spiritual awareness
Sexuality Is An Integral Part Of Our Spirituality
I have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. It is based on the Kama Sutra, or the Kama Sutra is based on White Tantric Yoga. I incorporate these teachings in my partner workshops and find it to be a great way to lure men into the class! These teachings are not pornographic or about teaching wild sexual positions. It is actually the opposite. It is in fact designed to remove those things from our lives that disconnect our sexuality from our spirituality, such as porn, perversion, control, violence and infidelity. Continue reading
Creating Your Own Psychic Development Group
More and more spiritual seekers seem to be interested in joining forces with like-minded people these days. Some of my clients have expressed their interest in being part of a psychic development group, but they actually don’t know where to begin looking for such a gathering of souls.
The people I speak to come from all over the world, and so, it’s not that straightforward to recommend institutions or classes known to me. So, my suggestion is often, if you can’t find a suitable group in your area, why not start your own? A good way to start is with a few people and meet on a regular basis. Here you will be able to share your gifts and interests. Continue reading
Tree Insights
If you told me a month ago that I would have a conversation with a tree, I would most likely not have believed it. Not that I am closed off to such experiences, but rather because I have never had any kind of engagement with nature on this level.
This weekend I was hiking with some friends, and there was a moment when I was separated from them. One of my friends went ahead of me, and the other two lagged behind. We were on a train, so I was confident that we would eventually meet up. So, I appreciated this time to myself for reflection and contemplation.
I sat down and began to meditate. As I did so, I turned my attention to a very large tree that must have been there for hundreds of years. I recalled something that I had channeled in the book I was writing. I recently wrote about how everything has a spirit, including animals and plants. I had not really thought much about this in the past. Most of my spiritual insights have been associated with interactions with angels, spirit guides, and individuals who have passed on. This said, I am certainly open to interacting with the spirit’s of animals and plants. Continue reading