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The Answer To Your Question ‘Why’

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe ask many questions about our lives. Why did he leave me? Why am I not manifesting? Why can’t I find the right job? Why does my mother hate me? Why did another psychic reader give me an answer different from yours?

There are so many shifts in the Universe, and many grey areas. When you look at your questions, many times it is generic and many times, after talking it out, the answer becomes clear.  There are so many sifts and changes in every person’s life. Just because you thought a particular person, job, thing, incident was what you wanted or needed, it is not necessarily what Universe had planned for you.

Take a moment to think about things. With relationships, did you settle? Did you compromise just to hang onto someone and then realized that you weren’t happy, or that person was not changing as you had hoped? Compromise in life is the biggest obstacle in life. It holds so many back from reaching their highest good.

Just because you feel you are ‘soulmates’ does not mean you are meant to be with that person. Just because you know that it is the ‘perfect job’  for you, does not mean you are meant to have it. Just because you believe one psychic reader was right and the other was wrong, does not mean that it is true. Things shift, and life is fluid.

There are many people that hurt inside due to a loss, whether due to a breakup, death, unemployment, or any type of loss that you can imagine. Some say they won’t have anyone or anything else…they only want that specific person or thing. When you do this, you are limiting your life. You are wasting precious time over something that is not meant to be, and was never meant to be your permanent solution.

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Fly Me To The Moon

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDespite modern day skepticism, people have reported seeing apparitions of those who have crossed over since the dawn of time. This paranormal phenomenon is definitely nothing new to my way of thinking, because I see spirit all the time. They tend to come back to let their relatives know they’re okay, and to reassure us that they are watching over us. But sometimes earthbound spirits also appear to ask for my assistance with shamanic soul rescue work.

One of my clients used to live in the busy part of Manhattan, in a very tall building where she could see other peoples balconies. When I was doing a phone psychic reading for her one day, she told me that there was a woman who kept looking over her balcony.

She could never figure out why she always kept looking down. For a while she thought she was trying to see if she had lost something that might’ve fallen from her balcony, or maybe she was looking at somebody. This had gone on for several months.

The unusual situation peaked my interest. One day, when I was consulting again with this client, there was a ‘nagging energy’ that kept coming in on my left. I decided to bring it in… and it was the woman on that balcony. Well, actually it was her spirit coming to me. The woman was no longer in this life. She had committed suicide and her spirit was still lingering on the balcony of that apartment building. Her spirit needed to be released.

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The War Veteran’s Belongings

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is sad when someone dies and there is no one around to pick up the pieces; no one there to take care of one’s belongings.

There was an old man who lived in the same building as one of my clients. After the he had passed away, all of his belongings ended up scattered all over the communal storage area in the basement. The boxes had been ripped open and kicked around, and people just picked though his things and looted whatever they wanted, leaving the rest in a chaotic mess.

My client felt bad about this, because when she came upon this pilfered disarray, she noticed some items among his belongings  indicating that he was a Vietnam war veteran, including a baseball cap with many pins on it, which he obviously had worked hard for. There were also many cards that people had sent him, thanking him for the gifts he brought back from Hawaii.

He had clearly been a good person, but those that lived in this building with him regarded him as a busy body who was always meddling in other people’s business. Only after he was no longer there did people begin to realize how many things he got accomplished and how many things he had actually taken care of on everyone’s behalf.

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Apologies From The Other Side

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDeparted loved ones have come through to me many times over the years with a message of apology for how they treated me, or one of my clients. There is typically a common thread in these spirit messages: they didn’t know better at the time, but they do now, and they now see things differently. With the apology usually also comes great regret and remorse, acknowledging the pain they caused us.

For anyone who has been on the receiving end of abuse, I have come to believe that there is also a lesson in this. For me, the lesson has been learning to love myself. I was a people-pleaser for most of my life, and to some extent this is probably still the case, but there is a lesson in this too, in learning about self-love and learning to put my own needs first. My experience has been instrumental in enabling me to identify with others, and, in turn, I have become more able to help others the best I can.

