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Our Totems And Spirit Animals

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we all have animal spirit guides that guide and support us along our life journey.

Each spirit animal represents a different aspect of life. Some show up when we need their particular energy or receive their symbolic message, while others show up consistently throughout our lifetime. These animals, birds, mammals, reptiles, and even fish, are like our personal totems.

I have three main spirit totems: the eagle, the red tail hawk, and the owl. Each has shown up consistently in my life, especially when there is a time of adversity, grief, or crisis occurring.

I was made of aware of these three totems early in my life, when I consulted with an indigenous elder. He gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free. I instantly loved my name. It represents the proud eagle that soars on high, the red tail hawk that soars in broad circles high in the air, and the owl that is wise and roams free.

The Eagle

After my parents passed away, I was cleaning their house. Not only was I grieving at the time, I was also very distraught, having to decide whether to sell their home or not. I was not at all sure if it would be the right thing to do.

Then, I asked my angels to give me a sign. Moments later, as I looked down towards the lake, there were two beautiful bald eagles sitting on the edge of a tree branch.

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It Will Happen When The Time Is Right

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost psychics find it almost impossible to read for themselves, or for friends and relatives. It is difficult to remain objective in readings for people who are very close to us. It is therefore common practice for psychics to read for each other when the need arises.

Many years ago my psychic mentor and I were trading readings. During my reading she told me I would one day have to choose between two men. Of course, I am like everyone else and so I wanted to know when it would happen?

As a professional psychic reader I knew from personal experience that the prediction of the timing for events is really hard to do. But I still wanted it to happen right then and there! I was less experienced then and obviously had a lot to learn. I don’t have patience at all, but sometimes in life you are made to learn important life lessons.

It took over a decade, but my mentor’s prediction finally happened. Yes, ten years later these two men were finally both in my life, just as she had forecasted they would!

Doing psychic readings professionally I am often asked during a reading, “When exactly is so-and-so going to contact me.” Then, if that contact doesn’t come quick enough, there comes the stress and fears. This can cause a bigger misunderstanding, thinking that commutation won’t ever happen. To make matters worse, timing is especially difficult to predict when a person doesn’t have patience or doesn’t give things time to happen.

If you really think about it, would it really be so much easier or better to have everything that we want happen right away? If so, will we be truly ready for it, and will we also appreciate the good things we already do have in our lives?

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Do You Follow Your Head, Or Your Heart?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a practicing astrologer, I often assist clients who are facing the head versus heart dilemma. Should they go with what their head is telling them, or should they follow their heart?

“My head tells me he’s so perfect for me. He is my dream guy on paper, ticks every box. He has a successful career, earns a solid income. He is someone my kids would love, the male role-model they so desperately need,” a client recently explained.

“But my heart feels so hesitant, like its beating for someone else I haven’t met yet. He is a great guy, but there no butterflies. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand why my heart is yearning for someone different?” she lamented.

“I can’t afford to be picky and my friends and family tell me I’m crazy to even question this incredible guy who seems to tick all the right boxes, but doesn’t put a flutter in my heart!”

The question is indeed, why would one trust an illogical feeling that can’t be quantified and measured using the neat little pros and cons list of the mind? In my Astrology practice, I have see this conundrum play out many times.

Interestingly, I find this vexing situation is often related to a Mercury Square Moon aspect in someone’s chart. Such a person will often take one side over the other, usually the head over the heart, and this habitual battle can result in a lifelong pattern of bad choices.

Culturally we’ve also been conditioned to always choose reason over feelings. And what others think often also factors too highly in a personal choice that’s best made selfishly. In my opinion, relationships are one of the few areas in life where we get to be selfish, because if we choose someone who will not make us happy, everyone will suffer in the end.

We are often told ‘trust our gut’ for good reason. Your intuition or inner guidance system knows far more than you do! But like a muscle, we must build it up, we must work it, flex it, to clearly register the signals it’s sending us.

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The Psychic Power Of Everyday Dowsing

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDowsing can be used in our daily lives for tracking down missing car keys, that have been absentmindedly misplaced, or finding lost jewelry and other specific objects. Dowsing is also great for locating a lost pet…or even a child playing hide-and-seek!

The origins of dowsing can be traced back thousands of years, before technology and satellites were there to help locating oil…or pyramids. All those years ago, country folk would use a ‘Y’ shaped tree branch or twig to find water wells, or hidden treasure. It is commonplace these days to dowse for water, auras or even land-mines.

The only reason dowsing is being considered to be a ‘psychic tool’ is because scientists haven’t been able to find a logical explanation for how dowsing works. This is also complicated by the fact that some dowsers have better results than others. Their accuracy often depends on how attuned the dowser is to their dowsing tool. Fine tuning to this art seems to come with experience.

When I begin a dowsing session, I set my intention as to what it is I want to uncover or find, and I ask for clear precise feedback. The feedback is given to me in the form of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response from my dowsing tool. I believe that my guides help to influence my higher self in creating muscle contractions along my arm and hand, to influence the movement of the particular dowsing tool being used.

