Asking The Angels For Everyday Guidance
Since a very profound experience of angelic visitation at the age of nine, I have regularly called upon the angels for guidance and protection in my daily life.
I do this for a reason. I have learned over the years that it is necessary to take the initiative to ask for and invoke their help, because they will never interfere with our free will in how we choose to steer our personal path in life, unless they have to intercede in life-threatening situations.
Angels respect our autonomy and only intervene in our daily lives when called upon or in times of great need, when their intervention is in alignment with our soul’s higher purpose.
Angels most often come to us in our dream state, but sometimes also in visions and apparitions, to offer support, protection, and guidance. In recent months, however, I have found myself practicing an additional means of interacting with the angels.
As a young girl, I did not tell anyone about my angel experience for several years. The first time I mentioned my angel vision was on a walk with my father when I was a teenager. I felt more comfortable sharing my experience with him after he told me about an event that had changed him in an instant from a skeptical atheist to a spiritual believer (read more in a previous blog)
My father’s response was simply, “Why didn’t you talk about this before?”
He was very receptive when I opened up about what had happened that night when the ceiling in my bedroom seemed to dissolve… and there they were, a group of beautiful angels telepathically telling me, “We will always be with you.”
I guess I have never really doubted that we are all born to our guardian angel ~ Robert Brault
This moment of sharing with my father deepened my own understanding of how divine encounters are often deeply personal. For years I had kept my angelic vision close to my heart, unsure of how others would react. But his openness and acceptance made me realize that many people have profound spiritual experiences that they hesitate to share for fear of skepticism and ridicule.
The more I talked about my encounters over time, the more I found that others were having their own encounters with angels, though often in unique and deeply personal ways.
Popular interest in the angels seems to be growing, as more and more people are talking or writing about their interactions with the angelic realm. For many people, these interactions take the form of a comforting or empowering presence, claircognizant inspirtation, or even telepathic communication. It is typically expereinced as a deep sense of peace, an inexplicable knowing, or even an answer to a pressing question that seems to come out of nowhere. For some, however, angelic visitation can also be clairaudient (audible) or clairvoyant (visual) in nature.
Throughout history, numerous cultures and traditions have revered angelic beings, perceiving them as messengers of divine will. In the Christian tradition, archangels such as Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael have specific roles-protection, revelation, and healing, respectively. In Islamic teachings, angels are seen as powerful beings who carry out divine commands. Similarly, in many esoteric and mystical traditions, angelic guides are seen as luminous beings of higher consciousness who assist those on the spiritual path.
Our willingness to work with or be guided by the angels is important. Although they can often appear either in dreams or in the waking state during times of crisis, the presence of angels is generally more demure and discreet.
There are angels that remain with us throughout our lives as guardians and guides, and some that appear to us at different times for a specific reason. There are ways in which we can increase our awareness of their presence, and such awareness can be extremely empowering. Below is a formula that I have been using to accelerate this very connection with your angelic helpers.
The function of the wing is to take what is heavy and raise it up in the region above ~ Plato
Visualized Meditation To Connect With The Angels
Sacred space: Find a quiet place, dim the lights to a soft setting, and get comfortable in a reclining position. Creating a sacred space enhances your ability to better attune to angelic energies. You may wish to light a candle (with safety in mind), burn incense, or play soothing music to bring your surroundings into a more serene and receptive state.
Breathwork and relaxation: Slow your breathing and allow yourself to become completely relaxed. Mentally scan your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Imagine every joint and muscle being soaked in a soothing balm and your body being enveloped and energized by a vibrant glow of pure energy. As you release tension, set the intention in your heart to be open to divine connection.
Set intention: Declare your intention and give yourself permission to engage with the angelic realm and be empowered through gentle interaction with the angels. Trust that you are safe, loved and supported.
Visualization: In your mind’s eye, transport yourself to your “happy place” – your perfect environment. This can be in nature, where you feel serene in your surroundings, or in a sacred temple of light, where you feel divine presence. It could even be another planet or a secret hiding place from your childhood.
Invite the angels: Next, visualize radiant angels surrounding you and the feeling of being “at home” and inspired by their luminous presence. Allow yourself to be immersed in the peace and wisdom they emanate. Feel energized as you accept the healing and gifts of love they bring you. This peace that passes all understanding floods your being. Peace and well-being are restored on all levels. As you breathe deeply, absorb this divine energy, knowing that you are always surrounded by love and light.
Communicate with the angels: Mentally (telepathically) ask for guidance, protection, or clarity on an issue in your life. Pay attention to any feelings, images or thoughts that arise – sometimes angelic guidance comes in subtle whispers of intuition rather than direct words.
Affirmations: Repeat some affirmations of your choice. Mine are: “The highest levels of power are always available to me. Health, wealth and prosperity are mine. I am protected and safe and always surrounded by the powerful presence of angels.
Close the session: End the meditation with a simple “Thank You!” Gratitude is a powerful energy that strengthens our connection to the angelic realms.
To dream of an Angel is very good, denoting prosperity, joy, and the fulfilment of every wish. Should the angel turn away, it is a warning to reform ~ Madame Xanto
Aftercare Practices To Deepen Your Angel Connection
In addition to the visualized meditation, there are additional simple, but equally profound ways to cultivate an ongoing connection with the angels. Some of these include:
Daily invocation: Speak directly to the angels every day to strengthen your connection with them. Consciously and intentionally invite their presence into your life, whether through prayer, affirmations or positive thoughts. Unlike passive belief, invocation is an active request for divine interaction, strengthening your connection with the angelic realm. It acknowledges their presence and continually aligns your energy with their guidance and support.
Journaling: Writing down dreams, visions, or synchronicities can help you track and understand angelic messages over time.
Divination: Using divination tools, such as angel cards or a pendulum, can provide additional daily insight and encouragement from the angels.
Acts of kindness and service: Aligning with higher vibrations through love and compassion naturally attracts angelic help. When we give selflessly, we create a powerful flow of positive energy that resonates with divine beings and attracts their guidance and blessings.
Be attuned to signs and synchronicities: Feathers, repeating numbers, sudden waves of peace or inspiration, and even a glowing light in peripheral vision can all be indicators of angelic presence.
By consciously inviting angelic guidance into your life, you open the door to wondrous shifts in perception, healing, and divine support. Angels walk beside us, not only in times of need, but in everyday moments, always ready to light our way with love, wisdom, and grace.
Whether you have experienced angelic encounters firsthand or are seeking to cultivate a deeper relationship with these divine beings, know that the angelic realm is always accessible to those who open their hearts to it. Their presence is a reminder that we are never truly alone-we are forever held in the embrace of celestial love and light.
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