I love the teachings of the spirit guide Emmanuel, as channeled by the late Pat Rhodegast. Emmanuel says, “If we were not meant to have done something, we would not have, but that it was all appropriate at the time.” I seem to recall his teachings stating that this does not mean that we should condone the harsh treatment of others.

As adults, we have more choices, but when family and loved ones treat us harshly, we often hope that things would get better, or that perhaps they were just having a bad day. I personally would do just about anything to please them, desperate to get their approval. Others often commented on and in hindsight they were right, but I would continue to hope.

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Shamanic Shape Shifting Of Departed Loved Ones

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrows do not symbolize doom and gloom as portrayed in some myths and movies. They are a symbol of magic, intelligence, keen communication, and much more. They can see far into the spirit realm and bring messages for those who are open to receiving them. So, if a crow appears to you, use your intuition to truly receive the messages it brings.

Crows often carry the energy of a loved one that has passed, and honor you with the loved one’s presence and sometimes also gifts. It’s called transference. It is a sacred shift of energy. If you have a crow making herself known immediately after a beloved’s passing, rest assured it is, in fact, the presence of your lost love. Respect this transformation with gratitude.

Generally, transference occurs between physical vessels that are similar, making the transference easier for the passed loved one to make the shift. There are exceptions, however, and crow is one of the most common physical vessels used – in great part due to their innate intelligence and ability to soar between dimensions.

It’s all about love in the final analysis. Your loved one left you because there were no other options, due to circumstances of life. Although, too often, they hang on, even while suffering, waiting for a vessel to transfer into. In fact, some won’t leave, regardless, until they have the vessel they need, whether it meets their preferred specifications, or not. They prefer to see or meet the new vessel before they pass, so they know how to best make the shift.

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Connecting With Deceased Loved Ones

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen a loved one dies, it is never easy. It is always traumatic to lose someone who we have lived with, taken care of, loved and nurtured – be it a partner, spouse, parent, sibling, relative or friend. The feeling of them suddenly no longer being here can be devastating. Even their little quirks, which sometimes annoyed you when they were alive, is forever missed. We suddenly miss everything about them!

Thankfully, the spirit of those we love remain very much alive after their passing. Despite the ‘vehicle they drove around in,’ namely their physical body, may no longer be around, their spirit is still around. They can hear and see us, and they can feel our emotions.

I can tell you that when we call our loved one’s name, they are with us. When we pray for them, they appreciate it. Greatly. The two best things you can do is pray for your loved ones and say their name out loud. Continue to talk to them. And when you  talk to them, they respond through sending you thoughts and signs. They also come to us in the dream state when we are sleeping. Write them a letter and put it under your pillow, and try to remember your astral travels the next day.

Your loved ones are never far from you. Love is the energy that keeps us connected with our loved ones. Sometimes they will give you a little visit. Remember to ask and you shall receive. Knock and that door will open.

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Pet Loss And Grief From A Psychic Perspective

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLosing a pet can be one of the most devastating things we go through. Many people are caught off guard emotionally when their animals transition. And too often the people around us do not understand the strong bond that can be formed between a human and their animal. They might say insensitive things like, “It’s only an animal. Just get another one.” These attitudes are not useful or helpful when grieving any kind of a loss.

The connection with an animal companion can be very deep and profound. They have no pretense. We do not need to wonder what kind of a mood our pet companions are in, and how it will influence our connection to them. Our animal companions join us on this planet to teach us about pure and unconditional love.  So, they always emanate this energy to us.

Rarely do our fellow humans express this level of unconditional love. Our animal friends are nearly always available to us when we need them. This is certainly not true of our fellow humans.

When we lose an animal companion, it is important for us to recognize the depth of their connection to us and understand that the pain of grief is real. I can remember my teacher asking, when we approached this topic of grief and loss, “Do you give yourself permission to go through the grief?”

It is also important to support ourselves in whatever way is necessary, when it comes to the loss of a beloved pet. Whether this means joining a support group, going to a therapist that specializes in grief and bereavement, and honoring wherever we are at in the process. There is a plethora of resources online related to pet loss and grief support.

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