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Telephone Call From The Other Side

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was 16 I was really into going to church, trying to find myself and meeting girls! Why not? I was young and still trying to figure out life.

One day in church, while the congregation was singing a hymn, I kept smelling cigar smoke for some reason. It was as if someone was blowing it directly into my face, and it kept getting stronger and stronger.

I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I hoped that it would help me to get rid of the smoke. Shortly after the smell disappeared. I decided to keep this experience to myself and not tell anyone.

After the long ride home, I remember getting out the car and finding my father in the kitchen. He asked me how church was, and whether I met any girls (he would always giggle when asked me that). Suddenly the smoke smell was back, and it was even stronger than the first time. The phone rang. It was my grandfather, but we got disconnected.

Dad asked me who was on the phone, and I told him what happened. A few minute later the phone rings again. This time it was my uncle. My dad was visibly shocked while speaking to him.

My dad then asked me a very odd question. “Are you sure you just spoke to your grandfather on the phone?”

Dad asked me who was on the phone, and I told him what happened. A few minute later the phone rings again. This time it was my uncle. My dad was visibly shocked while speaking to him.

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Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.

So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.

The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.

It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.

Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.

For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.

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We Will Become Whole And New Again

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCleaning out the home of a loved one who has passed is certainly not a task anyone looks forward to. In truth, it is the last thing one would ever want to do. About a year ago, I found myself doing just that for a departed family member.

I oversaw the kitchen and was told that if there was anything that I could use in my own home, to go ahead and put it in a box and take it with me. I did happen to come across a couple of items, including a set of two large, oval-shaped dishes.

Recently, I’m in the kitchen one evening, taking out food from the microwave oven and placing it on this dish. I have done it many times before without any problem, but on this occasion the dish decided to crack. Not only did it crack significantly, but it also made a loud, sharp cracking noise!

Later, as we sat down for dinner, I gave a family member the other matching plate as a base for some food from the microwave, and the same thing happened. It was the same crack, and the same noise, and it seemed rather odd.

I was fairly upset and even made mention that it was a shame, as I always thought fondly of the departed loved one whenever I used these plates in the kitchen.

That night I had a strange, lucid dream about what happened. In my dream we were still eating from the cracked plates, when suddenly, right before our eyes, we witnessed the crack in both plates sealing up in a miraculous way. We could not believe it. The plates looked like the crack had never happened and I remember feeling very relieved, happy and at peace.

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Paranormal Activity, Or Energy Residue?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients sometimes ask me to do an energy clearing in their homes or businesses. In have even been asked to do a cleansing in stables, where the horses had been inexplicably out of sorts and acting out of character. The energy clearing methods I use vary from the more typical Western techniques to traditional African methods that I learned while living there.

One of the most memorable clearings I ever did was for a long-standing client who struggled with a deep sense of guilt over the suicide of her late husband. She had asked me to do an energy clearing ritual in her home, to see what I could pick up.

Her husband had ended his life sitting in a large, plush wingback chair in their home, where they were bringing up their two young children. Apparently, they had argued a lot in the weeks leading up to his death, particularly after he’d discovered her affair with another man.

Guilt overwhelmed her, and her late husband’s family made their judgment of her very clear. They felt his passing was her fault.

In a mediumship reading I did for her, her late husband had come through with messages that proved he had crossed over to the Other Side, that he was at peace, and that she was never to blame for him choosing to depart from this life. Instead, he spoke of his own life-long battle with depression, and his personal failures in their broken marriage.

The mediumship validations were however not enough to ease my client’s haunting feelings of guilt. She was convinced that her husband’s troubled spirit was haunting their home, and she insisted on me doing an energy cleansing. She was, however, not keen on some of the more typical Western clearing methods, nor the shamanic African approaches I offered, so I suggested we simply use some sage incense and prayer, and she was satisfied for me to do so.

She also consented to me having free access to every nook and cranny of the house, because it is often surprising where energy disturbances can reside. She believed there was a heavy, dark cloud of negative energy around that wingback chair, but to my surprise, there was nothing! In fact, the whole room was clear of any negative vibrations. Continue reading

Curiosity Killed The Cat

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comActress Lynn Kellogg recently passed at the age of 77, due to complications of COVID-19. She passed on November 12th, 2020, under the same moon phase that she was born under, namely a Waning Cresent Moon.

I have very fond childhood memories of Ms Kellogg. I loved to watch her every single Saturday morning on the educational television show, Animals, Animals, Animals. In the series, she sang various songs about the animals, as well as the opening theme song. Kellogg is however most famous for her role as Sheila in the original Broadway production of Hair in 1968.

