energy vibration
How to Jump Vibrational Frequency Timelines
First, we must define the three timelines:
First Timeline – Where we want to be, 13 of 100 Lightworkers are consistently in this state, on an ascending path.
Second Timeline – Where most of the population is, erratic in frequency, sometimes in and sometimes out (you could say ‘up and down’), influenced by others around them, worried about what others think. Yet, they are on an ascending path.
Third Timeline – On descending path. They are dealing with some of the following traits; angry, envious, jealous, sorrowful, regretful, greedy, arrogant, pitying themselves, feeling guilty, resentful, inferior – all low level vibrational frequencies. I am sure you can think of many more attributes that apply here. Continue reading
Do You Know Your Life Purpose?
We have all experienced times in our lives when we are unsure about our life path. Do you know what your life purpose is? To be blessed, to recognize your purpose, and to live it actively and consciously is one of life’s truly highest gifts.
My personal definition of my life’s purpose is the exploration of the spiritual and unseen realms in order to perpetuate my own immortal infinite journey.
My goal is to use that knowledge to enlighten others in order to reduce universal chaos and assist in restoration of balance. In short, to be a Source of Light and Illumination for everything in the Universe, to have the honor and pleasure to pass this knowledge on to others that want to receive it. Continue reading
The Power Of Words Revisited
I posted an article a couple of weeks ago titled We Should Choose Our Words More Carefully, about ‘words’ and how powerful they can be. I showed how words are vibration and vibration can not only build but, also destroy.
So, for your amusement and mine, I have compiled a long list of words. To show the hidden meanings in the words we use.
I believe that our names, words and phrases contain hidden clues about each one of us and the things or places around us.
I am going to use anagrams and lexigrams. Lexigrams are words formed by using some of the letters in a word or phrase. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of the word, using all of the letters. For example: Continue reading
Dust In The Wind?
I watched the movie 2012 for the first time… would you guess it… the very day before the first earthquake hit in Japan! I couldn’t believe my eyes, watching on CNN the earth breaking in half just like in the movie. Houses were being washed away and lives taken within a blink of an eye.
For some of us this news came as a shock, but not as a surprise. Many spiritually aware people all over the world had been on edge lately. Just like the animals, we feel it, we have an innate sense that things are a bit ‘off’.
After the news broke, I was feeling the need to do something to help out. I make scarves for children and I figured for every one that I make and sell I could donate half of the profits and send it to a proper cause, that I know will go directly to help in some small way. Every bit does help. Continue reading
Teaching Others How To Treat You
Do you also believe that we teach others how to treat us? It is a motto I have religiously adhered to for most of my adult life. However, I must add that I have made some radical changes to my ‘teaching strategy’ over the years, and this change in my approach has brought me much inner peace and harmony with others. I have learned that we can ‘teach others’ with much less fuss and drama.
In my early adulthood I used to take a firm stand on just about everything and everyone who I felt were out of line. I am someone who often feels compelled to stand up for others, as well as for myself and my beliefs. I also have this annoying habit of constantly wanting to side with the ‘underdog’ in any given situation. Like most empaths, I just cannot come to grips with any form of injustice or underhanded behavior. Circumstances that are unfair, dishonest or cruel really trouble me, and people who are unreasonable, inconsiderate or simply mean have always been one of my ‘pet peeves’. Continue reading
Pure As The New Year Snow
The holidays have come and gone, and we are all back in the saddle again. Life goes on.
I am looking out of my window from the warmth of my living room. I see the snow coming down and blanketing the ground and trees. It is really making everything look so beautiful.
What was once muddy and dirty looking is now blanketed with white snow, making everything look so pure, new and refreshed. We now get to see the landscape with a clean new slate of snow, much like the brand new start to another promising year. Continue reading
Aura Colors Come From The Chakras
I remember going to church as a child and the pastor would be up there preaching. I would see the outline of a red aura around his body, because of the high level of spiritual energy his body was producing.
The meaning of aura colors are numerous and variable. These colors originate from the seven chakras of the human body system.
The first aura color is red. It stems from the root chakra and it symbolizes passion, healing, love and creativity.
The next color of the aura is yellow. This color attributes happiness, creativity and promotes clarity of thought. Next up is green, which symbolizes luck, envy, healing and prosperity.
The color blue is significant, because it indicates inspiration, inner peace and spirituality. It is a very strong spiritual connectivity color. Continue reading