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Hugged By An Angel

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMostly we can’t see angels with the human eye, but that doesn’t mean they are not around us. They are constantly here, protecting us. God sends us these loving messengers to guide, console and protect us.

Back in the 70s, when I was a little boy, I had a dream of my sister drawing pictures of angels. I saw it all in vivid detail – from the color of their hair and eyes to their height and gender. Even the details of the large wings were clear as day.

I had forgotten about this dream over the years, until I had it again recently. When I next spoke to my sister, I asked her if she could remember me telling her about the dream all those years ago. Amazingly, she not only remembered, but she also confessed to having had the same dream recently!

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you ~ Eileen Elias Freeman

The only difference between our dreams was that in hers she has been told that she needed to start painting pictures of angels. My sister is an amateur artist who creates mostly abstract paintings.

She asked me what it might mean, and I told her there had to be a reason for our synchronistic dreams, and why she needs to draw these pictures. I feel she is meant to be a messenger is some way through her work. She has been experiencing profound healing herself, after suffering much in her life, since the angels have made their presence known in her life. Maybe she is now meant to pay it forward?

In some of my readings I have seen the back of an angel hugging a client of mine. I have also prayed for an angel hug to be sent to some of my clients in a time of need. When I do see the clients getting hugged, I know that the angel is there to help them. So, if you feel like you have seen or sensed the presence of an angel, know that everything is going to be just fine.

About The Author: Raymond

Growing up on the streets of Columbus Ohio, Raymond learned at a very young age that he was gifted in many ways, including the ability to read someone's eyes and using a regular deck of playing cards to read the future! His mother was from a Native American family, namely the Black Foot tribe, and his father was German. Raymond discovered that both sides of his family had a psychic legacy. Over the years he has gained additional knowledge from books and by talking to trusted family members. Raymond has been doing psychic reading for others for over 3 decades, and over the years he gained many loyal clients from all walks of life. Visit Raymond for a reading at

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