I was not aware of her passing, until only a few days ago, when I had a surprising spirit visitation from her. At first, I was not sure exactly who she was, but she used my most vivid memories of the kids’ television show to remind me. She then said she had messages for those she loved, and those who loved her.

The first thing that she said to me was to tell everyone I knew that “curiosity killed the cat.” She actually gave this message to me using an old Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) kids’ jingle that is deeply ingrained in my childhood memory. The PBS commercial featured a cat, a trash can, a kite and a lightning bolt, and the voiceover at the end said, “Curiosity, It’s Electrifying!” I often used to say it out loud when I was little girl.

I asked her the meaning of this unusual message. “Do not be so curious and restless in these times,” she showed me. “Do not go out unnecessarily in these difficult days. It is not worth endangering your life.” This made little sense to me at that moment, until I later found out that it was reported in the news that her husband says she contracted the novel coronavirus while attending a social gathering, at which most attendants did not wear masks.

Later that evening, I was supposed to go out with friends who invited me for card games, dinner and movie night, but because of Lynn Kellogg’s message, I decided not to go. I later heard that several of the guests tested positive for Covid-19 after that get-together. It was a bittersweet mediumship experience, but I was spared thanks to Ms Kellogg’s message.

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The Dreamy Neptunian Waters Of Sean Connery

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis year, on All Hallow’s Eve, I received news that truly rattled me. Halloween is normally a magical time for me, but I was left shaken with sadness this year, because one of my most beloved heroes, Sean Connery, had passed.

I think of Connery as Indiana Jones’s ingenious, funny dad, or as Daniel Dravot in The Man Who Would Be King, as well as the handsome love interest Mark Rutland in Hitchcock’s Marnie. But most of all, he is the true James Bond 007 original, of course, to which all subsequent iterations pale in comparison (although Daniel Craig does come a close second in my opinion).

Taking a peek at this iconic movie heartthrob’s astrological chart, one discovers some interesting nuggets as you dive deeper into his mysterious Neptunian waters!

His humble beginnings on “the street of a thousand smells,” as Connery once described it, was anything but easy. This is evident in his natal chart, with the serious nature of Capricorn, with its retrograde ruler, Mercury, sitting on his Ascendant.

However, this is also why he managed to make something of himself, often by using purely his wits, versatility and ingenuity, because Mercury is a capable planet placement that ruled his house of hard work! True to his Virgo nature, he worked diligently on his physique to become a notable bodybuilder, for example, which laid the foundation for his future stardom. The Moon in his 9th House further gave him the imaginative mind and empathetic understanding he needed to become so successful internationally.

An 8th House Virgo Stellium (a cluster of three or more planets in a single sign or house), made this meticulous, down-to-earth Virgo very much the perfectionist, and contributed greatly to the legend he ultimately became.

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The Haunted House From My Childhood

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery year, around this time, I go to the same cemetery to visit the final resting place of my childhood friend. It is located in one of the neighborhoods we would often frequent on our bicycles. It is also where we went trick-or-treating for Halloween. My return visit this year was not only nostalgic as always, but it once again reminded me how important it is to trust your gut when it comes to paranormal phenomena. We live in a cynical, digital age, where adults too easily attribute encounters with the paranormal to the overactive imagination of children, or simply disregard it as ‘old wives’ tales.’

Throughout our childhood years, into our early teens, my friend and I would often stop to admire an abandoned old home in that neighborhood. At the time we firmly believed to be haunted! Well, amazingly, that old house is still there after all these years. It has never been demolished, despite the rumors of what went on there. There used to be talk of a vicious, gruesome murder that took place there. A well-known antique dealer in the community used to live there, and it is said that he received a surprise visit one night from two men with baseball bats, who forcefully entered his home and killed him.

Sometimes, early in the evening, on our way back home on our bikes, we would see mysterious lights flicker inside the empty old house. We always wondered who possibly could be there? There were no curtains, nor furniture inside. At least this is what we were told, when we were cautioned not to go anywhere near the place. There were also never any cars parked outside. The neighbors would take turns to mow the lawn, to keep their street looking neat.

On my recent visit, as I was getting ready to leave the cemetery, I had the idea to drive down that street, to see the old haunted house again. Feeling nostalgic, I slowly turned the corner on the dead-end street and spotted the house right away. There was what looked like a chair, out on the front lawn, and a thick layer of fallen leaves on the grass. As I drove by, I noticed a faint light in one of the windows.

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