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The Ancient Art Of Possum Bone Casting

Click on picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have spent some time exploring ancient forms of divination. It made me realize one can use just about anything, from bones to rocks, or even animal intestines – anything that may be handy at the time.

A few years back a friend of mine moved from Maine to New Orleans. We are connected on Facebook, so I decided to contact her to see how she liked living in New Orleans, and what she was doing for work. Much to my surprise she said, “I’m doing bone readings in the French Quarter of the city.” Well, that certainly peaked my interest.

I have since began studying the art of bone casting. As with anything, I found lots of ideas and several different opinions on the matter. Using my own intuition, I settled on learning to read possum bones. They are said to be the real deal, but I have never seen a possum in the state of Maine (even though I’m sure possum is here.) Continue reading

Intuition, Psychic Ability And Mediumship

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThroughout time mankind has explored the ability to communicate with the gods, with nature, or with each other on a non-verbal level. It is extremely common for us to use the term intuitive. these days. It is often the explanation given by many an entrepreneur or successful decision-maker: “I just trusted my gut,” or “What I love about Mary is she is just so intuitive and makes the right decisions.”

The term psychic on the other hand, although nowadays often well known within a household, conjures up for so many outside the metaphysical community feelings of distrust, fake, absurd, not possible. Perhaps these attributes are attached because of our personal belief system that does not value or agree with the skill set. This also can impact our personal relationships if we know it is real and others judge us since we may then hide our abilities as being psychic and connected with the unseen realm or worse shut down and not continue developing them. Continue reading

The Path To Heaven

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI wanted to set an intention for my evening meditation. I wanted to connect with my higher consciousness, and maybe even connect with my grandfather. I wanted to ask questions about death and what happens to our souls and consciousness. What do we perceive after we die?

After my meditation I took down some notes on things I wanted to share that I felt was important information. Before going to sleep I also set the intention to visit with my spirit guides to retrieve and receive any other information that could help shed some light on our life after death.

This is what I came up with. Continue reading

Coping With Grief – A Message From My Guides

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA few hours ago, my nieces’ father passed away. He was only 59 years of age and had been battling colon cancer which metastasized to his spine. His fight started several years ago and had run the gamut from surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation to clinical trials at one of the world’s most well-respected cancer hospitals. Toward the end of his time on this plane, he was sent home to live as comfortably as possible for his remaining days.

The following words of comfort are general guidance from Spirit, the gist of which I have passed along to my nieces:

“It is natural to grieve for loved ones when they pass into the Spirit world, even if you know that they will be without pain or discomfort from this time forward. In the case of a parent who has died, there can be an empty feeling of having been left alone to fend for oneself in the world, regardless of the fact that the adult child might have been a caregiver for the parent during a long decline or illness. Continue reading

Soul Rescue Versus Soul Retrieval

Get a free psychic reading at, click here nowSometimes soul rescue and soul retrieval are intertwined as being the same thing. There is a subtle, but key difference in my view.

In the case of soul retrieval we are finding an aspect of self and returning it back. Soul rescue refers to being of service to a spirit or soul that is temporarily lost, or needs guidance to continue its journey in non-ordinary reality, in the realm of Spirit, having left the physical plane.

In the shamanic community there is a technique known as soul retrieval which represents the fragmented self. The fragmented self is a part of us that becomes temporarily ‘disconnected’ from our etheric soul, from the context of associative memories of a time in our life. Continue reading

The Sins Of The Forefathers

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAncestor worship is a wide-spread belief system, in both primitive and sophisticated cultures. Ancestral healing unfortunately gets very little attention these days, even though some of our patterns and energy imbalances may well stem from our genetic pool.

My first exposure to the concept of communicating with our Ancestors occurred many years ago, during initiation into the Southern African culture of divining and healing. During my training to become a Sangoma*, in a remote area in Southern Africa, time was always put aside for offering prayers to, and for consulting with the Ancestors. My mentor taught me how the Ancestor energies affected their still living relatives, and how, in most African cultures, they are seen as being our link to the spirit world. Continue reading

Signs From The Spirit World

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I have passed on endless messages of reassurance to my customers from their loved ones on the other side. The focus in most mediumship readings is typically on reassuring those left behind, on this side of the veil, that their deceased loved ones are actually very much alive and doing well. The dearly departed often let us know that they are unencumbered by any discomfort of a physical or emotional nature they may have experienced prior to their crossing.

Yesterday, I did a reading for a customer who received a profound message from her father. It made me think how I had not really been feeling my own father’s presence recently. That is, not since the final group gathering of my psychic development circle over two years ago, prior to my move to Spain. In that final group session, my dad communicated how I had been talking to his photo that very morning, just a few hours earlier. I blushed as the rest of the group laughed at my embarrassment. Spirit loves laughter, and that was so typical of my dad to come through with funny comments during our psychic circle. Continue reading

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