The Spiritual Significance Of 11:11
In my previous blog about Guiding Numbers, I explained that many spiritually aware people are frequently seeing certain number sequences; how these numbers could be affecting our lives; and what some of the sequences may mean. These number are typically seen on digital clocks, license plates, receipts, home addresses, text messages, and so forth. They are signs given to us by our spiritual guides, or the Universe. In the previous article I listed the most basic sequences of 000 through 999, but I didn’t elaborate much on 11:11. This number sequence is one of the most important to be aware of, in my opinion. So, if you are seeing 11:11 all the time, the following information definitely applies to you.
The number sequence 11:11 is a digital code that is said to awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. It refers to the spiritual activation of our DNA. Seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life. Noticing and following the synchronicities helps to firmly place and keep us on our spiritual paths.
11:11 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment ~ Abraham Hicks
The double digit of 11 is considered a master number in Numerology. This means the number 11 vibrates at a higher frequency than a single digit number. The number 11 represents psychic vibrations and has equal masculine and feminine properties. The number 11 also represents balance, while in its negative aspect it represents treachery, unseen enemies, addiction, betrayal and the antichrist.
The number 11 also represents spiraling twin strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) moving into higher frequencies. The sequence 11:11 is said to be a pre-encoded trigger to our cellular memory banks. Once this is activated, it can be used to unlock the mysteries of life. It helps us to remember that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience – not physical beings trying to have a spiritual awakening! It is the doorway to remembering who we are and where we came from. And, the way to remembering is by looking within ourselves for answers.
Seeing 11:11 is a sign of experiencing accelerated soul growth. So, this is our guides’ way of telling us to start paying attention to the synchronicities in our lives. Some also believe that seeing 11:11 is a sign that our twin flame will be manifesting themselves in our lives. A twin flame is a unique connection between two souls.
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Thanks so much for sharing this. I’d often make wishes when the clock struck 11:11, but never knew that the number itself had such amazing significance. Now I know what it means!