In fact, you could carry it with you at all times whenever you sense the need of its help. Continue reading

Managing Emotions With Jupiter In Scorpio

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo much has transpired since the Summer eclipse season, which brought upon us lots of change and dramatic events.

Many people experienced traumatic situations, or began to question their purpose, which triggered a storm of emotions for some. While some are handling these changes well, it is overwhelming for others, because the energies are currently much more intense, and somewhat imbalanced.

With Jupiter now in Scorpio, for the next year, a lot of stuff will come to the surface on a personal and political level, which may be a little painful, but necessary to help create positive change. Continue reading

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