How To Connect With Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael can bring love, light and protection into your life. One of his many roles is to help release worry and fear so that you can fully embrace all of the light and love that the angelic realm has to offer you!
Fortunately, Archangel Michael is very easy for us to communicate with, as it is his job to aid humanity directly. He also connect with us via the energy of the Sun and he is one of the Archangels that is positioned closest to our physical reality. Michael is also the overseer of clairaudience, as well as the governor of all the guardian angels.
Should you be seeking a more exciting life, full of passion and fun, then you certainly need to call upon Archangel Michael. By connecting with him you will become the beneficiary of his loving support and guidance throughout your earthly experience!
Archangel Uriel Can Help You Find Inner Peace
The incredible Archangel Uriel is often referred to as ‘The Light of God,’ or ‘The Fire of God.’ As these names suggest, his purpose is to help light our way in life. Indeed, his knowledge is vast in that he knows all there needs to be known, making him an amazing guide and teacher, who has much love and wisdom to pass on to us.
Therefore, if you are looking for a better way in life, why not call upon Archangel Uriel to be your guide and mentor, as he will gladly oblige by offering you his guidance and wisdom, and help lead you to make the right decisions with confidence.
The colors of this magnificent being are purple, gold and red and those who have come into contact with him often refer to his energy as being almost like the Sun itself – powerful, warm, vibrant and welcoming. Indeed, many people like to work with this master of alchemists, while engaging in spiritual work, for the understanding and wisdom that he brings.
How To Manifest Your Twin Flame
I began working with the Law of Attraction back in the early 1980s during the terrible recession Britain was experiencing at the time. I soon came to learn that no matter how unfortunate a person’s circumstances, with the right mindset we can change it for the better – including our love lives!
After securing myself a job, against all the odds I faced at the time, I then decided to turn my attention to the wonderful subject of love and seek out my twin flame. We have now been married for nearly 30 years.
Before looking at how you could attract your own twin flame, it is essential to know exactly what is meant by this. Simply put, it is just another term for your soulmate. Your twin flame represents the mirror reflection of ourselves. Happily, a person’s twin flame meets with them in each lifetime. Meeting them often feels like you have known them for years!
How To Avoid The Sunday Blues
I am sure you can easily picture the following scene. Your weekend has been somewhat action-packed. You have had your night out with friends, been for a meal with the family, and perhaps had a couple of hours at the gym on Saturday morning. The weekend was awesome, until Sunday evening arrives. Then your mind turns to what the week ahead could have in store for you…and your mood suddenly change for the worse.
If you suffer from what is known as the ‘Sunday blues,’ then it is essential you look at what you can do, from a practical point of view, to make the first day of the week far better than you may currently be experiencing it.
It is imperative you begin by looking at the actual reasons you dread your Sunday evening, and having done so, focus on what you can do about it. Get ready to take some action! Continue reading
Turbocharge Your Manifesting Ability
Feel like your life is well overdue for an upgrade? You are not alone! There was probably a time when that job promotion, new home, new relationship, or whatever else had you motivated and excited, turbocharged your manifestation abilities. And things happened for you.
Sadly, however, dreams can fade and novelties wear off, thus resulting in us having limited expectations, and therefore less cosmic pulling power! The good news, however, is that there is a lot we can do about it. Spirit teaches that we need to pay regular attention to our dreams to help them manifest.
Furthermore, we are where we find ourselves today due to decisions we have made in the past, which may or may not have appeared significant when making them. For example, we make habitual decisions about the drink and food we consume, the invitations we accept and extend, the exercises we do (or don’t do) and the friends and relationships we have, or otherwise. These choices, which may have seemed somewhat insignificant at the time, have since resulted in us living with certain challenges, jobs and careers, friendships and relationships. These are all manifestations which we would not have had otherwise, for better or worse. In essence, every decision we make leaves an imprint in our life history, so we have to be incredibly clear as to what we want to arrive at a positive destination. Consider the following steps to help you manifest an even happier life.
The Importance Of Remaining Focused
From the very start of working in the psychic field, my spirit guides taught me that if we are positive, proactive and focused, the Universe will deliver! As true as I have found this to be, it can, I have to admit, be somewhat easier said than done.
We are now well into 2018 and how many of us, including myself, have stuck to those New Year’s resolutions – whatever they may have been? Did the kids catch a cold and need additional care as a result, or maybe the car broke down or the demands of work get in the way of things? Yes, life certainly happens, and when it does, it is so easy to become unfocused.
However, if what we focus on is what we get, how do we remain focused when the demands of life get in the way of things? Consider the following: Continue reading