Let Us Make Strong Strides Into The Future
Here in Canada, the days are now getting much longer, the weather is turning warmer, and the trees are in full bloom. Gorgeous flowers are starting to take hold for the summer and the little birds start their incessant chirping at 4 am as the skies start to lighten.
What a beautiful time of celebration this time of the year is, with Pride Month, Father’s Day, and the Summer Solstice all being recognized, among so many other events around the world. It’s also my aunt’s 96th birthday, so that is of itself a reason for our family to rejoice.
Now is a time of nourishment, growth and abundance. Nature gives us so much to see and hear. We are enjoying maximum daylight, as the solstice grows near, surrounding us with warmth and energy. Let’s revel in the beauty that surrounds us, regardless of where we find ourselves or the circumstances we are currently navigating.
We should also take some time to honor those brave leaders of the past and present who have forged paths for others to follow, in spite of insurmountable odds. We can salute them for effecting lasting change and support them in ongoing pursuits for liberty and justice around the world.
The recent celebration of Father’s Day alsoreminded me that we must salute our fathers and forefathers, and those who have become father figures to us. When we think of fathers, we sometimes think of their traditional roles from back in the day as leaders of the family, sole breadwinners, arbiters of sibling arguments, and ultimate disciplinarians. It wasn’t cool for fathers to show emotion or tenderness, far less cry, and, of course, they were always right, even when they were not.
Combining Cartomancy With Pendulum Dowsing
Every psychic is different on how they do readings using divination tools. I like to challenge myself and push the envelope. I have developed my own divination method by combining the use of a regular deck of playing cards and a pendulum to do psychic readings.
A pendulum is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain and it can be used for both dowsing and divination. The ‘bob’ of the pendulum is usually a crystal, piece of metal or some other gemstone. Pendulums have different sizes and shapes and they come in many colors. I use a quartz crystal pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Divination with a pendulum can be done in many different ways, including using charts. You can even use a simple chart you draw on a normal sheet of paper.
The idea to use a pendulum and deck of cards at the same time came to me many years back, when I felt the need for a new psychic challenge. When I do psychic readings with playing cards, I find it helps to open up my psychic abilities even more.
You may wonder how anyone can use an ordinary deck of playing cards, instead of the Tarot or oracle cards, to do readings. Well, I can feel the energy or ‘vibes’ better by using ordinary playing cards when I do a reading.
When I was younger I used to give readings to friends, and I discovered the cards give off a very strong energy for me. I am guided by spirit when I read, and when my psychic abilities kick in I feel a ‘heat’ or I feel my hand drawn to certain cards. I get an even more accurate result when I use a pendulum, instead of my hands.
Now I’m Really Confused!
“Whose reading am I supposed to believe? You just told me the exact opposite of what another psychic told me. Which psychic reading is correct?” I hear these questions and comments sometimes after I do a reading for someone. I can totally relate to how my clients feel and understand their confusion.
Clients contact me for a variety of reasons. Most of them need assistance to put their lives in perspective. They need more clarity on what is happening in their lives, why it happened and where to go from here. Each client sends their own unique aura energy to me to pick up on.
Each psychic has their own unique way of connecting to their clients to give them a sincere personalized reading. Some psychics and mediums have the ability to directly connect with your aura, or your loved ones, spirit guides, angels. and the spiritual realm, while others may use astral projection, telepathy and other paranormal talents to connect with you on a metaphysical level. Some readers use psychic tools like Tarot cards, crystals, runes, astrology, numerology, pendulums and many other divination methods.
All of the psychics here on Psychic Access are human. We do the best we can with the talents that we have been given to help you. Unfortunately, we may have to tell you things that you don’t want to hear, but we try to do it in a kind and caring way. In my case, the aura you send to me upon our connection, will determine the information I am picking up on, at the time of your reading.
Auras are known to change from one reading to the next. My job is to decipher the messages I receive through your aura and to provide you the information that you are sending me at the time of the reading. Sometimes the information can be positive, but other times, it can be negative. Whatever the outcome, all of my readings come from my heart.
