Aura Colors Come From The Chakras
I remember going to church as a child and the pastor would be up there preaching. I would see the outline of a red aura around his body, because of the high level of spiritual energy his body was producing.
The meaning of aura colors are numerous and variable. These colors originate from the seven chakras of the human body system.
The first aura color is red. It stems from the root chakra and it symbolizes passion, healing, love and creativity.
The next color of the aura is yellow. This color attributes happiness, creativity and promotes clarity of thought. Next up is green, which symbolizes luck, envy, healing and prosperity.
The color blue is significant, because it indicates inspiration, inner peace and spirituality. It is a very strong spiritual connectivity color. Continue reading
Just Imagine The Possibilities
John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people living life in peace”. Now imagine the possibilities if each person learned to express that same peace within themselves. Sooner or later, all people would enjoy true peace. It would spread like wildfire!
Possibilities are something that each being hopes for. Each human, each animal and each tree that is growing. All of living creatures and entities somehow imagine possibilities. But, do they imagine the worst or the best outcome?
Animals expect love. They also crave affection and hope, but always to be loved. Trees hope to grow high, up into the sky, spreading their branches wherever they can, much to the chagrin of some homeowners! But when it comes to humans, it seems we have a different inclination. Do we imagine the best outcome, the best possibility? Or do we tend to envision the worst of the ‘what if’ scenario? Continue reading
The Purpose of Purpose
Too often we go through life asking ourselves what our ‘purpose’ is. Why are we here, what are we meant to do? If we get far enough into this thought process, the next question is usually: how do I get to there from here?
The purpose of purpose is really very simple. We were born to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. What that means for each individual is unique to each person.
It boils down to being content in our own skin. That is, of course, easier said than done – even for the most highly evolved and spiritual people. In fact it can be harder, because for those who walk the path close to Spirit the path is never an easy one.
There is one aspect of purpose that remains true, regardless of who you are. One must never use purpose for your own purpose. Yes, check your motives. Why do you do what you do? Why do you think you need what you need? The truth is most people look to others for their self-worth; they look to others to validate their own existence. Continue reading
Is Your Reality Tunnel Being Hacked?
Many of us know, or at least believe, that we are powerful creators of our own reality and destiny.
Some of us go with the flow, weaving this divine knowledge intuitively into our daily existence, while others prefer to focus on it consciously, in an attempt to shape their lives more proactively.
Whatever your approach is, have you ever considered that while you are busy creating your own reality, you may also be busy creating someone else’s version of it? Have you ever considered that many of us may be shaping a future planned for us, by others?
There has been much debate and speculation in recent years about what ‘reality’ truly is. Many people, who are spiritually aware, need no convincing of these facts, but the jury is still out among the scientific community. Continue reading
The Age of Indigo Man
Our world seems to be in cultural and environmental chaos, but you and I are living in great times!
Yes, true, the world has gone somewhat mad. But there is also method in all this. The mess we have made is merely a part of our evolutionary process. The frog had to drink up almost half the pond it lives in, before it could leap across it and into the Light.
No, we did not get here by accident. It’s all part of the Big Plan, the Blueprint.
Gerald Heard, the philosopher, realized this fact many years ago when he speculated on the evolutionary growth of our cultural consciousness and the psychological make-up of modern man. Continue reading