Become More Aware Of Your Dreams
One thing that almost every one of us has in common is our dreams. Even if we don’t remember them the next morning, we dream each and every night.
But what do they all mean? Dreams are a way for the subconscious or psychic part of ourselves to work out our problems.
Many of our dreams feature larger-than-life or fantastical images that couldn’t possibly exist in the real world. That’s because they are symbols. Many have written on the subject of symbolism, from the ancient Egyptians to modern psychologist Carl Jung. Just as no two people are alike, nor are their dreams.
You may often ask yourself how to interpret your confusing or murky dreamscape. The first and best way is to keep a dream journal. It’s preferable to have it by your bedside, so you can write it down once you wake up. As you start doing this, you will notice patterns emerging. If you meditate during your waking hours, these recurring images will no doubt appear there as well.
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Take Note, You Receive Signs Every Day!
We get signs all the times from our spirit guides and angels, but we more often than not do not recognize them. We do not realize that some of the miracles that happen in our lives today, were revealed to us a long time ago. A good way to see these patterns of manifestation in our lives is to keep journal.
I often suggest to my clients that they write stuff down, even if it was from a dream they felt had no significance at the time. If the dream seems very strong it is best to write it down, because there is always reason why you had that dream. The same applies to personal intuitions and information you receive during readings that does not make sense at the time. Continue reading
A Mother’s Love
I still cry when I hear that beautiful song Mamma by Claudio Villa. Growing up on a small island in Central Italy, I remember my mother’s daily prayers and all her sacrifices. Those examples have always followed me. They are still my daily support and strength.
I cried today in church as well, while singing the Ave Maria. My lovely mother Margherita passed on July 8, 1991 and although she is not with me physically, she is here in my heart, supporting and guiding me from above. She has been my spiritual guide since 1998, when my first girl was born and I named her Margherita too. I always loved my mother’s name, which in Italian is the name of a flower known as “Daisy” in English.
It was during that very difficult pregnancy that my mom came to me for the first time. She spoke to me and I knew her when she walked into my room. I smelled her perfume. She loved the Vele Al Vento fragrance and I that way I knew she was there for me. Continue reading
The Veil Is Lifting, Don’t Miss It!
We are living in a very different energy frequency today, compared to a decade ago. The shift is constantly rising. Some feel it more than others.
There are things you can do to raise your vibration to match the global awakening, just as there are things you can do to lower your vibration. Unconditional love, and keeping your heart and mind open, raises and connects you to others who are on the same path as yourself.
You can connect with other light beings and enlightened souls by being positive, as well as through meditation, prayer and listening to uplifting music. Some of my favorite music is classical and Indian mediation music. I find it heightens my frequency a lot. Continue reading
Have A Good Night! – Part 3
If you have by now used a few of my suggestions to help you get a good night’s rest and have finally gotten your ‘sleeping ducks’ in order, you may now want to learn how you can start getting the most out of your dream weaving time.
We all dream when we get quality sleep. There are many stages of sleep which I will not go into here, but I will tell you that the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep stage is most significant when it comes to dreaming. This is the mysterious time every night when we dream by leaving the body to astral travel and connect with the spiritual realm.
Many people claim they do not dream. This is not true, because everyone dreams. I have shared in many past blogs several tools you can use to help reel in those dreams and record them. Whether it be a precognitive dream, lucid dream or prolific dream, they can really help you in many ways in designing the life you want! Even more so if you record them. Continue reading
Ten Signs Of A Past Life
If someone has an old soul, can their past lives affect their current life or future happiness? Does unfinished business from the past affect us in our current and future relationships and life choices?
In my experience it does, and the key to identifying these influences from past lives can often be found in certain traits and symptoms. These signs always have a significance. It is like unlocking a lock on a box by finding the right key. Once you have the right key you can unlock your past and reflect on the future.
Researching this subject I have identified ten common signs of reincarnation and past lives: Continue reading
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