It Will Happen When The Time Is Right
Most psychics find it almost impossible to read for themselves, or for friends and relatives. It is difficult to remain objective in readings for people who are very close to us. It is therefore common practice for psychics to read for each other when the need arises.
Many years ago my psychic mentor and I were trading readings. During my reading she told me I would one day have to choose between two men. Of course, I am like everyone else and so I wanted to know when it would happen?
As a professional psychic reader I knew from personal experience that the prediction of the timing for events is really hard to do. But I still wanted it to happen right then and there! I was less experienced then and obviously had a lot to learn. I don’t have patience at all, but sometimes in life you are made to learn important life lessons.
It took over a decade, but my mentor’s prediction finally happened. Yes, ten years later these two men were finally both in my life, just as she had forecasted they would!
Doing psychic readings professionally I am often asked during a reading, “When exactly is so-and-so going to contact me.” Then, if that contact doesn’t come quick enough, there comes the stress and fears. This can cause a bigger misunderstanding, thinking that commutation won’t ever happen. To make matters worse, timing is especially difficult to predict when a person doesn’t have patience or doesn’t give things time to happen.
If you really think about it, would it really be so much easier or better to have everything that we want happen right away? If so, will we be truly ready for it, and will we also appreciate the good things we already do have in our lives?
What Are Your Snapshots For The Year Ahead?
What does the future have in store for me? It’s a valid question after all the upheaval of life during the past two years. In fact this question is on so many minds at present, including my own.
The last two years have been difficult for most, if not all of us. We have all suffered loss, grief, stress, frustration, and anxiety. Regardless of what your personal views and beliefs may be regarding this difficult time in the world, what does matter is where you are mentally and spiritually at this moment.
This weekend may be a good time to recenter, align and ground your energy. Take some time out from all the mayhem today and do some meditation, prayer, visualization, or breath-work. Allow God, Source, Spirit, the Universe to fill you with positive energy, light and blessings, and release the negative thoughts and anxieties you may be holding on to.
Also, take some time to calmly contemplate and make a list of your goals, wishes, desires and dreams for the year ahead. Or better yet, create a vision board, manifesting box, or journal. Cut out pictures from old magazines, copy positive affirmations, and collect some trinkets to place on a board, in a box, or in a scrapbook.
Once it is complete, place your board, box or book somewhere in your home or office where you can look at it often. Take a little time every day to focus on it and ask yourself what each goal, wish or intention you have added to it truly means to you.
I have a brochure of new camera with a special lens on my vision board for this year. When I ask myself what it represents to me, I remind myself that my new dream camera sees the beauty in our world through a magical lens. It will bring out the brightest of colors. and the most beautiful scenery. It will also capture the vitality and magnificence of all my spirit totems (mostly eagles, red tail hawk, owls, sand hill cranes).
Boldly Into The Future With Jupiter In Pisces 2022
It’s a new year and I feel the need to exhale and wipe the sweat off my forehead. We all made it through a very intense 2021. I know I’m not the only one to feel the sense of relief.
Astrologically speaking, Saturn square Uranus was no laughing matter in 2021. I personally know many people whose lives were shaken. We’ve all taken a hit from the pandemic, losing loved ones, jobs, and our emotional sense of security (Uranus in Taurus).
And then for a brief time, from May until July, Jupiter, the planet of hope, freedom, and happiness, dipped its big toes into the ocean of Pisces with many public health precautions lifted and optimism returning.
We nervously stepped out, albeit a bit ‘grungy’ looking. Fashion became comfy loungewear, the beards were left bushy, and women owned their greys. But we ventured out of our caves and life began to stir as the sun’s rays nourished our now socially awkward selves.
It was nice while it lasted.
Then Jupiter went back into Aquarius, once again cohabiting with the Scrooge of the planets, Saturn, and we went back into our cocoons, experiencing increasing shell shocks as Saturn and Uranus completed their final square dance right before Christmas. Polarizing politics, flights canceled, families torn asunder.
And many celebrity deaths in the news this past two years, including our beloved Betty White to close out 2021.
But, the first four months of this year we will once again feel the benevolent optimism, miracles and good fortune of Jupiter returning to Pisces shining its light in the world! Jupiter will do the same again at the end of October to finish out the year.