Each of my pendulums and dowsing rods are programmed from the start, so I know which motion signals ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When I do a dowsing session it helps energetically to have something like a photo, or another object in my hand which belongs to the person who the question relates. This is known as psychometry.

Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that asking a question which is emotionally charged, for example “does he love me or not’, doesn’t always work, because one’s emotions tend to influence the response, and therefore you tend to receive the preferred answer!

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The Secret Power of Enlightened Beings

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEnlightened beings feel powerful because they are allowing and connecting to an unlimited source of energy. Divine Energy is eternal, unlimited and available to all who seek it. It is continuously pouring forth. Just like the Sun, it has never stopped shining since the beginning of time.

Accessing more of the Divine Source is a choice we make every day and only possible if we are truly in alignment with spirit. Enlightened beings use all of the energy available to them to manifest the truth. ­The enlightened and spiritually awakened do not drag the veils of illusion into their daily reality.

Each and every time we make a healing change in our everyday reality, we free up energy that can be applied to seeking our spiritual truth instead. Imagine how powerful and limitless you can be if you choose to do this in your own life. This is  true, ageless power, not the illusory power bought with money, status, petty human obsessions or material possessions. And that is what we should all be going after.

The central perception of enlightened humans is that they are never alone. If you live with the limiting belief that life is experienced with only the five physical senses and consists only of that which can be observed and measured in the material world, you will surely miss out on the miracles, blessings and divine guidance that is so freely available to each and every one of us.

Receiving an intuitive forewarning that prevents us from entering a dangerous situation is an example of divine guidance. These messages are from our spiritual essence and our inner guidance system to help us along our path in life.

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Curiosity Killed The Cat

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comActress Lynn Kellogg recently passed at the age of 77, due to complications of COVID-19. She passed on November 12th, 2020, under the same moon phase that she was born under, namely a Waning Cresent Moon.

I have very fond childhood memories of Ms Kellogg. I loved to watch her every single Saturday morning on the educational television show, Animals, Animals, Animals. In the series, she sang various songs about the animals, as well as the opening theme song. Kellogg is however most famous for her role as Sheila in the original Broadway production of Hair in 1968.

I was not aware of her passing, until only a few days ago, when I had a surprising spirit visitation from her. At first, I was not sure exactly who she was, but she used my most vivid memories of the kids’ television show to remind me. She then said she had messages for those she loved, and those who loved her.

The first thing that she said to me was to tell everyone I knew that “curiosity killed the cat.” She actually gave this message to me using an old Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) kids’ jingle that is deeply ingrained in my childhood memory. The PBS commercial featured a cat, a trash can, a kite and a lightning bolt, and the voiceover at the end said, “Curiosity, It’s Electrifying!” I often used to say it out loud when I was little girl.

I asked her the meaning of this unusual message. “Do not be so curious and restless in these times,” she showed me. “Do not go out unnecessarily in these difficult days. It is not worth endangering your life.” This made little sense to me at that moment, until I later found out that it was reported in the news that her husband says she contracted the novel coronavirus while attending a social gathering, at which most attendants did not wear masks.

Later that evening, I was supposed to go out with friends who invited me for card games, dinner and movie night, but because of Lynn Kellogg’s message, I decided not to go. I later heard that several of the guests tested positive for Covid-19 after that get-together. It was a bittersweet mediumship experience, but I was spared thanks to Ms Kellogg’s message.

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My Childhood Psychic Awakening

Click Here right NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing gifted from an early age, I had lots of questions, and wanted specific, detailed answers about psychic phenomena, spirituality and the paranormal. This later became my norm to everything, and the world around me. The why’s and how’s continue to fascinate me in every aspect of my life.

My spirit guides have been very helpful over the years, as I found that humans can seldom answer my questions clearly, nor adequately. Over the years, my guides provided me with the stepping stones for my personal psychic development.

My guides assured me early on that they would never give me more than I could handle. They also made it clear that the truth of anything can always be confirmed by simply asking. I believed them, and each time I had an unusual sense or feeling, I asked for confirmation. I still do.

My first paranormal encounters and psychic experiences were with the animals. Their energy and communication is easier to understand, just like my guides, and they always communicate with unconditional love. This also led to a special bond with nature, and especially the trees. Soon after came the wind, and the water, their sounds so soothing and calm. As a child, I always experienced a deep, tranquil feeling of well-being, serenity and inner peace whenever I was outside in nature. I still do.

My next extra-sensory experiences were of premonitions and forebodings concerning the safety and well-being of others. At such a young age these presentiments were tricky to relay to adults. I would sense that someone was in danger, or shouldn’t go on a trip, or should not engage with a certain person who had dark energy around them. These apprehensions seemed to constantly haunt me. How do you share such warnings with grownups who will not listen, or take your seriously?

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