The Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, or Anahata is located in the heart center. It is symbolized by a circular flower and 12 green petals called heart-mind. The animal totems of the fourth chakra are the antelope, dove and nightingale. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “F”. This is considered the heart chakra and love chakra.
The color is green. It rules the shoulders, heart, blood circulation, upper back and lungs. Foods to stimulate the fourth chakra include Lettuce, kale, zucchini, spinach and all green vegetables. The corresponding gland is the Thymus. Physically, Anahata governs the immune system, all blood related issues and circulation. Mentally it governs connection with others’ personal power, while emotionally it governs empathy, compassion, romance, friendship and family love, and spiritually it directs unconditional love. Continue reading
Have A Good Night! – Part 2
Sleep is essential for a quality life filled with happiness, spiritual growth and well-being.
In the first article in this series I shared how a client inspired me to write this blog about the need for healing sleep.
Here are some of the things I shared with her that can also help you with getting better, more healing sleep.
The following are some tried and true remedies that can help you get some really good sleep, but please do consult your physician before trying any of these:
1. Magnesium, helps relax the muscles in the body and alleviates headaches.
2. Lavender is a very relaxing essential oil that helps me to fall asleep every night. It’s one of my favorite oils. It calms the mind and is a lot like a chemical free sedative. Personally, I love Lavender! Continue reading
A Ghostly Encounter On Vacant Land
One of the unusual paranormal experiences I have had with haunted homes began in August of the year 1999. My sister and brother-in-law at this time bought some land to build a new house. And since the land was still not dug into, the property offered a great opportunity to show my son what it was like to camp in the “great outdoors” with no electricity, and living “off the woods”. It was a fun way to give him a taste of how life was back in them good ‘ol days.
I expected it was going to be hard on him to be without a TV or computer games. But I had some ideas about how to entertain him. There was a small stream off the land, and there was plenty of fish to be caught. And then there was also the telling of ghost stories at night around the campfire, like my uncle told us kids when we went camping. Continue reading
Winter May Come, But Spring Will Always Follow
The delicate African Violets on my window sill are beautiful this season. The window is the best place for them, as each one soaks up the sunlight from the East. The Sun smiles on them this morning.
The key thing with violets that many people don’t realize is that we hurt them the most by over-watering. Water is a good thing for plants, right? Violets, however, are native to the tropics where heat, sun, and a dry atmosphere is more prevalent.
The unique needs of these violets teaches us how to follow our own path. This is the true beauty of nature. See, each of us is different. When we look around us, we can’t follow someone else’s path, or be jealous, or worried that the path they are following is different from our own. Continue reading
For The Love Of William
Some time ago a friend asked me to come to her parents’ house, because they felt their home in Kirkersville, Ohio, may be haunted. The property and area has a rich history going back to the early settlers, and it even served as a battlefield during the Civil War. I have been to this house before to investigate a possible haunting, but this time around there was a different type of energy present. She was female, and she was in distress.
Every time I do a ghost hunt in a house, I talk to the occupants first to see what was possibly going on and how long they have been experiencing the disturbances. It appeared in this case that the trouble started when they broke ground for a new house they were planning to build. Continue reading
Have A Good Night! – Part 1
When I do readings I usually look at the aura of my client. I can tell right away if they are getting the proper amount of sleep, because I can see if they have enough energy, or not. I believe that adequate sleep is not only vital for our physical and psychological health, but it is fundamental to our psychic awareness and our spiritual well-being and development.
Lack of energy is sometimes due to poor diet or people around them draining them, also known as energy vampires. But it is more often a case of people getting less than their fair share of sleep every night. This can have a negative domino effect on a person’s energy levels, and in turn create some health issues. Continue reading
Be Kind To Yourself And Others
The nightmare continues every day. The very thing we fear the most has come to look us right in the face, staring in our eyes. We are at a turning point. We can give up, turn run for the hills, to hide, but still there is the demon of fear lingering around the deep recesses of our mind.
This little imp taps us on the shoulder, reminding us of all the stupid things we did, all the hurtful things, how we messed up, time after time. Surely this little devil of fear tells us we can see how we don’t deserve to reach our dreams, or accomplish our goals. We messed up time again, no one agrees with us, we are reminded that “they” are so much smarter, did things exactly right every time.
Stand back! Truly look at everything from all sides. Become like an eagle, or an owl, or a hawk, with eyes that see far beyond the surface where the heart lies. Continue reading
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