The Moon’s Phases Of Love
Followers of Astrology accept that the planets affect the cycles in our lives, including our love lives. But did you know the Moon’s phases, which span roughly 29 days, are each a reflection of a different stage in a relationship?
The New Moon is a broader symbol of new beginnings and is the perfect time to begin something brand new. Try inviting a new love interest into your life, if you are unattached, or if you have a partner, try to take it to another level!
When the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase (growing from new), put in some extra work in your love life and build on momentum. It’s also a perfect time for self-reflection and troubleshooting.
At First Quarter it’s time to stop, take a few steps back, and look objectively at your relationship. Do you need to make adjustments? Is this a relationship you really want to pursue?
Choose Your Life Partner Wisely
Many people are looking for that soulmate who will truly be a life-long partner. But because they are so desperate to find that special person, they sometimes align with those that do not necessarily have all the qualities that are important in a healthy, fulfilling relationship. This is unfortunately not how you find your ‘forever.’
In the old days divorce was not even something someone considered once they got married. Neither did couples live together, unless they were married. It was frowned upon when a baby was born out of wedlock. If someone did get pregnant, there was usually a quick wedding, and that was that.
Tarot Cards And Toxic Relationships
If intuition is the foundation for being a psychic, then divination tools are like putting on glasses to see the details. Tarot cards can reveal a person’s real intentions and provide a bigger picture into any situation that requires clarity.
When I use the Tarot for a love or relationship reading, I look for specific cards or combinations that show harmony or growth within the relationship or person. Here is a list of cards that typically catch my eye as major red flags, or signal that the connection between two people may be toxic.
The Magician
This card can be positive when surrounded by complimentary cards, but it can indicate that the person you’re interested may be charming… but manipulative. I often see this show up when someone only wants to do what they want, or when they want to be with multiple people. Continue reading
For A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime?
I’m often asked in relationship psychic readings if a certain person is ‘The One.’ Is this the person whom my client is supposed to be with in this lifetime? This is such a common question and one that usually deserves a more elaborate answer for clarity.
People come in and out of our life for a myriad of reasons. Some of them are only there for a short period of time, while others remain for decades, or the rest of our life.
Have you ever felt like you keep meeting the same person over and over again, but in a different body? For example, a gentleman might call in for a reading about a woman who he’s been dating for a month. He wants to know why all of a sudden she has pulled away or is paying less attention to him, and then he goes on to say that he continues to meet this same kind of woman. They all seem very interested in him for a short time, and then all of a sudden they just disappear. Why does this keep happening to him? This is where the inquiry tends to come up of, “Will I ever meet the right woman?”
Releasing Toxic People In Your Life
Every person has at some point in their life had a person in their life whom they believed had their best interests at heart. Yet, that person blind-sided them by doing or saying something to knock them off kilter. This happens to the best of us.
Often we continue to believe that this person will change, that they are our true friend. But they might just be using us, and we allow it. They might take from us, and we allow it. They might advance themselves because of something we did, and then when the roles or positions are reversed, they will let greed and ego take over and knock us to our knees.
This kind of thing happens in life and in relationships all the time. I do not feel any of us is totally exempt from this – whether we were the one being used, or the one using someone else.
Your Soulmate Buddy Is A Keeper!
This year I have been hearing of more friendships ending like never before. I believe there may be a cosmic influence at play which currently prompts the clearing out of the old to let in the new.
I have witnessed this trends also in a couple of my own friendships, which initially I thought would last a life-time, but they ended quite suddenly. In hindsight those friendships ended in my best interest, and who knows, perhaps in the best interest of the other parties too.
One such friendship was very toxic all the way through, but I now realize that I was probably enabling this friend, both on the phone and in person, by always being available to her. Meanwhile, she had been bad mouthing me and spreading vicious rumors about my personal life and my relationship with my father. This cut me deeply in the end, but I was only too glad that my dad, who was still alive at the time, never got to hear any of this. He would have been devastated that something so evil could be fabricated about me.
When Will I Find My Soulmate?
The questions I get most often in psychic readings is about finding true love and meeting soulmates. Why am I still single? When will I meet the love of my life? Will I be married? To be honest, I asked myself the same kind of question for decades.
When I got divorced at the age of 28, I had no idea that I would be single until the age of 52. Yes, I had several failed relationships during those years, and even when I connected with someone who I was certain was my life partner, things always seemed to fall apart. However, many years later, when I did meet my soulmate, it was incredible! Truth be told, I would go through it all again to end up in the relationship of my dreams, no matter how long it took.