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Facing Your Fears – A Message From My Guides

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s okay to feel afraid. You have an excellent built-in system for self-protection. There are many legitimate fears such as raging house fires or menacing wild animals, and your body is designed to trigger fight-or-flight responses to help you in times of great peril.

However, these are not the fears that we are referencing here. We are speaking of the ingrained fears that manifest because you have allowed yourself to become trapped by a common belief system, or perhaps someone else’s past experience.

Our lesson for you today is to nurture your ability to step back and evaluate these fears before allowing them to take hold and prevent you from living your most exciting life, becoming your very best self or, worse, crushing your potential. Continue reading

Spring Blessings Of Change

Click photo for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have officially entered Springtime and the winds of change are blowing in. Along with change comes new beginnings, and with new beginnings comes excitement, trepidation, and often times fear. We may be thinking about the many potential opportunities a new beginning brings, but, also may worry about any challenges or obstacles the future may hold.

During the winter months you spent time going within, both physically from the colder weather, and spiritually, to connect with your soul. Without even knowing, you instinctively entered the cave of your inner guru to get quiet so that you could nurture and cultivate something very precious inside of you that is about to be birthed this Spring. Continue reading

Everything Happens For A Reason

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we wander through life we encounter many roadblocks, many stumbling blocks and many disappointments. There are many questions that arise as we walk our path. At times it feels like the entire world is against us.

This is simply an illusion that we create in our humanness.  Spirit does not want you to fail in your life. Spirit does not want you to be unhappy. Spirit does not want you to live a pauper’s life. However, so many people blame God, Spirit, the Universe, or other people for the situations they are in and cannot get past.

It is time to sit down, take a look at all that has happened to you and discover two things about each situation: why did it happen and what was the lesson you learned from it? As you look at the examples of pain, suffering or disappointment in your life, what do you see?

For example, you have been with the love of your life for many years, married, children and one day you wake up and that partner has left you for another person. What could you have done to prevent this? What could you have done differently? Why were you not enough? You were in love, totally and unconditionally, and you thought they felt the same way about you. Why did they do this to you? Continue reading

A Feeling Better Breakthrough

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a spiritual counselor I have found that one of the most effective ways for me to channel for my clients, as well as bring in the good in my own life, is by recognizing and trusting my feelings. The best way to explain this is when we feel good we are really ‘feeling God’ – the creative or Divine spiritual essence of our nature.

Every human being on this planet has a spirit. This is sometimes called the Higher Self or Holy Spirit. It is this spirit that is each human’s ability to create a life filled with joy and ease.  If we are feeling fearful, stressed, or challenged it is often the result of being in some way disconnected to this spiritual self.

In truth, no one can ever really be separated from their spirit, but we can sometimes forget about our spiritual core. When this occurs, it means that we need a breakthrough. We need to remember our spiritual center. The best way we can do this is simply feel better. Continue reading

Signs You Might Be Overstressed

Click Here for a Free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlmost all of us are under stress of some kind, whether it’s from work, family life, financial situations, or countless other sources. But how do when we know when it all gets to be too much?

Sadly, we tend to overlook the very real, physical signs our bodies give us, to let us know that the stress is all too much. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it might be time to take a look at how to reduce stress levels and get your total health on track.

Pain in our bodies is probably the most obvious sign something is wrong, yet it tends to get ignored until it’s almost too late. Aches and pains, stomach issues, muscle tension, and heart palpitations are among the most common. Also, when we’re under stress, our sleep may suffer. Sleep is crucial to a person’s well-being, and if we’re not getting enough sleep (or too much) the entire body suffers as a result. Continue reading

How Tough People Handle Stress

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStress confronts us around every corner. Sometimes it’s all we can do to just to get through each day. How we deal with stress says a lot about us, and there are many proactive, healthy ways to do this.

The Serenity Prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That is a wise prayer! Stress is unavoidable, so don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging that it is there and having tools to fight stress is half the battle. Using multiple tools such as meditations, problem solving strategies, and time management can be much more helpful than only having one ‘go-to’ strategy. Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 2)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comApache Tears

These stones are said to bring good luck to those possessing them. They also block negativity and negative energy. Black obsidian is a powerful meditation stone. Apache tears brings any dysfunctions, sadness, depression and anger to the surface. It brings up anything blocking you and helps you remove those blocks to help create the life you want. It is the stone of the subconscious and it dissolves suppressed negative patterns and purifies them. This stone brings to light that which is hidden from the conscious mind. If you feel you are being used or abused, or someone has power over you, this is a great stone to wear when around that person. It will help block their negative hold on you, and empower you. Continue reading

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